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Navigating the intricacies of employment can be a complex endeavour for those stepping into new roles and for the organisations welcoming them. Central to this journey is the employment contract template, which outlines mutual understanding and expectations between an employee and employer. This guide aims to dissect and illuminate the various elements of an employment contract template, ensuring that both parties can move forward with a clear and mutual comprehension of their professional engagement.

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We will walk you through a carefully structured employment contract template, providing a clear blueprint that you can adapt to reflect your organisation’s unique needs and conditions. Whether you are drafting a contract for the first time or looking to refine your existing documentation, this guide will be invaluable to align with the latest legal requirements and best practices. With this employment contract template, we aspire to create a solid foundation for your employment relationships, establishing clarity, transparency, and confidence from the outset.

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Highlights And Key Takeaways:

  1. The Employment Rights Act 1996 mandates that you must provide employees with a ‘written statement of employment particulars.’
  2. Non-negotiable ‘particulars’ include the names of the employing entity and the employee, the commencement date of employment, a job description, place of work, remuneration, working hours, holiday entitlement, sickness and absence reporting procedures, and notice periods.

Understanding The Employment Rights Act 1996

The Employment Rights Act 1996

Navigating the intricacies of employment law is a task both vital and daunting. At the heart of UK workplace legislation is the Employment Rights Act 1996, a cornerstone act that balances the scales of power, defining employers’ obligations and safeguarding employees’ rights. This act is the bedrock upon which the trust between employer and employee is built, ensuring transparency and fairness are not just ideals but enforceable standards.

For employers, the act serves as a guiding compass, ensuring they conduct their stewardship of human resources with a clear framework to prevent disputes and foster a stable working environment. It lays down the law – quite literally – on what terms must be included within employment contracts and what expectations can be set, on acceptance of a job offer. Read more about job offers in How To Make A Job Offer: A Step-By-Step Guide To Writing Job Offers.

For employees, it’s a shield – a guarantee that their employment will not be a matter of arbitrary terms but a relationship governed by clearly defined rules. This act mandates the provision of a ‘written statement of employment particulars’ – a document that is more than mere formality. These ‘particulars’ outline the anatomy of the job role: the who, what, when, and where of employment, forming a transparent foundation for the professional relationship.

The particulars required by the act are non-negotiables, including the names of the employing entity and the employee, the commencement date of employment, and the finer details such as job description, place of work, and remuneration. It also encompasses the working hours, holiday entitlement, sickness and absence reporting procedures, and notice periods. The act ensures that both parties are clear on the terms of engagement from day one, minimising future misunderstandings and setting the tone for a mutually beneficial partnership.

In essence, the Employment Rights Act 1996 is the blueprint for fair play in the workplace, a testament to the UK’s commitment to protecting the dance of give-and-take between employer and employee. As we delve into the particulars of an employment contract, remember that this act underpins every clause, term, and condition.

Personalising The Contract

In employment contracts, personalisation isn’t merely a flourish; it’s fundamental. The distinction of the parties involved is the thread that weaves through the legal fabric of the employment relationship.

Section 1: Identification of Parties

The identification section of your contract is where the narrative begins. It is crucial to state the company name and the employee’s name precisely; the legal handshake introduces the parties. A company name isn’t just a label; it’s an entity with which the employee enters a solemn agreement. For the organisation, it’s about positioning itself as a professional body that recognises and respects the identity of its workforce. The employee’s name on the contract is a marker of their individuality and the unique skills they bring to the table. This precise identification fosters a sense of belonging and responsibility. It also serves a practical purpose: ensuring no ambiguity about who is bound by the contract’s terms. This is especially important when addressing grievances or if the parties end up in legal proceedings. It also helps clients and other external parties to identify who they are dealing with within the organisation.

Section 2: Start Dates and Continuity

The start date is not just a marker of when the employee commences work; it is the temporal address from which all employment rights and responsibilities accumulate. It dictates when benefits kick in, when probationary periods end, and when the clock starts ticking for continuous employment. Continuous employment, a chain unbroken by significant gaps, is a ribbon of tenure that can affect everything from statutory rights to redundancy entitlements. It’s a metric of loyalty and stability that can enhance the employee’s standing within the organisation. The start date also has external implications. It allows clients to gauge the employee experience level they are engaging with and can influence the level of trust clients place in the organisation. In essence, the start date is a temporal touchstone that sets the rhythm of the employment relationship, a date that both the employer and the employee need to mark in bold on the calendar of their professional journey.

