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Advertising on Glassdoor
Questioning Techniques

Glassdoor is one of the world’s largest job boards with a passion for workplace transparency. The company is creating a database of company reviews provided by current and past employees, which grows daily. The website also shows millions of the latest job listings, and 73% of visitors to the site search for or apply for jobs. Glassdoor is part of Recruit Holdings’ HR technology business, which also owns Indeed.

Glassdoor adverts

Glassdoor is a sister company to Indeed. When you pay to post a job ad on Indeed, your ad will also appear on Glassdoor.

Free Job Advert

The Free Job Advert allows you to post a job on the Indeed website, giving it visibility to many candidates. The site maintains high standards, and your job ads must adhere to the rules.

Sponsored Job Advert

A Sponsored Job Advert is 3.5 times more likely to result in a hire. Your sponsored ad will appear at the top of job search results, and they are highlighted in job listings to ensure they stand out. You set the budget and how much you would like to pay to make your job stand out. You pay for each click on your job ad.

Standard Subscription

You can make an unlimited number of CV searches on the Indeed website. You can message contacts, and you can receive up to 30 responses per month. To encourage candidates to respond, a reminder email is issued on your behalf.

Professional Subscription

You receive the same benefits as the Standard Subscription, but you are awarded 100 contacts every month. To streamline the process, the Professional Subscription allows you to send messages to multiple candidates at once.

Benefits of advertising on Indeed with Glassdoor

Indeed offers two services to employers who originate from the Glassdoor website:

Mobile Recruiting

Your job ads are visible to candidates who download the iOS and Android apps for Indeed and Glassdoor. The app allows candidates to apply for jobs directly from the app.

Company Pages

Indeed Company Pages show potential candidates why your company would be a top choice for them. Past and current employees can review your company, and all job seekers can follow your page and automatically receive an update whenever you post a job.

  • Type: Aggregator Job Board

  • Jobs Advertised: 9 million

  • Number of users: 50 million monthly visitors

  • Prices:
    • Free Job Advert: Free

    • Sponsored Job Advert: You set a budget/pay-per-click

    • Standard Subscription: £75 per month

    • Professional Subscription: £200 per month


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