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Recruitment News – June 28

Recruitment News June 28

With the last week of June upon us, we have seen other statistics come to light that adds weight to emerging job seeker trends that all employers and recruiters should consider when posting jobs:

  • 1 in 4 workers will not apply for a job if they don’t know its salary
  • ‘Remote jobs’ searches increased by 260% in the UK

Sources: HR Grapevine | CityAM

CIPD Good Work Index

The latest CIPD Good Work Index report was published on June 20, which provides an annual snapshot of UK job quality. The research indicates that 6.5 million workers in the UK expect to quit their job during the next 12 months, with those experiencing low job quality being the most driven to search for greener fields. While pay and benefits remain the most prominent driving force to leave, people are also searching for a better work-life balance and increased job satisfaction.

The data, constructed from a survey of 6,000 UK workers, found:

  • 20% of workers said they intend to quit their current role in the next year (up from 16% in 2021)
  • 35% are leaving for better pay and benefits
  • 27% are seeking increased job satisfaction
  • 24% want a better work-life balance
  • 23% want to experience a different role

The survey indicates that employers need to be more creative when looking to retain employees or attract staff. Focusing solely on pay and benefits is not enough, with job quality influencing employee and candidate decisions. Out of seven job quality metrics, six influence decision-making and the intention to find work elsewhere:

  1. Pay and benefits
  2. Work-life balance
  3. Employment contracts
  4. Health and Well-being
  5. Job design and the nature of work
  6. Relationships at work

1 in 5 workers said their job dissatisfaction and drive to find new employment was due to experiencing poor leadership. In contrast, a third of those who moved jobs in the past 12 months highlighted poor senior management leadership as the reason.

Hybrid Working And Job Quality

Hybrid workers continue to experience higher levels of job quality compared to those who cannot work from home for any portion of their job. However, hybrid workers continue to struggle to balance the work-life scales, with work often spilling over into their home life, resulting in working longer hours than they would prefer. This shows that new ways of working aren’t entirely better.

Training And Career Development

Training and career development opportunities also create employment dissatisfaction, with lower earners feeling the brunt. Only 20% of workers earning up to £20,000 per year said their role offered good skills development opportunities, which is in stark contrast to the 72% of workers earning £60,000 or more. Career development prospects tell a similar story, with a quarter of low earners seeing good opportunities compared to half of the high earners.

Melanie Green, Research Adviser for the CIPD, said, “Too often employers focus on roles that already have higher job quality when they look to improve job quality and retain people, and quite often the focus is on pay alone. While pay is the main motivator for job moves, there are many reasons why people leave roles, and numerous barriers preventing people from being able to leave.”

Melanie continued to say, “All jobs have the potential to be better, and we should aspire to make good work a reality for everyone in the workforce. This means going beyond pay to think about how people’s roles are designed, how flexible their roles can be – in location or hours – supporting good health and wellbeing, and investing in employee development, so they have the means to progress in their career. The pandemic exacerbated existing inequalities, and many issues still persist. By taking a holistic look at the dimensions of good work and bolstering people management practices, managers and employers can make a real difference to people’s working lives.”

Further stats from around the web:

  • 1 in 5 job seekers regretted accepting job offers as soon as they started their role 
  • 3 in 10 workers say their skills are not being used to their full potential
  • Gen Z workers rank work-life balance above salary

Sources: | Personnel Today | HR Review

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