Defining The Role

Section 3: Job Title and Description

Defining the role within an employment contract is akin to drawing a map for the journey ahead. The job title is the destination, succinctly summarising the essence of the position. It is a label that workers carry, often becoming part of their professional identity. It should encapsulate the nature of the role and the level of seniority, giving immediate insight into where the employee stands within the organisational hierarchy.

However, a job title alone can be a silhouette without substance. This is where a job description becomes the narrative that fills in the details – the day-to-day duties one can expect to undertake, the scope of responsibilities, and the specific contributions to the team and the organisation as a whole. A job description template serves as a scaffold for this narrative, ensuring consistency and completeness across various roles within the company.

Our job description library is an invaluable resource, offering a compendium of detailed job descriptions, from the empathetic calling of a Mental Health Support Worker job description to the dynamic and target-driven specifies of a Sales Advisor job description. Each template in this repository is meticulously crafted to provide clarity on the position’s requirements, helping employers to communicate expectations and workers to understand their duties.

For further insights into the significance of job titles and how they can shape perceptions and expectations, our blog What Is A Job Title? and Job Title Examples delves into the nuances of this cornerstone of job descriptions. It offers a perspective on how a job title can reflect the role’s essence and the employee’s status, and how it can set the tone for the employee’s journey within the company.

In defining the role within your employment contract, remember, clarity is king. A well-articulated job description not only outlines what is expected but also sets the stage for the employee’s growth and contribution to the organisation.

Compensation Details

Salary Details

Section 4: Pay

When presenting a job offer, the section on pay is often the most anticipated part. The value of the role is quantified in the job offer, and the employer offers a tangible representation of how much the employee’s contributions are worth in monetary terms. Best practices dictate that this section must be as transparent as daylight, leaving no room for ambiguity when the employee accepts the offer.

The pay structure should be precise, specifying the amount to be paid and the frequency – is it weekly, bi-monthly, or monthly? This clarity ensures that the employee knows exactly when they can expect the money to be deposited, a detail that plays a significant part in financial planning and well-being.

Additionally, the method of payment should be stated. Will the money be transferred directly to a bank account, or are there alternative arrangements? This helps set up the necessary financial channels before the employee accepts the role, ensuring a smooth transition into the payroll system.

When an employee accepts an offer where the employer offers a clear, understandable pay structure, it lays the foundation for a relationship built on trust and transparency. It signifies to the employee that they are stepping into an organisation that values clarity and respects the agreed-upon compensation for their skills and efforts. This section of the contract is not just a figure; it reflects the mutual agreement and understanding between the employer and the employee – a financial handshake that is accepted and respected by both parties.

Workplace Logistics

Section 5: Place of Work

In the landscape of employment contracts, the section detailing the place of work is a legally valid commitment to where the person will perform their duties. It is a fundamental clause where both parties agree on the geographical stage of the employee’s daily responsibilities.

In most cases, the contract should specify the normal place of work with a precise address. This could be your organisation’s particular office, site, or branch. It’s a declaration of the primary location that anchors the employee’s role, providing them a sense of stability and belonging.

However, the modern workplace is increasingly dynamic, so the freedom to be flexible is invaluable. A flexibility clause is the contract’s way of acknowledging this. It allows for both parties to agree that, in certain circumstances, the employee may be required to work from different locations. This could include other company sites, client premises, or remote work arrangements.

Incorporating this clause respects the employee’s potential need for mobility and the employer’s need to respond to changing business demands. It’s a mutual understanding that while there is a home base, the nature of the work may call for a degree of fluidity in location. This foresight can foster a working relationship that embraces flexibility while maintaining a clear structure within the contract.

Working Hours And Expectations

Section 6: Working Hours

When drafting the section on working hours in an employment contract, the key is to clearly identify the standard expectations. This section isn’t merely about numbers; it’s about creating a schedule that aligns with the employee’s life and the company’s operational needs, ensuring it’s easily accessible and understood.

Normal working hours should be detailed: state the start and end times of a typical workday, along with the days of the week the employee is expected to work. This creates a predictable pattern that employees can integrate into their daily lives, providing structure and stability.

Breaks are a critical element of the working day, pivotal to employee well-being and productivity. Specify the length and frequency of breaks, including lunch breaks, ensuring they comply with employment regulations.

