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The Fall & Rise Of Employment In The UK (And How To Make Your Job Advert Stand Out)

In 2020/21, COVID-19 also had a substantial impact on employment rates. Many businesses simply could not afford the staff that they had, and while the government furlough scheme helped businesses and employees keep afloat in this difficult time, for some, redundancies were unavoidable.

Today, we now find ourselves (pretty much) back to pre-pandemic levels, however the dynamic has changed slightly. While many of us are happy to be returning back to the office, remote working has continued to play a vital role. According to searches for remote work have increased by more than 500% since February 2020. And job postings mentioning remote work have increased by 180%.

Here we look at how employers can make their job advert stand out and attract the best talent by posting in the right places.

How to make your job ad stand out and attract the right talent:

  1. Allow employees to work from home – While this may not be posible for all roles, if at all possible allow them to have work from home days or work from home hours. 
  2. Allow Flexible working  – Allowing employees to start a little earlier or a little later can help them to beat traffic and manage school runs. 
  3. Offer perks – Many businesses now offer things like free breakfast, friday drinks, gym memberships and help towards parking and transportation. 
  4. Don’t limit yourself to text – Show the prospective candidates how great it is to work for you by including links to an instagram profile or apply for a Great Places To Work accreditation.
  5. Show progress – Highlight how you help them to grow – how many people at your company have received either a pay rise or promotion on the last 12 months?

All of these will help your company to receive the best applicants as you will be enabling them to live more convenient lifestyles, making them happier and ultimatley retaining them for longer as a result. 

If you are an employer and need help standing out from your competitors, contact us, find Job Description  Templates or view our Job Advertising page to find your next skilled employee.

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