With a focus on flexible working, workingmums is the place to find quality candidates to fill vacancies in part-time, flexible full-time, and home-based jobs. 40% of the users registered with workingmums are management level or above, and 75% have ten years of work experience. Established in 2006, the website receives 220,000 job searches per month, with 21,000 job applications.
workingmums adverts
Standard Job Listing
Your job is advertised on workingmums for one calendar month. Your vacancy is emailed to relevant candidates, and your listing can be branded with your logo.
Enhanced Job Listing
Your job is advertised on workingmums, workingwise (focused on older workers), and workingdads for one calendar month. You can add your logo to the advert to increase the number of applicants and your vacancy is emailed to relevant candidates.
Premium Job Listing
You can expect up to five times the number of applicants by upgrading to a Premium Job Listing. In addition to receiving the benefits of Standard and Enhanced Job Listings, your job is highlighted in searches and is refreshed one week after it is posted, pushing it back to the top of the job listing page. Your vacancy is emailed to relevant candidates on the day it is published, and again one week later.
Job Credits and discounts on workingmums
Your loyalty to the workingmums network is rewarded when you purchase Job Credits. Job Credits purchase several listings, which can be used within 12-months. Purchasing two Job Credits give you a 10% discount, 20% discount for three Job Credits, and 30% discount for six Job Credits. Your listings appear on the workingmums and workingdads websites.
Why choose workingmums
If your company is passionate about improving gender equality, then workingmums represents your values. You can access all of the workingmums research on flexible working policies and best practices.
You can access your recruiter dashboard by visiting https://recruiters.workingmums.co.uk/, and the user-friendly and appealing design makes it easy to manage your job adverts from any device, including smartphones, tablets, and laptops.
Type: Niche Job Board / Part-time jobs
Jobs Advertised: 6,300 part-time jobs
Number of users: 220,000 monthly job searches
- Prices:
Standard Job Listing: £229
Enhanced Job Listing: £298
Premium Job Listing: £448
Website: https://www.workingmums.co.uk/
Telephone: 020 8432 6094