Variable hours can be a complex territory, but they don’t have to be a source of confusion. If the role includes variable hours, clearly define the parameters: how will these hours be determined, and how much notice will the employee receive? This creates a framework that respects the employee’s time while maintaining the organisation’s agility.

By precisely laying out working hours, breaks, and variable hour conditions, you create a transparent and harmonious working environment where expectations are clear and balance is achievable. For a deeper dive into employment hours, read UK Employment Hours: A Comprehensive Guide To Work Hours.

Leave And Holidays

Section 7: Holiday Entitlement

In the tapestry of employment benefits, holiday entitlement is a thread that weaves significant value, offering respite for rejuvenation. For a business, how this is presented in the contract is a process requiring thoughtful consideration to comply with statutory rights and demonstrate the company’s investment in its employees’ well-being.

The holiday entitlement section must clearly state the total number of days off the employee is entitled to, including the national statutory minimum (28 days including bank holidays). It should articulate how these days accrue over time and specify whether bank holidays are included within this allocation or in addition.

Beyond statutory rights, if your company offers additional leave as a provision of employment – a testament to the business’s culture and values – these should be detailed with the same level of clarity. Whether it’s extra days for long service or enhanced holiday packages, these provisions should be clearly outlined, leaving no room for ambiguity.

The process for booking leave must be transparent, detailing the notice period required and the method for submission and approval of holiday requests. This clarity ensures a smooth operation within the business, maintaining continuity even when employees are away.

In sum, the holiday entitlement section should be a clearly defined component of the employment contract, reflecting a balance between legal compliance and the additional benefits that make your company an attractive workplace.

Additional Benefits

Section 8: Other Benefits

In the world of employment, the additional benefits section is where a company can truly shine, presenting perks that transcend the basic salary offering. This part of the contract should be a showcase on paper, a tangible presentation of the extras that enrich the employee’s experience.

When detailing benefits like insurance, gym memberships, or company cars, it’s essential to lay out the specific terms. For instance, if health insurance is offered, specify what plans are available, the extent of coverage, and any eligibility criteria or waiting periods that apply. For company perks like gym memberships or wellness programs, delineate any conditions or limitations of use.

Every benefit included should be clearly defined – from who it covers to how and when it can be accessed. If certain perks have a qualifying period, this needs to be transparent, setting expectations from the outset. Moreover, if there are any benefits that the employee can opt into or out of, such as stock options or pension contributions, these choices should be outlined in a manner that is easily understood.

In essence, the other benefits section is not just a list; it reflects the company’s culture and is a key factor in the world of talent attraction and retention. Articulating these benefits clearly on paper ensures that the employee fully understands the value of what is being presented, fostering goodwill and engagement from day one.

Sickness And Absence

Absence Form

Section 9: Absence and Sick Pay

Sickness and absence are inevitable aspects of the working world. The process for managing these should be present in the employment contract, laying out a clear pathway for both the employer and the employee. This procedure underscores respect for the party affected while maintaining the company’s operational needs.

The contract should guide the employee on the process for reporting an absence: whom to notify, by what means (e.g., phone call, email), and at what time. This form of communication should be signed off by both parties as understood and agreed upon, ensuring that expectations are set before any such event occurs.

In the case of sickness, self-certification is a key component. The contract must state the duration an employee can self-certify – typically, this is for absences of up to seven days. Beyond this period, medical evidence may be required, such as a fit note from a healthcare professional.

Furthermore, sick pay terms – whether statutory or contractual – must be clearly laid out. If the company provides enhanced sick pay benefits, the qualifying conditions, payment duration, and any variations in the pay rate depending on the length of service should be thoroughly detailed. This ensures that when an employee signs the contract, they completely understand their rights and the company’s support structure in the event of illness.

By codifying these elements with clarity and care, the contract not only sets a formal process in place but also conveys a message of support and respect for the well-being of employees, fostering a culture of trust and care within the workplace.

Special Leave Provisions

Section 10: Other Paid Leave

The fabric of life is woven with moments that necessitate time away from work, and it’s within the special leave provisions that an employer showcases understanding and support for these times. This section is where maternity, paternity, bereavement, and other forms of paid leave are detailed, acknowledging employees’ multifaceted lives outside the workplace.

