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Advertising on Guardian Jobs
Questioning Techniques

Guardian Jobs is a general job board that connects over 1 million candidates to potential employers and recruiters. As a trusted brand, Guardian Jobs attracts some of the most well-known names and biggest corporations across the UK.

Working across industry sectors, Guardian Jobs helps find candidates that make an impact, which is why recruiters say this is one of the best job sites.

Advertising on Guardian Jobs

You will see everything you need to post an ad on Guardian Jobs when you go to the recruiter’s section on the website.

Guardian Job Advert

The Guardian Standard Job Advert allows you to reach over 1 million candidates with your branded ad. You can have your logo as part of the job post, and the ad is shared across aggregator sites to give you even more reach.

Enhanced Job Advert

Placing an Enhanced Job Ad in the Guardian gives the post a prominent background to make it stand out among the listings. Choosing this type of job ad increases visibility and has a higher click-through rate compared to standard adverts.

Video Job Listing

A Video Job Ad brings the role to life with a short video optimised for social media. Design, production, and 100k impressions are included in the advertising price. You can showcase your brand with a job ad that stands out and has many choices to suit the social media platform you want to use.

Increasing Job Applications with Guardian Jobs

When it comes to advertising a position, getting noticed among the 1000s of job ads can be challenging. Guardian Jobs offers several advertising tools that you can use to gain more views for your ad.

Impact j-pack

Adding this package onto your job ad with the Guardian increases applications by 37%. You will get a job ad live for up to a month and receive applications directly in your inbox for an additional fee. A job refresh halfway through the campaign puts your job back at the top of the search and makes it reappear in job alerts.

Banner Job

You can enhance your listing further with the bespoke branding of a banner job. With this package, you can add bespoke images to the job description page.

Why advertise with Guardian Jobs?

Advertising jobs with the Guardian helps you find candidates with the values required for the role. As the most trusted news brand, the site also lets you reach the publication’s 25.2 million readers. Top brands across every industry sector trust Guardian Jobs and they help you find candidates that will make the right impact.

  • Type: General Job Board

  • Number of users: Over 1 million candidates

  • Prices:
    • Standard Guardian Job Ad: £750

    • Enhanced Job Ad: £850

    • Video Job Ad: From £2,500

    • Supplementary services: Offered at various prices

Telephone: 0203 353 3400

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