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Advertising on JobServe
Questioning Techniques

JobServe has been running for more than 25 years to match recruiters with the very best candidates. Extensive experience in online recruitment in IT makes this the perfect job site to advertise a specialist role. Global coverage and maximum reach with a network of partners put your job ad in front of the right job seekers.

As an employer, how do I get started with JobServe?

You can easily advertise on JobServe by visiting their homepage. You will find an ‘Employers’ section listed on the top menu, and there you will find the range of products available.

Advertising on JobServe

Posting a job ad on JobServe provides a range of products to help you find the perfect person for the role. You can attract the very best to your ad with these simple and cost-effective job advertising tools. A job ad on JobServe automatically includes: Instant Job Alerts – your ad is instantly pushed to qualified job seekers via email and mobile alerts Alchemy Alerts – your job is emailed to candidates that are applying for similar roles Quality Control – checks ad details to make sure it is professionally presented Candidate Recommendations – you will get a list of job seekers applying for similar jobs Network Distribution – your listing is sent to network partners most suited to your job ad

Boost your job ad on JobServe

You can make your job ad reach even more people with additional features. You can purchase credits and apply these to different items to boost your ad. Monthly credits start from £190 and can be used for: Full Network Distribution Adding this to your job listing will give you maximum reach as the ad is sent to over 4,000 job boards, niche recruitment sites, and aggregators. Featured Job Prominently displays your ad at the top of any relevant search. Exclusive Email Campaign Send out an exclusive email to job seekers that most match your criteria.

Further advertising options on JobServe

You can choose to buy Pay For Performance credits, and you will pay a fixed price for completed job applications or clicks on the Application Tracking System. Monthly Resume Downloads let you use comprehensive search tools to look through the extensive candidate database. Further options include a fully branded email campaign to contact targeted candidates relevant to your campaign. Banner advertising allows you to display an exclusive banner to send traffic to your website.

  • Type: Niche Job Board / IT

  • Applications: 1.5 million applications every month

  • Number of users: 8 million registered job seekers

  • Prices:
    • 7-day Job Ad: From £145

    • 30-day Job Ad: From £365

    • Monthly resume downloads: From £100

    • Supplementary services: Offered at various prices

Telephone: 01621 817335

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