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Advertising on LinkedIn
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LinkedIn is the number one channel for distributing business content and has more than 29 million UK members. It is the world’s largest professional network with members in more than 200 countries. LinkedIn was created to help professionals find and connect with other high-value contacts, so it makes sense that posting a job on the social network is something to consider.

LinkedIn job adverts

Job Posts are for small businesses that only hire occasionally and do not have a hiring department. Recruiter and Job Slots are for companies that have a hiring department and recruit on a more regular basis. You purchase a number of job slots as a company, and then an unlimited number of jobs can be rotated during a 12-month period.

Benefits of advertising on LinkedIn

Job Posts secure you a place in personalised job-seeker emails and placement at the top of LinkedIn search results. Instant alerts are sent to job seekers who have the skills you are looking for. The platform recommends candidates that fit your criteria and allows you to reach out to them through the dedicated messaging solution. Recruiter and Job Slots bring extra services and tools to your recruitment team. The service includes Recruitment Ads and Work With Us Ads and custom candidate targetting with Job Wrapping Auto and Job Wrapping Plus. Recruiters also have access to filters, analytical tools, and 150 InMail messages per month. Further LinkedIn recruiter products include Career Pages, Recruitment Ads, Sponsored Content, and Talent Insights.

How to become a LinkedIn Recruiter

If you hire staff, you can learn how to become a LinkedIn Recruiter by following the Learning LinkedIn Recruiter Training. This course teaches you to leverage the recruiting tools within the platform, including:

  • Creating and customising projects
  • Contacting candidates
  • Adding candidates into your pipeline
  • Posting Jobs
  • Managing interested candidates
  • Improving collaboration using tags
  • Type: General Job Board

  • Jobs Advertised: 20,000,000

  • Number of users: 760,000,000

  • Number of active users: 260,000,000
  • Prices:
    • Job posts: Contract-free pay-as-you-go payments to your set daily budget

    • Further pricing options: Free trial, subscription, quotation


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