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Deciding What You “Really Really” Want

Deciding What You “really Really” Want:

Welcome To The First Of My Blogs

I met Darren socially some time ago and the conversation naturally turned towards our shared background in recruitment and, in particular, our common passion for finding the best talent on behalf of SME customers.

Recruitment Challenges For SMEs

SMEs face many challenges which aren’t faced by large corporates and, hence, need to approach their recruitment with a different outlook and methodology if they are going to attract top talent. I have spent fifteen years finding high calibre people while working for one of the recruitment industry’s major players and, hence, Darren has asked me to write a blog to share best practices for SME businesses.

Read our Small Business Guide For Cost Effective Recruitment.

Finding The Right Candidates

If you can get the right people in to your business and keep them, you will be successful!  So over the coming weeks I will be taking you through the recruitment process; deciding on your current needs, how you can attract the right people for your business on a budget, how to ensure a successful interview, how do you get your perfect candidate to accept your job offer (read How To Present A Job Offer).  All simple stuff I hear you say and if done well yes it is simple, but I can assure you I have seen people almost sent crazy by the frustration of trying to secure that perfect person or those perfect people for their business!

This week I will be kicking off with “Deciding what you “really really” want.”

Really I hear you shout, “of course I know what I want!” But how many of us in that moment of despair, on a Monday morning when Jack in sales resigns just shouts “right I need another Jack, now!”

Instead what we should be doing is looking at Jacks resignation as an opportunity, not a huge inconvenience that has just wrecked the week. All too often a business will replace one individual for a carbon copy. Instead take time to consider the role in terms of your current and future business needs. Once you are aware of these then you will fully understand the scope of the job and as such be in a position to write a job description which will allow you to tell the company story and give clarity when screening and meeting candidates.

Comprehensive job descriptions can be created using a job description template and will need:

  • A job title
  • A short company description including company culture
  • Where the role sits and how it is related to other parts of the business
  • Who the role reports to and key areas of responsibility including the key deliverables
  • What are the objectives of the role and how will these be measured
  • Required skills and education
  • The soft skills needed to thrive in the company environment
  • Location and remuneration (where applicable)

Once you “really really” know what you want take a moment to consider the urgency of the position, as this will have an impact on your recruitment options.

Finally before you venture out in to the big bad world of recruitment take time to consider the people you have recruited in the past; how have you gone about it, how good are the people you have hired, and what has worked and what hasn’t. There is no point going out and doing the same thing as you are likely to get the same result.

My Final Thoughts

I will sign off with a thought for today

“Insanity: doing the same thing over and over again and expecting a different result”

Albert Einstein

I hope you enjoyed my first blog, if you have any questions or if there are any particular subjects you would like discussed, please get in touch.

Next week I will be discussing recruitment solutions that won’t break the bank!!

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