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Recruitment Strategy For 2024

With 2023 behind us, it is time to be looking ahead towards effective recruitment strategies and practices for 2024.

Recruitment and the job market has shifted over the past twelve months, making it even more crucial to identify trends that can set your talent acquisition and recruitment strategy up for success.

To help guide your recruitment strategy, we look at what we know and expect from 2024, to help you develop effective recruitment strategies for 2024.

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Highlights And Key Takeaways:

  1. Recruitment strategies must focus on all candidate touch-points, including job boards, social networking sites, and company career pages.
  2. Following our recruitment strategy template will ensure your workforce planning encompasses all parts, from diversity to compliance.

As we eagerly embark on 2024, reflecting on the pivotal recruitment trends of the past year offers invaluable insights for both hiring managers and talent acquisition professionals. The landscape of 2023 was marked by dynamic shifts, driven by evolving expectations of job seekers and the strategic responses of recruiters.

One of the most notable trends was the increase in candidate numbers, influenced by various factors such as economic changes and sector-specific growth. This surge presented a double-edged sword: while it offered a more diverse talent pool, it also posed challenges in filtering and identifying the most skilled talent.

For hiring managers and recruiters, the diverse talent pool was a boon, broadening the horizons for sourcing candidates and fostering inclusive work environments. This diversity was not just in cultural or demographic terms, but also in skill sets and experiences, enabling companies to address complex business challenges with multifaceted perspectives.

Job postings in 2023 underwent a transformation, with recruiters placing greater emphasis on clarity, inclusivity, and the portrayal of company culture. This shift was a direct response to the preferences of job seekers, who increasingly sought roles that aligned with their values and offered growth opportunities.

Another significant trend observed was the fluctuation in employee churn and staff turnover rates. Companies focused on strategies to retain their current employees, understanding the cost implications and disruptions caused by high turnover. This included initiatives aimed at employee engagement, career development, and fostering a positive work environment.

The role of job boards remained crucial in 2023, serving as a vital link between job seekers and employers. However, the approach to using these platforms evolved, with a greater emphasis on targeted postings and leveraging analytics to reach the most suitable candidates.

In summary, the recruitment trends of 2023 were characterised by a focus on harnessing a diverse talent pool, adapting to the changing needs of job seekers, and implementing strategies to reduce employee churn. As we stride into 2024, these insights set the stage for a more informed and effective approach to talent acquisition and management.

Jobs Most Advertised In 2024

All indications suggest that the jobs we expect to be most advertised in 2024 broadly fit into three categories; digital transformation, health care, and account relationships.

The first three jobs we expect to see heavily advertised for are .NET Programmer, .NET Software Developer, and .Net Web Developer. These roles are crucial for enterprises running projects to bring their services and resources online. Digital transformation will be vital for any business to thrive and survive in 2024.

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Jobs four and five in our list are healthcare roles, reflecting the continued strain on hospitals. With the winter flu season taking hold, recruiting nursing staff will continue to be a challenge throughout 2024.

The remaining jobs in our most advertised prediction are account relationship jobs, from Account Clerk to Account Director. Customer satisfaction, upselling, and client retentions are sure to remain crucial KPIs, so these professionals will be high demand job candidates in 2024.

Our complete top 10 jobs we expect to be most advertised in 2024 now looks like this:

  1. Home Care Assistant
  2. Customer Service Representative
  3. Cleaner
  4. Warehouse Person
  5. Delivery Driver
  6. Healthcare Support Worker
  7. Class I Lorry Driver
  8. Recruiter
  9. Stock Clerk
  10. Retail Store Manager

If you need guidance creating job descriptions for job openings that will attract target job candidates, visit our job description library.

Jobs Most Searched For In 2024

The jobs most searched for in 2024 include driving positions, with Delivery Driver job search volume ranking first. Job seekers not wishing to return to the office may appear to be favouring the open road. In part, online shopping continues to be popular, so job supply and demand appear to be in sync. 

The remaining jobs most in-demand in 2024 include Teaching Assistant, Accounting Manager, Cleaner, Cyber Security, Project Manager, Estate Agent, and Cabin Crew.

