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Office Dogs: Should You Allow Employees To Bring Their Dogs Into The Office?

Office Dogs

Welcome to our comprehensive guide on integrating dogs into the workplace – a resource designed for both the enthusiastic pet owner and the forward-thinking office. Are you a dog owner dreaming of bringing your four-legged friend to work? Or perhaps you’re an employer considering the leap into a more inclusive work environment? Either way, this blog is your go-to source for navigating the exciting yet nuanced world of dogs in the workplace.

We delve deep into the essentials, from crafting a practical and inclusive dog-friendly work policy template to preparing your furry companion for a day at the office. Whether you’re just starting to consider the idea of bringing dogs to work or are ready to formalise an existing practice, our insights will guide you through every step. Join us as we explore how to create a harmonious workplace where both humans and their canine companions can thrive together.

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Highlights And Key Takeaways:

  1. Positive impacts of dogs in the office include reducing stress levels, creating a more welcoming environment, improved job satisfaction and productivity.
  2. Challenges of allowing dogs in the office include allergies, phobias, dog bites, and trip hazards, which can be managed through implementing a pet-friendly policy.

The Rising Popularity Of Office Dogs

In recent times, you might have noticed a delightful trend blossoming across the UK – the presence of dogs in the office. This shift towards a more pet-friendly workplace isn’t just a whim; it’s a response to a growing understanding of the positive impact dogs can have in a professional setting.

Why are more companies opening their doors to our four-legged friends?

Well, the reasons are as compelling as they are varied. A significant factor is the evolving attitudes towards work-life balance and employee wellbeing. It appears that businesses across the UK are recognising the value of creating a welcoming and relaxed environment for their staff.

To put this into perspective, let’s delve into some telling statistics. A survey by the Kennel Club reveals that over half of Brits (52%) are keen on the idea of bringing their canine companions to work. Even more striking, 50% would consider choosing a job offer that allows them to be accompanied by their dogs – something to consider if you are researching how to write job descriptions or how to write a job advert. This isn’t just about personal preference; it’s about a broader change in how we view the workplace.

But what are the positive reasons for a dog-friendly workplace?

A significant 70% of dog owners agree that having their furry friends around helps alleviate stress in the workplace. Imagine a stressful day eased by the comforting presence of a dog – it’s an appealing thought, isn’t it? Furthermore, 67% believe dogs contribute to a friendlier atmosphere, breaking down barriers between colleagues and creating a sense of camaraderie. And let’s not forget about morale and job satisfaction, with 51% stating that dogs positively impact these aspects.

These aren’t just numbers; they reflect a real transformation in workplace culture. Companies across the UK, from innovative startups to established corporations, are successfully implementing pet-friendly policies. They’re finding that by welcoming dogs, they’re not just making individual employees happy but are also enhancing the overall workplace vibe. Reduced stress, improved morale, and a more congenial atmosphere – these are benefits that any forward-thinking company would want to harness.

So, as we witness this rising popularity of office dogs, it becomes clear that this trend is more than just about being pet-friendly. It’s about fostering a work environment where employees feel more relaxed, valued, and connected. And in such spaces, both humans and dogs can thrive side by side, making the daily grind a little more enjoyable for everyone.

Benefits Of Allowing Dogs In Your Office

Benefits Of An Office Dog

Introducing dogs to your office can be a transformative step, positively affecting various facets of your workplace. Let’s explore how these furry companions can bring about substantial benefits, from boosting job satisfaction to enhancing overall employee morale.

Firstly, the presence of dogs can significantly enhance job satisfaction. For pet owners, having their best friends by their side is not just a convenience; it’s a source of comfort. This comfort often translates into increased productivity and a more positive outlook towards work. With dogs present, employees tend to feel more relaxed, leading to a decrease in stress levels. The simple act of stroking a dog can lower blood pressure and reduce stress, contributing to better physical health and mental well-being.

