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How To Fill Your Kickstarter Vacancy

If you are an employer of any size and wish to support young adults starting a new career but don’t have the available funds to cover their wages, the Kickstart scheme is the answer.

What Is The Kickstart Scheme?

The Kickstart scheme is a UK government-funded initiative created to provide opportunities for young people who want to gain valuable experience for their careers.

The scheme aims to bring young people ages 16-24 who are on Universal Credit into employment to learn essential work skills. Individuals in this age group and on Universal Credit are at risk of long-term unemployment. With Kickstart and as a local employer, you have the opportunity to create a six-month job opportunity funded by the scheme.

Kickstart Scheme Benefits For Employers

The £2 billion Kickstart scheme is creating thousands of high-quality 6-month work placements. Employers are supported with:

  • £1,500 per job placement – to cover overhead costs, including payroll, induction, training, PPE, a uniform, and IT equipment and software.
  • 100% of the National Living Wage or National Minimum Wage – depending on the participant’s age, for 25 hours per week for six month.
  • Employer National Insurance contributions – for the participant.

To receive funding, the position must be a new job and not replace existing vacancies or the hours worked by other employees, contractors, or apprentices.

Tips To Fill Your Kickstart Vacancy

Recruitment can be tricky at the best of times. To ensure you fill your Kickstart vacancy you should:

  1. Be in contact with the local jobcentre – who will support your recruitment process
  2. Double-check your job description – to ensure enough details are included about the role. This may be the individual’s first job, so dont ask for too many qualifications or work experience.
  3. Promote your own job – stating eligibility criteria. Candidates need to apply for your role via their work coach.
  4. Streamline the application process – to find good quality candidates by removing the necessity for a CV, personal statement, application form, or interview.
  5. Ensure you act quickly – when you recieve applications because any delay might see the candidate accept a vacancy with another employer.
  6. Write a clear job description – that informs job hunters you offer a meaningful work experience with clearly stated responsibilities, duties, and goals.
  7. Highlight the support the young person will recieve – on the scheme, such as learning fundamental workplace skills, training, and existing skills development. The Kickstart scheme intends to help individuals develop their proficency to improve their employment chances once the 6-month placement ends.

Where Do You Sign Up?

Start your application here. Click the ‘Start Now’ button and fill out the application form.

Important note – you will not be able to apply after Friday the 17th December 2021.

Head to our job description template UK page for some help when you begin to write your Kickstarter job advert.

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