Maternity and paternity leave provisions should be outlined to meet statutory requirements and reflect the organisation’s ethos. Clearly state the duration of the leave, the application process, and any company-specific benefits that extend beyond the legal minimum. For instance, these details should be explicitly mentioned if your company provides additional weeks of paid leave or a phased return to work.

Bereavement leave is a delicate inclusion, yet a crucial one. Define the eligibility for bereavement leave, including which relationships qualify and the time allowed. If your policy provides more than the statutory entitlement, highlight and explain this with sensitivity.

Other types of special leave, such as time off for dependents or study leave, should be incorporated with equal clarity. The conditions under which such leave can be taken, the notice required, and whether it’s paid or unpaid must be transparent.

Pension And Retirement

Section 11: Pension Arrangements

The chapter of an employment contract that broaches the subject of pensions is more than a mere future consideration; it’s an integral part of the present employment agreement that requires clear articulation. As employees ponder the longevity of their careers, clarity around pension schemes and the nuances of auto-enrolment becomes pivotal.

In detailing pension arrangements within the contract, it’s essential to provide a lucid explanation of the scheme offered, including how it operates and the contributions made by both employer and employee. For many, this contract section will form the basis of their retirement planning, hence the need for transparency.

Auto-enrolment is a term that should be familiar to both parties. It’s imperative to delineate the eligibility criteria for auto-enrolment, the process of opting in or out, and the effects this may have on the overall pension provision. Given that this is a statutory requirement, the contract should reflect adherence to the regulations and outline the steps the company will take to ensure compliance.

Furthermore, it’s crucial to address what happens to pension contributions if the employment contract ends, whether through resignation, retirement, or redundancy. The employee should be left with no ambiguities regarding their pension entitlements and the process for claiming or transferring their pension upon the cessation of their contract.

In essence, the pension arrangements section of an employment contract serves as a bridge between an employee’s present contributions and their future well-being, symbolising the company’s commitment to the employee’s life beyond the tenure of their current role.

Development And Training

Hiring And Training

Section 12: Training

Pursuing growth is integral to any business, and this journey begins within the development and training section of the employment contract. This segment should be a testament to a business’s investment in its employees from the moment of hiring, laying out the roadmap for skill enhancement and professional progression.

In the agreement, it is imperative to detail the compulsory training programs that are deemed necessary for the employee to perform their role effectively. This could encompass everything from initial induction training to annual compliance refreshers. The contract should specify who bears the cost for such training and the expected completion timeframe, ensuring that both parties are aligned on these mandatory requirements.

Optional training provisions represent an opportunity for employees to broaden their skill set and should be included with as much emphasis as the compulsory elements. Outline the range of additional training options, the application process, and any conditions tied to these opportunities, such as service length or job grade. This clarity encourages employees to take advantage of personal development opportunities, understanding how they align with the company’s growth and career trajectory.

Including compulsory and optional training in the employment contract sets the tone for the employee’s development journey and underscores the business’s commitment to fostering a continuous improvement and learning culture.

Probationary Terms

Section 13: Probationary Period

The probationary period is the initial chapter of the employment story when the business and the new hire assess the promise of their professional union. It’s a pivotal phase that should be clarified in the employment contract.

This section must outline the length of the probationary period, commonly spanning two months or more, depending on the role and the business’s policy. It’s crucial to state what will be expected of the new hire during this time, including any specific targets or objectives they are to achieve and the support and resources the business will provide to help them succeed.

The contract should also lay out the terms under which either party can terminate the employment during or at the end of the probationary period and any differences in benefits or rights that apply during this initial stage.

Setting these clear expectations within the employment contract, the probationary period can serve as a constructive and transparent beginning to the employment relationship, allowing both the employer and the employee to make informed decisions about their future with the business.

Notice Period And Termination

Section 14: Notice Period

Upon accepting a job offer, the individual steps into a legally binding agreement, including provisions for its potential conclusion. The notice period is a critical element of this agreement, serving as a buffer for the employee and the business, allowing time for adjustment and preparation for change.

During the probationary period, the notice period may be shorter, reflecting the trial nature of this initial stage. The contract must specify the length of notice required from the employer and the employee should the arrangement not prove mutually beneficial during this time.

After the probationary period, the notice period generally extends, providing a more substantial timeframe for transition. This longer period reflects the deeper integration of the employee within the business and the consequent need for a more significant period for reorganisation or replacement. The contract should clearly articulate the notice duration required once the probationary period has been completed, ensuring that both parties understand their commitments.

