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The Importance Of Using A Job Description Template

By using a job description template, you will improve your chances of targeting and engaging with candidates and you will increase your applications significantly; this will therefore give you increased and improved options when it comes to offering someone the chance to work for your company.

If you have found your way to this article, then one of two things has likely occurred. You have written a job description and posted a job advert that did not give you the desired effect, or you have been staring at a blank screen with writer’s block, wondering what to include in a job description.

Okay, so there are degrees of everything between, and the ‘desired effect’ can mean numerous things.

The Importance Of Job Descriptions

Here we look at the importance of job descriptions, their different functions, how you can ensure they include the essentials and the benefits of using a job description template.

Let’s start with what a job description can achieve: 

  • The first touchpoint a candidate will have with your company. Viewed from this perspective, it must tell a story of not just want you want, but who you are. You want to make a compelling case as to why your ideal candidate will want to work for you. It does not need to be financial perks but more of a window into your company culture.
  • Improved quantity of candidates.
  • Improved quality of applicants.
  • A screening filter to make the decision-making process easier (by having strict application and skill requirements). 

Now you could sit down in front of your keyboard and screen and furiously start typing away with these goals in mind. However, even the most experienced and effective recruiters rarely use this approach.

It isn’t easy to recreate a compelling, concise, and complete job description without starting with a framework and guide. This is where the job description template is invaluable, saving you time and creating a checklist of sorts.

Using A Job Description Template

Using a job description template will:

  1. Help you make sure all information is provided.
  2. Help you format the content, so the information appears in a manner that is familiar and easy to digest by the candidate.
  3. Give you the opportunity and inspiration to really think about what you need.
  4. Help you make an attractive job advert by highlighting the best parts of the role and why your company is a great place to work.
  5. Give candidates all the information they need so both parties are better informed.
  6. Allow you to compile the crucial information, which you can then update and refine to suit your company, branding, voice, and professional look.

You can only make one first impression, and our job description templates are carefully crafted to ensure your next job description doesn’t fall short. We have an extensive template library covering every profession, industry, or sector.

Once you have crafted your content, our job advertising services help you put your job description in the right places to attract the best talent without blowing your recruitment budget.


Writing a job description?

We have produced a template to help you create the perfect job profile. We can also send you job descriptions, just enter the job title required and we will share.

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