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Advertising on Dezeen Jobs
Questioning Techniques

Dezeen Jobs is the world’s most popular job board for architecture, interiors, and design jobs. Founded in 2006, the company attracted 2 million unique visitors in the first year. Today, Dezeen Jobsaverages 90,000 monthly visitors making 12,000 job applications.

Dezeen Jobs adverts

Single Standard Job Ad

A Single Standard Job Ad runs for 28 days, and your vacancy is included in the Dezeen Jobs Daily newsletter.

Single Featured Job Ad

The Single Featured Job Ad is designed to help you achieve maximum exposure of your listing. It includes the same benefits as a Standard Job Ad, but it will stay at the top of the homepage for one week. Your job is shared on Twitter, LinkedIn, and Facebook. Ads are bumped back to the homepage after one week.

Package of 5 Standard Job Ads

You receive a £250 discount, which brings the price per ad down to £100. Your job adverts run for 28 days and appear in the Dezeen Jobs Daily Newsletter. You must use your ad credits within two years.

Package of 5 Featured Job Ads

You save £300 and receive the same benefits as a Single Featured Job Ad. Ad credits are valid for two years.

Benefits of advertising on Dezeen Jobs

Dezeen Jobs helps employers raise awareness through the company profile feature. The company profile feature gives employers a dedicated landing page. The page includes all your relevant company information and all live job listings.

Dezeen Jobs has a large social media following on Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram. The company produces a weekly roundup newsletter and occasional highlights, in addition to their daily jobs newsletter.

Special offers for recruiters are often promoted on the website. Dezeen Jobs creates bespoke packages for recruiters who need to post more than five vacancies.

  • Type: Niche Industry Job Board / Architecture, interiors, and design

  • Jobs Advertised: 100 new jobs weekly

  • Number of users: 50,000

  • Prices:
    • Single Standard Job Ad: £150

    • Single Featured Job Ad: £300

    • Package of 5 Standard Job Ads: £500

    • Package of 5 Featured Job Ads: £500

Telephone: 020 3327 1235

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