By outlining these terms clearly within the employment contract, the notice period serves as a pre-agreed safeguard, a final chapter in the employment narrative understood and respected by all parties involved.

Collective Agreements

Section 15: Collective Agreements

Collective agreements play a significant role within the fabric of employee relations, often shaping the broader terms and conditions of employment. These agreements are typically forged through negotiations between the employer and a collective body representing the workforce – usually a trade union or employee association.

In the employment contract, it’s vital to address the existence and relevance of any collective agreements that impact the terms of employment. This section should detail the applicable agreements, including the names of the parties involved, the date of effect, and the aspects of employment they influence, such as pay scales, working hours, or holiday entitlement.

If any collective agreements do not govern the employment, this, too, should be explicitly stated to avoid any potential misunderstandings. For contracts under the influence of such agreements, the employee should be informed about accessing the full documents for their reference.

Detailing collective agreements within the employment contract ensures transparency and demonstrates the employer’s commitment to maintaining the negotiated standards of the working environment. It also reinforces the understanding that the terms of employment are part of a wider dialogue between the employer and the collective workforce, underpinning the collaborative nature of the working relationship.

Grievance And Disciplinary Procedures

Section 16: Grievances

A well-structured grievance procedure is a hallmark of a supportive and responsive workplace. The employment contract should guide employees on how to raise concerns or issues they may encounter. This section must clearly state to whom an employee should address a grievance, the format it should take, and the process that will follow. It’s imperative to outline the steps and expected timeframes for responses and resolution, ensuring that employees understand the commitment to fair and attentive handling of their concerns.

Section 17: Disciplinary Rules and Procedures

Similarly, a clear and fair disciplinary process is crucial for maintaining order and standards within the workplace. The employment contract should articulate the behaviours and performances that could lead to disciplinary action, ensuring employees know the expectations and the consequences of not meeting them. It should also detail the procedures the employer will follow in case of a disciplinary issue, including investigations, hearings, and the right to appeal decisions.

The grievance and disciplinary procedures should be presented in a manner that underscores their importance in fostering a just and transparent workplace. By detailing these processes, the contract provides a framework for resolving issues that respect the rights and responsibilities of all parties involved.

Confirmation And Acceptance

The final act of formalising an employment contract is signing the document. This act of signing is not merely a procedural formality; it is a significant moment where both parties – the employer and the employee – affirm their agreement to the terms set forth within the pages. A signed contract is a testament to mutual understanding and acceptance, a binding document that enshrines the responsibilities and expectations of both parties.

The confirmation and acceptance section should underscore a signed agreement’s importance. It acknowledges that both parties have read, understood, and accepted the contract terms. The signing declares that the individual agrees to uphold their end of the contract. Likewise, the employer confirms their commitment to abide by the terms they have presented.

This section should provide space for signatures from both the employee and a representative of the employer, often a manager or HR official, along with the date of signing. It should remind both parties that the signed document is a cornerstone of the employment relationship, a reference point for the rights and obligations that will guide their professional journey together.

UK Employment Contract Template

Employment Contract Template

Embarking on a new employment journey is a significant step for both employer and employee. A clearly defined contract of employment is not just a legal requirement; it’s a foundation for a strong working relationship. What follows is a standard employment contract, inspired by UK Government and ACAS guidelines, designed to ensure that all necessary terms and conditions of employment are communicated clearly. This employment contact template has been carefully crafted to ensure it reflects current legal standards while also being easily adaptable to the specific needs of your organisation and the roles within it.

Enter Your Details Below To Download The Employment Contract Template

Employment Contract Template:

Welcome to [Company Name]. This document outlines the key terms and conditions of your employment with us, aligning with the statutory particulars as required by the Employment Rights Act 1996, effective from November 13, 2023.

1. Identification of the Parties

This contract is between [employee’s full name], hereinafter referred to as the ‘Employee’, and [employer’s legal company name], hereinafter referred to as the ‘Employer’.

2. Commencement of Employment

Your employment with the Employer commenced on [start date of employment].

Please select the appropriate option:

A. Your employment does not include previous engagements as part of your ‘continuous employment’.

B. Your continuous employment, including prior engagement with [name of previous employer], commenced on [start date of continuous employment].

