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Advertising on Jobs in Kent
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Advertising on Jobs in Kent lets you post your job listing on Kent’s best local recruitment site. In business since 1999, the company is the longest established site that specialises in finding the best candidates for positions in Kent and the surrounding areas.

Advertising on Jobs in Kent

You have a choice of advertising options for jobs on the Jobs in Kent website. The site offers a selection of bespoke solutions for recruiters, and standard ad prices include: Standard Job Ad The basic job ad gives you a 30-day job listing on the site and your ad is sent out in the daily and weekly emails to active job seekers. Your ad will also appear in Today’s Jobs – today! on the website and feature on Google Jobs. Enhanced Job Ad With the Enhanced Job Ad package, you get everything a Standard Job Ad offers, and the listing is refreshed every four days to appear at the top of search results. You also get multiple appearances in the Today’s Jobs feature, and the ad is shared across all social media channels. Premium Job Ad A premium ad lists for 30 days and is highlighted among search results to stand out. Your job is listed across social media channels and on Google Jobs. The Premium Job Ad shows at the top of search results for the whole 30 days, giving you maximum exposure to existing and new job seekers. All of the ad prices decrease if you post multiple ads; the more ads you list, the better the discount. Buying ad listings in bulk can save you up to 50% on the individual ad price.

Benefits of advertising on Jobs in Kent

Choosing the Jobs in Kent site lets you connect with over 400,0000 job seekers who are actively looking for job roles in the area. The site has processed over 1.5 million job applications, and your job ad will get an 87% job seeker reach. Recruiters and candidates that have used the service give it a 98% customer satisfaction rating. If you need a job vacancy filled quickly, Jobs in Kent has several solutions that will help. There are various packages available for recruitment agencies, and with CV Search, you can search over 65,000 jobseeker CVs to find the perfect candidate now.

  • Type: Geographically Specific Job Board

  • Jobs Advertised: 6,000 jobs in Kent

  • Number of users: Over 400,000 local job seekers

  • Prices:
    • Standard Job Ad: £99

    • Enhanced Job Ad: £150

    • Premium Job Ad: £250

    • CV Search and Other Advertising Packages:  Various prices

Telephone: 01622 761 704

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