But the advantages extend beyond individual benefits. Dogs have a unique ability to improve the entire workplace atmosphere. They encourage interaction among colleagues, breaking down formal barriers and fostering a sense of camaraderie. This is especially beneficial in environments where team bonding and effective communication are key to success. With dogs around, there are more opportunities for casual conversations and social interactions, which are essential for building strong team dynamics.

Moreover, having dogs in the office can also address a common concern for many pet owners – separation anxiety. Both the owner and the pet often experience distress when separated for long periods. Allowing dogs in the office alleviates this anxiety, ensuring pet owners can focus on their work without the added worry about their furry companions back home.

Additionally, dogs can positively impact basic health in the workplace. Regular walks and playtime with dogs encourage employees to take necessary breaks and engage in physical activity, which is vital for maintaining good health. This not only boosts employee morale but also contributes to a more dynamic and energised work environment.

Last but not least, employee engagement sees a notable improvement. In offices where dogs are welcomed, employees often feel a stronger connection to their workplace. This sense of belonging can lead to higher levels of job satisfaction and loyalty towards the company.

In summary, allowing dogs in your office can be a game-changer. From enhancing physical health to improving social interactions, the benefits are manifold. It creates an environment where employees feel more connected, relaxed, and engaged, leading to a happier, healthier, and more productive workplace. For using your company culture to attract and retain employees, you may want to read our blog – How To Infuse Company Culture And Brand Values Into Your Job Descriptions.

Considerations And Challenges

Challenges Of Dogs In The Workplace

While the benefits of having dogs in the office are plentiful, it’s crucial to acknowledge and address the challenges that come with it. These challenges, ranging from allergies to potential distractions, must be met with thoughtful solutions to ensure a harmonious workplace for everyone.

One of the key considerations is managing the health risks associated with allergies. It’s not uncommon for individuals to have allergic reactions to pet dander, which can turn the office into an uncomfortable, or even unsafe, working environment for them. Similarly, phobias are another concern. Not everyone is comfortable around dogs, and their presence could cause distress to some employees.

When multiple dogs are present, there’s a possibility of dogs behaving aggressively towards each other or towards people, which could lead to dog bites or other forms of personal injury. Additionally, dogs stealing food or protective dogs acting out can create an unsettling atmosphere. These scenarios highlight the importance of having a well-thought-out pet policy that considers the safety and comfort of all employees.

Another challenge is the physical aspect of having dogs in the office. Considerations like trip hazards from a dog bed or toys, and ensuring that the office remains clean and hygienic are vital. With dogs around, maintaining a clean environment becomes even more critical to prevent any health risk.

Creating a pet policy that works for everyone is essential

This policy should include guidelines on the number of dogs allowed at any one time to avoid the chaos of having too many pets. It should also cover rules about dogs’ behaviour, including measures to be taken if a dog is behaving aggressively.

Legal restrictions and cultural differences are also important to consider. Ensure that your pet policy aligns with local laws and is sensitive to cultural norms. This is particularly crucial for new employees who might come from diverse backgrounds.

To effectively address these challenges, consider implementing measures such as designated dog-free zones for those who are uncomfortable or allergic to dogs. Regular training sessions for dogs to ensure they are well-behaved in the office environment can also be beneficial. Additionally, setting clear rules about feeding and caring for the dogs in the office can prevent issues like food theft or neglected pets.

In conclusion, while dogs can bring numerous advantages to the workplace, it’s vital to balance these with the potential challenges they might bring. A comprehensive and inclusive pet policy, coupled with a commitment to maintaining a safe and comfortable environment for all, is key to successfully integrating dogs into your office.

Implementing A Dog-Friendly Policy

Implementing An Office Dog Policy

Introducing a dog-friendly policy in your office can be an exciting and positive change, but it must be properly managed to ensure a harmonious work environment for everyone. Let’s walk through how you can implement such a policy while keeping the comfort and safety of all employees in mind.