Our complete top 10 jobs most searched for in 2024 looks like this:

  1. Delivery Driver
  2. Teaching Assistant
  3. Driver
  4. Accounting Manager
  5. Train Driver
  6. Cleaner
  7. Cyber Security
  8. Project Manager
  9. Estate Agent
  10. Cabin Crew

Tips On Creating Effective Recruiting Strategies For 2024

Recognising the recruitment trends likely to prevail in 2024 allows you to implement effective hiring strategies to attract top candidates and build a talent community. Our recruitment tips for 2024 should guide your approach.

Embrace new recruitment strategies: Get creative with new recruiting strategies and sourcing techniques and stronger brand communication. It would help if you focused on developing and communicating your company culture to build a strong employer brand, considering what resonates with candidates, their values, and what they find appealing.

Read Why Should SMEs Build An Employer Brand.

Don’t rely on your local talent pool: You will need to cast your net far and wide in 2024 and prepare yourself to break free from geographical barriers to build a talent pool. Features such as online quick-apply and virtual screening will drive applicant numbers and highlight appropriate candidates.

Leverage data-driven marketing: Recruitment metrics, in-depth insights, and the data collected from digital recruitment campaigns should guide your recruitment strategies in 2024. Don’t be afraid of data that highlights your mistakes, and be prepared to learn from your less successful actions. An excellent recruitment strategy is one that is always responding to change.

Reach out to passive candidates: The best talent is often not the person who is highly motivated to leave their current employer, it’s passive candidates. It would help if you embraced digital outreach strategies to attract individuals motivated by new challenges, have a passion for learning, or are intrigued by different company values and cultures.

Flat Fee Recruitment Agencies

The rise in digital engagement, technology, and career-focused social media platforms has ushered in an era where flat fee recruitment presents an affordable and effective approach to recruitment. Best practices are fully engaged in the recruiting process, and service suites embrace advert placement across leading job sites, headhunting and shortlisting, CV database searches, and interviewing and presenting qualified candidates. Flat fee recruitment solutions are excellent recruitment strategies that will enhance your recruitment efforts, while saving time and money.

Visit our interviews hub for interview process resources.

If you aim to significantly reduce your recruitment costs in 2024, we recommend reading our free Saving Costs ebook: Seven Simple Ways to Reduce Recruitment Costs.

In the Savings Costs ebook, we explore topics such as:

  • Referral Schemes / Employee Referral Program
  • Recruiting on Social Media
  • Applicant Tracking Systems (ATS)
  • Talent Pooling
  • Job Sites, such as Monster, TotalJobs, and Jobsite
  • Fixed Cost Recruitment
  • Job Board Resellers

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Job advertising needs to take a cross-platform approach that engages talent and the best candidates across all touchpoints, including popular and niche job boards. Once you attract potential employees with your job postings, it is essential not to lose them along the hiring process, whether online or offline. It would help your recruitment process if you weighed up exactly how you can facilitate your application procedures and how applicant preferences might differ from one touchpoint to the next.

Branded advertising is becoming increasingly important and your communications must promote the company brand and company reputation. Employees want to work for a brand they can love, so you will need to explore your brand’s mission, vision, values, careers page, opinions of existing employees, and company culture, creating an effective narrative that compels your target audience to apply for your job vacancies.

Recruitment Solutions From Hiring People

Our recruitment solutions take employers through the hiring basics, sharing valuable resources such as our job description library and job advert template.

We reveal how you can create an engaging job description for 2024 discussing internal and external advertising, candidate reviews, interviews, trials, referencing, offers, and onboarding quality candidates. We also delve into recruitment agency services, including executive search, contingency recruitment, commission, and retainers.

In our guide Building a Direct Recruitment Model, we explore recruitment solutions in greater depth, focusing on:

  • Employer Branding
  • Decision Makers
  • Job Descriptions
  • Referral Schemes
  • Social Networks
  • Job Boards & Job Ads
  • Fixed Cost Recruitment Partners
  • Applicant Tracking Systems & Recruitment Software
  • Talent Pooling Potential Candidates
  • Interviewing
  • Offer Management

Benchmarking Salaries

Benchmarking salaries in 2024 will be crucial for retaining staff through fair pay and benefits while keeping shareholders content. Salary benchmarking is also vital when hiring executives and directors, as success can only be achieved if you pitch at the right amount.

We can all appreciate that organisations do not have the resources to conduct research on a large scale or trawl through publicly accessible company reports. Accessing meaningful data that is accurate and reliable is a vital part of the equation. You must also consider the business sector, which has a significant effect on the total value of remuneration.

