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Branded Advertising
  • Advertise on over 100 job boards
  • 28 day campaigns
  • Choose your package
  • Any job, industry and location
  • We optimise advert
  • Share across social networks
£399 or less
Select the package and buy multiple adverts to receive further discount.
1Price per advert: £395

Total price



We work with all the leading job boards; read below to see where your adverts are placed.
How to Advertise a Job
Place Advert

Place Advert

Select package

Upload advert and make payment

We optimise advert and you review

We post your advert

Place Advert
Filter CVs

Filter CVs

Receive CVs by email and through portal

We provide support

You engage with candidates

Set up interviews

Filter CVs
Recruit Candidates

Recruit Candidates

Recruit multiple candidates

No extra costs or agency fees

Build talent pool

Build company brand

Recruit Candidates

Benefit from heavily discounted rates with the industry’s leading job boards with our branded job board option.  In a simultaneous process, you can advertise for any position, in any location, on over 100 job boards.  The job advertising campaign runs for 28 days and includes national and industry specific sites.

Branded adverts enhance candidate engagement; they position the company’s brand favourably when compared to similar positions within rival companies. Brand recognition is a contributing factor towards a positive candidate experience which results in higher numbers of quality applicants.

Indeed Sponsored
Google Jobs
LinkedIn Jobs
Guardian Jobs
Industry boards
CV Targeting*
many more
Job Advert Package + Flat Fee Recruitment Services
CV Filtering
Video Interviewing
Interview Scheduling

*‘Targeted’ service includes our Corporate job advertising package. In addition,  applicants are targeted from a database of 12 million CVs and 20 million LinkedIn profiles. Qualified candidates are invited to apply for the job.

Why choose Hiring People?

Reach 11 Million Job Seekers

Piggy Bank

Save Thousands on Recruitment

Multiple Candidates

Recruit Multiple Candidates


87% Client Retention


Free Recruitment Software

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