Firstly, consider the opinions and comfort levels of other employees. Not everyone may share the same enthusiasm for dogs at work, and their concerns must be respected. A good starting point is to conduct a survey or hold a meeting to gauge the overall sentiment towards dog ownership in the office. This feedback is crucial in shaping a policy that is inclusive and considerate of everyone’s needs.

When drafting your dog-friendly policy, health and safety should be at the forefront. Establish clear guidelines on vaccinations, flea treatments, and general health requirements for dogs. This step ensures that all pets in the office are not only safe for others but also in good health themselves.

Designating specific dog areas is another essential aspect. Not every part of the office may be suitable or safe for dogs. Identify areas where dogs are allowed and areas that are off-limits, like kitchens or certain meeting rooms. This helps in managing the presence of dogs and ensures that employees who prefer not to interact with them can work comfortably.

Rules for behaviour are imperative. Outline expectations for both dogs and their owners, including rules about barking, cleanliness, and responding to any misbehaviour. It’s important to make it clear that dog owners are responsible for their pets at all times, including ensuring that their dogs are not disruptive or a disturbance to other employees.

Consider the dynamics of having multiple dogs in the office. Interactions between dogs should be monitored to ensure they are friendly and safe. It might be wise to have a trial period or specific days when dogs are allowed in the office, to start with. This approach helps in gradually introducing the concept and making adjustments as needed.

Lastly, ensure that your dog-friendly policy is communicated clearly to all staff. Regular reminders and updates about the policy can help in maintaining a well-understood and smoothly functioning system.

By thoughtfully considering these aspects, you can create a dog-friendly policy that not only allows employees to enjoy the company of their pets but also maintains a productive, safe, and comfortable work environment for everyone.

Dog-Friendly Work Policy Template

Implementing a dog-friendly work policy is a significant step towards creating an inclusive and welcoming office environment. However, striking the right balance between accommodating pet-loving employees and maintaining a professional workspace can be challenging. This recruitment resource is designed to provide a comprehensive framework for your dog-friendly work policy. It addresses key areas such as eligibility, behaviour standards, health and safety requirements, and responsibilities of pet owners. By customising this template to fit the unique needs and culture of your workplace, you can ensure a seamless integration of this pet-friendly initiative.

Dog-Friendly Work Policy Template

1. Purpose and Scope

  • This policy aims to outline the guidelines for bringing dogs to the workplace, ensuring a comfortable and safe environment for all employees.

2. Eligibility

  • Employees wishing to bring their dogs to work must receive prior approval from management.
  • Dogs must be well-trained, sociable, and comfortable in a shared environment.

3. Health and Safety Requirements

  • All dogs must be up-to-date with vaccinations, flea and tick treatments, and be in good general health.
  • Owners must provide a health certificate from a vet annually.

4. Behaviour Standards

  • Dogs must be well-behaved, with no history of aggression or excessive barking.
  • Owners are responsible for their dog’s behaviour and must ensure they do not disrupt other employees.

5. Designated Dog Areas

  • Specific areas will be designated for dogs. Areas such as kitchens, bathrooms, and certain meeting rooms will be off-limits.
  • A designated outdoor area will be provided for breaks and toileting.

6. Responsibilities of Dog Owners

  • Dog owners must bring all necessary supplies for their dogs, including a leash, food, water bowl, and dog bed.
  • Dogs must be on a leash in common areas and never left unattended.
  • Owners are responsible for cleaning up after their dog, both inside and outside the office.

7. Interaction with Other Dogs and Employees

  • Owners must monitor their dog’s interactions with other dogs and employees.
  • Respect for colleagues who are uncomfortable with dogs is paramount.

8. Liability

  • Dog owners are liable for any damage or injury caused by their dog.

9. Complaints and Conflict Resolution

  • Any issues or complaints related to dogs in the workplace should be reported to management immediately.
  • Management reserves the right to revoke the privilege if the policy is not adhered to.

10. Review and Modification of Policy

  • This policy will be reviewed annually and may be modified based on feedback and experiences.

By adhering to this policy, we aim to create a harmonious environment where both employees and their canine companions can coexist productively and happily.