Overall, benchmarking salaries permits effective pay decisions based on accurate and impartial insights, considering a broad scope of variations, such as industry, career stage, and enterprise size.

Diversity And Inclusion

In the realm of modern recruitment, Diversity and Inclusion stand as pillars of progressive corporate ethos, crucial for meeting recruitment goals and fostering a vibrant workplace. As we seek to attract talent that is not only skilled but also diverse, our strategies must evolve to reflect this commitment.

To begin, our job postings are the first touchpoint with potential hires and serve as a testament to our dedication to inclusivity. We meticulously craft these postings to ensure they resonate with a wide audience and embody the spirit of our company’s values. By choosing to advertise jobs in a manner that appeals to a broad spectrum of candidates, we open our doors to new talent, each bringing unique perspectives and experiences that enrich our organisation.

The quest to attract talent from diverse backgrounds is underpinned by a philosophy of continuous improvement. We recognise that building a diverse workforce is an ongoing journey, one that requires reflection, learning, and adaptation. This commitment is mirrored through access to our cutting-edge HR software (Applicant Tracking System), which aids in reaching a more expansive candidate pool and ensures our recruitment processes are free from biases, conscious or otherwise.

An approach to diversity and inclusion is not just about meeting numbers or ticking boxes; it’s about genuinely embracing different viewpoints, life experiences, and backgrounds. It’s about understanding that the collective strength of our team is amplified when each member feels valued, heard, and included.

In sum, a dedication to diversity and inclusion is a cornerstone of an approach to attracting and retaining talent. It should be woven into the very fabric of recruitment goals, ensuring that as we grow and evolve, we do so with a workforce that is as diverse and dynamic as the world around us.

Recruitment Events

In the rapidly changing landscape of talent acquisition, Recruitment Events emerge as a pivotal strategy for connecting with qualified candidates. These events, ranging from job fairs to bespoke corporate gatherings, are instrumental in fortifying an employer’s brand and showcasing the dynamic opportunities on offer.

Job fairs stand as a cornerstone in this strategy, providing a platform to engage with a wide array of talent, from those seeking entry-level positions to top tech talent. These events offer a unique opportunity for candidates to interact with your team, gaining insights into your company culture and the skills required for success within our organisation.

Another key element in the recruitment arsenal is employee referral programs. Leveraging the networks of your existing workforce, these programs not only expedite the hiring process but also ensure that new hires are a good cultural and professional fit. The referrals from your employees are a testament to their belief in your company as a great place to work, further elevating your standing as an employer of choice.

In addition to attending external recruiting events, hosting events yourselves has proven to be exceptionally fruitful. These events, advertised through your company website and professional networks, can be tailored to demonstrate the unique aspects of working with your team. They provide an immersive experience, allowing potential candidates to envision their future as part of your business.

Beyond just attracting talent, recruitment events serve as a crucial touchpoint for gathering feedback from candidates. This feedback is invaluable in continuously refining recruitment strategies and ensuring that events are not only engaging but also effective in meeting your hiring needs.

Recruitment Events, thus, are more than just a means to fill vacancies; they are a reflection of your commitment to finding the right talent. They enable employers to project their employer’s brand in the best possible light, showcasing the opportunities for growth and development that await future team members.

Conducting Interviews

Mastering the interview process is a critical skill for employers and recruiters, as it sets the stage for a smooth transition from prospective employees to valued team members. Here, we delve into the nuances of conducting effective interviews, offering practical advice to ensure both you and the job candidate come away with a positive experience.

The cornerstone of successful interview scheduling is respect for the candidate’s time and convenience. It is essential to schedule in-person interviews in a manner that accommodates the candidate while also aligning with the availability of your interview panel. Efficient interview scheduling not only reflects your professionalism but also enhances the candidate experience.

Interview Resources

During the interview, it is important to clearly communicate your employee value proposition. This involves articulating the unique benefits and opportunities your organisation offers, thereby distinguishing your company from others in the eyes of new candidates. An engaging and transparent dialogue helps candidates envision their future with your company, increasing the likelihood of a job offer acceptance.

Developing a deep understanding of candidate personas is key. By tailoring your questions and discussions to align with the candidate’s background and aspirations, you create a more meaningful and relevant dialogue. This approach demonstrates your commitment to finding the right fit for both the candidate and your organisation.

