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Advertising on Fish4Jobs
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Launched in 1999, Fish4 is part of Reach Shared Services, one of the largest multi-platform publishers in the UK. The group includes a network of four metropolitan job sites, including Liverpool, Manchester, the Northeast, and the Midlands. Fish4 has 1.6 million monthly job seekers, putting your vacancy in front of a large active audience.

Fish4 adverts

Light Job Advert

Your advert is live on the Fish4jobs website for 28 days. Your opening is included in daily emails to selected relevant candidates.

Premium Job Advert

Your job advert includes the benefits outlined above and adds a print advert in one of the group’s core newspaper titles. Your ad is also highlighted and boosted in job search results.

Enhanced Job Advert

Your ad combines the benefits of Light and Premium and appears on the InYourArea site. Your vacancy is distributed by email to users with a ten-mile radius and is featured on a regional newspaper’s home page. You can increase the number of respondents by up to 80% by choosing the Enhanced Job Advert over the Standard Job Advert.

Benefits of advertising on Fish4

Because Fish4 is part of a larger publishing network, your job vacancy is listed on other job sites, online and in print. You can target your local audience with print advertisements, and you benefit from CV database sourcing services if you opt for the Enhanced Job Advert.

Fish4Jobs helps you connect with candidates on the medium they prefer, including through their Apple and Android smartphone apps. Applications arrive straight in your inbox.

All packages help you attract the best talent by allowing you to create a professional image by adding your company logo. Further brand strengthening options include adding videos.

How to post a Fish4 job advert

If you have not posted a job on Fish4 before, you need to create an account first by visiting Once you have created an account, you can enter the information for your vacancy and pay for the listing. You can now review your job listing before it goes live on the Fish4Jobs website.

If you need to edit a Fish4 job listing, you need to log into your account at You can view, edit, or delete any active job post.

  • Type: General Job Board / UK Geographical Job Board

  • Jobs Advertised: 18,000

  • Number of users: 8 million

  • Prices:
    • Job Advert Light: £150

    • Premium Job Advert: £400

    • Enhanced Job Advert: £650

Telephone: 0345 3000406

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