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August 2022 Recruitment Update

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There could be good news on the horizon for employers suffering from the UK skills shortage, as British workers rejoin the labour market at their quickest pace due to the cost of living crisis. This news joins calls from the CIPD for employers to focus on potential and skills rather than qualifications when screening prospective candidates.

This insight joins the latest recruitment news, including:

Employers Should Focus On Skills And Potential, Not Qualifications

The CIPD Employer Views On Skills Policy In The UK provides an analysis of the effectiveness of the skills system and if it meets employer’s current and future needs. The report cites the record level of job vacancies seen across many sectors in the UK during the first half of the year and the difficulties recruiters have in terms of candidate quantity and quality.

The CIPD report states that ‘There are clear gaps in what employers are doing to address the problem, and a lack of awareness of the key skills initiatives available that could help.’

Lizzie Crowley, CIPD Skills Adviser, said, “Employers need to stop thinking that university degrees are the best indicator of a person’s potential at work. They think they’re getting ‘off the shelf’ capability rather than assessing the specific skills needed for roles, then wondering why they have ongoing skills gaps.”

Lizzie continued, “More employers need to take a strategic approach to skills to understand current and future needs. This means valuing a wider range of experience and qualifications when recruiting for roles and understanding all of the training and development options available to employers to upskill existing staff.”

The report’s key findings include:

  • 43% of professional occupations employers sat applicants don’t have the required skills level
  • Technical skills are the hardest to source, but also soft skills such as organisation, planning, problem-solving, and customer handling
  • Some employers are focusing on upskilling and apprenticeships as a response to the skills shortage
  • Employers who engage in workforce planning exercises and implement training are more likely to address their current and future skills needs
  • 36% of employers do not believe their line managers receive adequate training on developing their people
  • More than half of school-leaver employers feel young people are not well prepared for work

Are you a small or medium-sized business looking to advertise a job? Read What Are The Duties, Tasks, And Skills To Include In Job Descriptions or download an example of a job description.

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