Furthermore, seamlessly integrating the interview process with the onboarding process can significantly enhance the overall candidate experience. By providing clear and consistent communication, from the initial interview to the job offer and beyond, you ensure that the candidate feels valued and well-informed at every step.

In essence, conducting interviews is much more than a mere assessment of skills and qualifications; it is an opportunity to build a relationship with prospective employees, one that sets the foundation for their journey within your organisation. By focusing on respectful scheduling, clear communication of your employee value proposition, understanding candidate personas, and ensuring a cohesive transition to the onboarding process, you position your company as an employer of choice, attracting and retaining top talent in today’s competitive market.

Navigating the legal landscape of recruitment is a critical responsibility for employers and recruiters. It’s essential to ensure that every step, from advertising a job opening to the selection of the right candidates, adheres to legal standards and promotes equitable opportunities.

When creating job posts, it’s crucial to understand that the language and criteria used must not only attract candidates but also reflect a commitment to inclusivity. This involves carefully crafting your job ad to avoid any language that could be construed as discriminatory. Whether you are reaching out via your careers site or other platforms, your advertisements should appeal to diverse candidates, showcasing your organisation as an equal opportunity employer.

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The legal requirements for job postings and recruitment practices can vary depending on the region and specific laws in place. Therefore, staying informed and up-to-date with these regulations is imperative. This not only ensures compliance but also protects your organisation from potential legal repercussions.

When evaluating candidates, focus on their professional experience and qualifications related to the job opening. Avoid making assumptions or decisions based on personal characteristics that are not job-related. The criteria for selection should be consistent across all applicants, ensuring a fair and unbiased process.

Additionally, it’s important to provide training and guidance to those involved in the recruitment process. This helps in maintaining a standard approach that aligns with legal requirements and your company’s values.

In summary, legal considerations and compliance in recruitment require a meticulous and informed approach. By focusing on creating inclusive job posts, staying abreast of legal variations, concentrating on relevant professional experience, and ensuring consistent application of criteria, employers and recruiters can successfully navigate these complexities. This not only fosters a fair recruitment process but also enhances the reputation of your organisation as an employer committed to equality and diversity.

As we look towards the horizon of recruitment, it’s evident that the landscape is evolving rapidly, driven by technological advancements and changing market dynamics. For employers and recruiters, staying ahead of these trends is crucial to effectively recruit candidates and fill open positions.

One of the most significant trends is the integration of AI in crafting job descriptions. AI job descriptions are poised to revolutionise the way we communicate roles, ensuring that they are optimised for both clarity and SEO, reaching a wider candidate pool. This innovative approach not only enhances the visibility of job openings but also attracts a more diverse range of applicants.

The rise of recruiting tools and software is another trend transforming the recruitment process. These technologies streamline various aspects of recruitment, from sourcing to screening candidates. By leveraging recruiting software, employers can significantly reduce hiring costs while increasing the efficiency and effectiveness of their recruitment efforts.

Professional networks and social media channels are increasingly becoming vital platforms to find candidates. They offer access to passive candidates who may not be actively seeking new opportunities but are open to the right offer. By maintaining a strong presence on these platforms, recruiters can tap into a rich source of ideal candidates.

Furthermore, we are likely to see a growing emphasis on data-driven recruitment strategies. Utilising data analytics, employers can gain valuable insights into candidate behaviour, preferences, and trends, enabling them to tailor their recruitment approaches more effectively.

In conclusion, the future of recruitment is characterised by an increased reliance on technology, from AI job descriptions to sophisticated recruiting tools and software. By embracing these trends, employers and recruiters can expand their reach, connect with ideal candidates more efficiently, and stay competitive in the ever-evolving world of talent acquisition.

Workforce Planning And Recruitment Strategy Template

In the competitive realm of talent acquisition, effective workforce planning and a meticulously crafted recruitment strategy are key to aligning recruitment efforts with overarching business objectives. This approach not only streamlines the hiring process but also ensures that your organisation is well-equipped to seize future opportunities.

The foundation of a successful recruitment strategy is the development of a recruitment plan that outlines the steps and resources necessary to attract and hire the right talent. This plan should begin with a thorough analysis of your organisation’s current and future workforce needs, taking into account factors such as upcoming projects, expansion plans, and potential skill gaps.

