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6 Ways To Use Video For Recruiting The Right Candidates

The recruitment process is about attracting the right people to your team and building your personal brand through proven tips. The recruitment process can get troublesome if you don’t have the right frameworks to get skilled people on board.

One of the best things you can do to supercharge your hiring process is to include video in your hiring strategy. Picking up a video camera and using videos for the recruitment process has several benefits – keep reading to find out! 

1.      A Friendly Intro On Your Website

You have to make your website engaging for applicants who visit your website when applying for your jobs. Using videos is an easy-to-implement strategy that can help you encourage the applicants to follow the hiring process.

Proper videos can help you show how your company and the workplace you’ve created are the best in the market for potential candidates. You can use an advanced online video editor to create fun videos that explain the hiring process and your company’s values.

2.      Communication With Your Candidates

Hiring skilled people is easier if you can maintain proper communication. If you fail to take your message to applicants, you won’t get the right people in your team. Video creation is a great way of staying in touch.

No applicant wants to spend hours reading a document created by a company. Instead of boring people to death, you can keep the applicants engaged in the process by creating videos.

3.      Increase Engagement At Job Fairs

Displaying jobs at a job fair is one of the essential elements of a successful recruitment strategy. In a job fair, instead of handing pamphlets to people, what you can do instead is play a good video about your company and the hiring process.

You can easily display videos on your computer. If candidates are interested in learning more about your company, you can share the link to your videos to help them get introduced to your company.

4.      Conduct Engaging Interviews

It can be difficult to get the applicants engaged during the interviewing process. Applicants might not share the proper information about their background if the interviewing channel isn’t proper. Instead of asking your applicants to fill out lengthy documents, you can easily conduct interviews via video to make things easier.

Read How To Conduct A Remote Interview.

5.      Get Connected Through Social Channels

You get the word out about your hiring process to attract the best people to your team. Creating videos can help you speed up the process. When you create short videos about your hiring process and share info about your company on socials, it becomes easier for you to have good people on board.

Read How To Advertise A Job On Social Media.

6.      Creation Of Helpful Resources For Employees

After hiring good people, you also have to provide them with proper guidance material to do their job the right way. You can create videos explaining how your employees can get different tasks done at work, the way you want – allowing you to save your time and effort on the training of your employees.

Next, read A Guide On How To Hire Employees.

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