Job Seekers Allowance Changes To Hit Businesses
UK businesses are about to feel the impact of changes the government is implementing on the Job Seekers Allowance Scheme. Under the changes stipulated by the government, which fall under the Way to Work initiative, employers could see an influx of CVs from candidates who might not have the exact experience required.
What Are The Job Seekers Allowance Changes?
The changes to Job Seekers Allowance mean that individuals out of work could face Universal Credit sanctions after four weeks if they turn down employment or fail to make reasonable efforts to secure a job in or outside of their field of expertise. Until now, people were given three months grace before facing sanctions that encourage them to get a job in a new business sector.
How Will They Affect Businesses?
With individuals forced to apply for jobs outside of their field of expertise, businesses are likely to see a massive influx of job applications from people outside of their industry. Employers will need to sift through a high number of CVs to discover if candidates have the experience they desire or transferable skills and abilities.
Businesses will need to implement precise job descriptions and leverage the features of flat-fee recruitment to filter CVs and attract only qualified applicants.
Read How To Manage Too Many Job Applicants.
Responses To The Move
In this BBC article, the move is described as callous by the Liberal Democrats, quoting the difficulties people face with rising energy and food costs.
Therese Coffey, Work and Pensions Secretary, said, “Helping people get any job now means they can get a better job and progress into a career. As we emerge from COVID, we are going to tackle supply challenges and support the continued economic recovery by getting people into work. Our new approach will help claimants get quickly back into the world of work while helping ensure employers get the people they and the economy needs.”
Ministers are also calling out for businesses to help younger workers facing long term unemployment re-enter the workforce. In the BBC’s report titled Kickstart youth jobless plan helps 100,000, ministers highlighted that funding is available but underutilised, with money for 250,000 roles, to support businesses who create job offers for the scheme.