3. Job Title and Description

You are employed in the capacity of . A comprehensive description of your role, as well as your responsibilities and duties, is outlined in the attached job description, which may be periodically updated to reflect the evolving needs of the Employer.

4. Compensation

Your remuneration package is [details of salary], payable [payment frequency]. Additional details regarding bonuses, increments, or other components of your compensation are enclosed herein.

5. Workplace Location

Your primary place of work is at [address of workplace]. However, the Employer retains the right to require you to work at different locations, reflecting the dynamic needs of the business.

6. Working Hours and Breaks

Your standard working hours are [details of working days and hours], including a [duration and paid/unpaid status] break each day. These hours may be subject to change according to the operational requirements of the Employer.

7. Holiday Entitlement

Your entitlement to annual leave is [number of days], which includes public holidays. The procedure for scheduling and approval of leave is detailed in the accompanying policy document.

8. Additional Benefits

The Employer offers additional benefits, such as [details of additional benefits like health insurance, pension plans, etc.], which commence after [time period or condition].

9. Sickness and Absence Reporting

In the event of absence due to illness, you are required to inform [appropriate contact] by [method and time]. For absences longer than seven days, a medical certificate must be provided. Details regarding statutory sick pay or the Employer’s sick pay scheme are included.

10. Special Leave Provisions

You may be eligible for other forms of leave, including maternity, paternity, adoption, bereavement, and other special leave, under the terms outlined in the respective policy documents.

11. Pension Arrangements

Eligible employees will be auto-enrolled into the Employer’s pension scheme. Full details of the pension scheme and contributions will be provided upon enrolment.

12. Training and Development

The Employer will provide necessary training for your role. You may also be eligible for further professional development opportunities, the details of which are included in the company’s training policy.

13. Probationary Terms

A probationary period of [number of weeks/months] applies to your employment. During this period, the terms regarding performance expectations and the notice period for termination by either party are as follows: [details].

14. Notice Period and Termination

During your probation, a notice period of [number of weeks] is required. Post-probation, the notice period is extended to [number of weeks]. The terms are further detailed within this section.

15. Collective Agreements

Any collective agreements that directly affect the terms and conditions of your employment are detailed herein.

16. Grievance Procedure

Should you wish to raise a formal grievance, the procedure is set out in the accompanying documentation.

17. Disciplinary Rules and Procedures

The rules regarding disciplinary actions and the procedures to be followed are clearly defined within this contract.

Confirmation and Acceptance

This contract represents the full agreement between the Employee and the Employer. Your signature confirms your understanding and acceptance of its terms.

Employee’s Signature: ________________________

Date: ________________________

Employer’s Representative Signature: ________________________

Date: ________________________

Please note that the above template is a simplified rewording for the purpose of this example and should be adapted to include more specific information as required for the actual employment circumstances and to comply with legal advice.

Employment Contracts FAQs

Next, we answer any remaining employment contract questions on writing a legally binding agreement for full time employees.


Crafting a contract of employment in the UK requires a meticulous approach to ensure all legal bases are covered. Begin with the fundamentals: the names of the employer and employee, job title, and start date. Next, stipulate the salary, benefits, working hours, and holiday entitlement. Include clauses on confidentiality, termination procedures, and grievance policies. It’s paramount that the contract adheres to UK employment law, so consulting legal guidelines or a solicitor to tailor your contract is a wise move. 


Employment contracts can be sourced from a variety of channels. For a robust starting point, consider downloading templates from reputable websites such as ACAS or the portal, which provide standard forms in line with current legal requirements. Alternatively, seeking bespoke contracts drafted by legal professionals or HR consultancies can ensure that your specific business needs are met, while still aligning with UK employment legislation. 


A standard UK employment contract is usually full-time and permanent, encompassing the core elements of employment terms. It typically outlines the role’s responsibilities, working hours (often 35-40 per week), holiday entitlement (a minimum of 28 days including bank holidays), notice periods, and salary details. It may also include probationary periods, pension arrangements, and other benefits. Fixed-term or part-time contracts follow similar structures but with variations in hours and tenure. 


Yes, it’s a legal imperative. In the UK, employers must provide employees with a ‘written statement of employment particulars’ from day one of employment, which effectively serves as a contract. It must detail the key conditions of employment, such as pay, hours, and job description. This is enshrined in UK employment law, and failure to provide this can result in legal repercussions. It serves as a safeguard for both parties, clarifying expectations and obligations from the outset. 

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