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A pivotal aspect of your recruitment strategy is the consideration of cost per hire. This metric provides valuable insight into the efficiency and effectiveness of your recruitment efforts. By monitoring and optimising cost per hire, you can ensure that your recruitment budget is utilised in the most impactful way.

When developing a recruitment plan, consider the following template:

  1. Objective Setting: Define clear objectives that align with your business goals. This includes identifying the roles to be filled and the skills required.
  2. Budget Planning: Establish a budget that encompasses all aspects of the recruitment process, including advertising, recruitment tools, and onboarding costs.
  3. Talent Sourcing Strategy: Outline your approach for sourcing candidates, which may include job postings, recruitment agencies, social media outreach, and employee referral programs.
  4. Candidate Screening and Selection Process: Detail the steps involved in screening and selecting candidates, ensuring that the process is fair, efficient, and effective.
  5. Onboarding and Integration: Develop a comprehensive onboarding plan that facilitates a smooth transition for new hires into their roles and the company culture.
  6. Performance Measurement: Implement metrics to assess the success of your recruitment strategy, such as time-to-fill, candidate satisfaction, and retention rates.
  7. Continuous Review and Improvement: Establish a process for regularly reviewing and refining your recruitment strategy, allowing for adjustments to be made in response to changing market conditions and business needs.

In essence, a well-structured recruitment strategy is vital for effective workforce planning. By focusing on cost per hire, aligning recruitment plans with business objectives, and being prepared to adapt to future opportunities, employers and recruiters can ensure they are well-positioned to attract and retain top talent in a dynamic market environment.

Effective Recruitment Strategy And Recruitment Marketing FAQs

Next, we answer the questions of HR Managers and talent acquisition team members on the recruitment process and posting jobs:


A good recruitment strategy in the UK is one that is aligned with your business goals and tailored to your specific industry and company’s culture and company’s values. It involves a comprehensive hiring process that effectively identifies and attracts the right talent. This strategy should include a plan to forecast future hiring needs based on company growth and market trends. It also requires a well-defined recruitment budget to ensure resources are optimally allocated. A successful strategy engages hiring managers in setting hiring goals and crafting departmental strategies, while also focusing on reducing the time to hire. Additionally, establishing a targeted talent pipeline and maintaining an efficient recruiting team are essential components. Incorporating flexible work schedules can also be a significant factor in attracting potential candidates.


The elements of a successful recruiting strategy in the UK include a clear understanding of the recruiting process, well-defined hiring goals, and active involvement of hiring managers. Key components include: 1. An assessment of current and future business goals to ensure alignment with hiring needs. 2. A robust process for identifying potential candidates that match the company’s requirements. 3. A targeted talent pipeline that nurtures relationships with prospective candidates. 4. Effective collaboration between the recruiting team and departmental managers to ensure a cohesive approach. 5. Strategies to reduce the time to hire, enhancing efficiency and candidate experience. 6. A flexible approach to work arrangements, including flexible work schedules, to attract a diverse range of candidates. 7. Regular reviews and adjustments of the recruitment budget to ensure effective resource allocation.


A strategic recruitment plan is a forward-looking approach that aligns the recruitment processes with the long-term business goals of an organisation. It involves setting clear hiring goals, forecasting future hiring needs, and devising strategies to attract the right talent. This plan typically includes developing a targeted talent pipeline, defining the roles and responsibilities of the recruiting team, and establishing flexible work schedules to appeal to a broader range of candidates. The plan also focuses on optimising the recruitment budget and integrating departmental strategies to ensure a cohesive and effective hiring process.


UK recruitment plans offer several benefits: 1. Alignment with Business Goals: They ensure that hiring is strategically aligned with the company’s long-term objectives. 2. Efficient Hiring Process: By forecasting future hiring needs and establishing clear hiring goals, companies can streamline their hiring process. 3. Attracting the Right Talent: Strategic plans help in targeting and attracting candidates who are a good fit for the company’s culture and requirements. 4. Reduced Time to Hire: A well-planned approach can significantly reduce the time taken to fill vacancies. 5. Cost Efficiency: Effective use of the recruitment budget leads to more efficient hiring. 6. Improved Candidate Experience: A structured and transparent hiring process enhances the candidate experience. 7. Adaptability: Incorporating flexible work schedules makes the organisation more attractive to a diverse range of potential candidates.

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