Searching for another recruitment resource? You can find all our free recruitment resources here, including invaluable guides and templates, such as The Hiring Blueprint: UK Contract Of Employment Template and How To Make A Job Offer: A Step-By-Step Guide To Writing Job Offers.

Tips For Employees Bringing Dogs To Work

Bringing your dog to the office can be a delightful experience, both for you as pet parents and for your colleagues. However, to ensure a smooth transition and maintain a professional environment, consider the following practical tips:

  1. Understand Your Dog’s Personality: Before bringing your dog to work, assess their temperament. Are they calm and sociable, or do they get anxious around strangers? Your dog should be comfortable and relaxed in social settings, especially in a busy office environment.
  2. Training and Behaviour: Ensure your dog is fully toilet trained and can respond to basic commands like ‘sit’, ‘stay’, and ‘come’. Good behaviour is crucial in maintaining professionalism in the office.
  3. Pet Care Essentials: Bring necessary items such as a dog lead, water bowl, dog bed, and dog toys. These will help your dog feel at home and stay occupied. However, avoid squeak toys as they can be a distraction.
  4. Office Familiarisation: Gradually introduce your dog to the office environment. Start by bringing them in for short periods and gradually increase the time as they get accustomed to the space and the people.
  5. Keeping on the Same Page: Discuss your plans with your colleagues and ensure they are comfortable with having a dog around. Be sensitive to colleagues who may have allergies or fears of dogs.
  6. Respect Workspace and Colleagues: Keep your dog on a dog lead while moving around the office and ensure they don’t wander into areas where they’re not allowed. Respect your colleagues’ space and ensure your dog does the same.
  7. Regular Breaks and Lunch Breaks: Take your dog for regular walks during the day, especially during your lunch breaks. This not only helps them relieve themselves but also prevents restlessness.
  8. Monitor Noise and Movement: Keep an eye on your dog to ensure they are not being disruptive, whether through barking or excessive movement around the office.
  9. Dog Friendly Policies Compliance: Familiarise yourself with your office’s dog friendly policies. Adhering to these guidelines is key to creating a harmonious environment for everyone.
  10. Feedback and Adaptation: Be open to feedback from your colleagues about your dog’s presence and behaviour. Be willing to make adjustments as needed for the comfort and productivity of the entire office.

By following these tips, you can help ensure that bringing your dog to work is a positive experience for everyone involved. Remember, the key is to balance your dog’s needs with the professional and respectful atmosphere of the office.

Office Dog FAQs

Next, we tackle your questions on dogs in the office:


Whether you can bring your dog into the office largely depends on your workplace’s policy. Many companies are embracing a pet-friendly approach, recognising the benefits pets can bring to employee wellbeing and workplace morale. However, it’s crucial to consider practical aspects such as space, potential allergies among colleagues, and maintaining a professional environment. Always check with your HR department or management and ensure your pet is well-behaved and non-disruptive if allowed in the office. 


Bringing dogs to the office is becoming increasingly popular for several reasons. They offer companionship and stress relief, often creating a more relaxed and friendly atmosphere. Dogs can encourage employees to take necessary breaks and foster social interaction in the workplace. However, it’s important to ensure that this practice aligns with the company’s culture and that all employees are comfortable with pets in their workspace. 


Handling a dog in the office requires a balance of responsibility and awareness. Owners should ensure their dogs are well-trained, sociable, and do not cause a disturbance. It’s important to keep dogs on a leash in common areas, provide them with regular breaks, and have a designated space for them to rest. Cleanliness and respecting the space and comfort of all employees are paramount. Remember, not everyone may be comfortable around dogs, so it’s important to be considerate. 


Whether an office pet is a good idea depends on the specific environment and culture of the workplace. While pets can bring numerous benefits such as reduced stress, improved morale, and increased social interaction, they may not be suitable for every office setting. Consider factors like space, employee allergies, and overall business nature. A trial period can be an effective way to gauge how a pet fits into the office dynamics before making a long-term decision. 

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