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Advertising on ZipRecruiter
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Launched in 2010, ZipRecruiter started as a tool to help recruiters affordably post job ads. The service has grown to a thriving marketplace that helps millions of people across the US and UK find the perfect job. With over 100 job distribution partners, the site attracts the best talent, helping businesses and recruiters find the best talent for the role.

ZipRecruiter adverts

ZipRecruiter is rated as one of the best job sites among recruiters and employers. You can post a job ad in a few simple steps. Complete the job description, and the job ad is sent to over 100 job boards with one click. Your job listing reaches over 4 million candidates. The site uses the latest AI technology to match the perfect people to your job ad. Over 1.5 million companies have used ZipRecruiter to advertise their job roles.

Sponsored Reach on ZipRecruiter

Using the Sponsored Reach option on ZipRecruiter lets you target qualified candidates faster and easier than the standard job ad. The service is a bespoke feature that is tailored to your requirements following a consultation; top features include: ZipRecruiter AI Advantage ZipRecruiter uses an industry-leading AI system to leverage data points in profile information and search data to give you the best matches for a role. 6M Candidate Reach The ZipRecruiter platform is a top-rated job search app and includes multiple partner sites to give you access to 6 million candidates each month. System Integration ZipRecruiter can integrate into your own Application Tracking System to make hiring seamless. Dedicated Account Management You will have a recruitment advertising specialist to manage the job ad campaign in real-time.

How to write a ZipRecruiter job advert

Creating a job advert on ZipRecruiter is a straightforward process. The job title should be one of the suggested titles that comes up when you start typing. Avoid adding the salary or company information in the title in an attempt to boost responses. This extra information is added later during the job ad listing process. Add an introduction to your business and the role in the job description box. Include the tasks and responsibilities. List the skills, qualifications, and experience that a successful candidate will have. You should also include:

  • The company benefits that will make the role stand out and attract candidates, such as pensions, extras, or company vehicles
  • A description of your company’s values and culture
  • Job location; it can boost responses by up to 50%
  • Type: Aggregator Job Board

  • Jobs Advertised: Over 1 million

  • Number of users: 7 million active job seekers daily

  • Prices:
    • Job Ad: £99

    • Sponsored reach: Bespoke prices

Telephone: 0800 031 8638

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