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How Will ChatGPT Affect Your Job?

How Will ChatGPT Affect Your Job?

ChatGPT is an undoubtedly game-changing technology, promising to automate routine aspects of many jobs. Its current public preview release is available for anyone to use, including business owners and employees. Using natural-sounding human language, you can ask this AI tool questions or ask it to write computer code and marketing copy. While it is lacking somewhat in human creativity, many human workers are beginning to wonder how ChatGPT will affect their job and their job security.

In this article, we review the jobs that are most likely to change due to OpenAI’s ChatGPT and answer questions such as:

  • What is ChatGPT?
  • What are the uses of ChatGPT?
  • Will ChatGPT take my job?
  • Which professions will be most affected by AI tools?

What Is ChatGPT?

If you have never heard of ChatGPT, then the first step in identifying how will ChatGPT affect your job, is to understand what it is. Created by OpenAI, the generative AI tool uses natural language processing and machine learning to provide its users with dialogue-based interactions that have human qualities.

Natural language technologies understand your questions and requests (such as write code) and use internet data to generate a response. If you ask questions, it works like search engines, but rather than seeing the top-ranking pages on the web, you are presented with a direct answer. What’s more, you can ask follow-up questions without reiterating the original proposition.

For content creation, it accesses a massive dataset to write text, which for example, you could use in simple social media posts.

What Are The Uses Of ChatGPT?

While ChatGPT lacks some human skills, AI technologies from OpenAI have many uses that could help an established or emerging business. You can use natural language AIs to:

  • Write social media posts
  • Write marketing emails
  • Conduct research and find statistics
  • Create summaries for research papers
  • Complete HR tasks when hiring for new jobs
  • Answer customer queries
  • Answer maths questions
  • Write or improve CVs and cover letters
  • Prepare for job interviews
  • Simplify complex ideas
  • Compose music or original jokes
  • Write computer code
  • Translate text
  • Create article and blog outlines
  • Write exams or a quiz

While ChatGPT is an exciting development, it cannot:

  • Answer questions outside its training dataset
  • Answer questions that require personal opinions or beliefs
  • Make ethical or moral decisions
  • Write copy without the risk of bias

Will ChatGPT Take My Job?

ChatGPT and computer-generated content have the potential to be the next industrial revolution. Today, this AI can complete many routine elements of your job and on a long enough timescale, technology like ChatGPT could take your job, particularly if it solely involves data administration and the digital world.

However, ChatGPT isn’t likely to take your job anytime soon. While it can develop simulated personalities, its emotional intelligence and strategic thinking will take decades of machine learning before it can mimic truly human qualities. ChatGPT will help you or your business become more effective and efficient and if you can embrace this new computer age, your career prospects could be even brighter.

Furthermore, an article on Bloomberg reports “JP Morgan Chase has joined companies such as Amazon and Accenture in restricting use of AI chatbot ChatGPT among the company’s some 250,000 staff over concerns about data privacy. The restrictions stretch across the Wall Street giant’s different divisions. It’s implementation is not due to any specific incident but is part of the company’s ‘normal controls around third-party software,’ reports Bloomberg.” These restrictions raise additional questions and concerns that must be considered and mitigated before AI tools can make their full impact.

Which Professions Will Be Most Affected By Artificial Intelligence?

Here are the professions that we see ChatGPT affecting the most.


How AI Like ChatGPT Will Affect Copywriters

Writing copy with an authentic voice is the reason why copywriters and bloggers are unlikely to lose their jobs anytime soon. Furthermore, Google considers generative AI content to be spam and uses anti-AI-detection algorithms to flag such content. The penalties for publishing AI-generated content on your website should be sufficient to deter any business from using ChatGPT for writing copy.

However, ChatGPT will become a vital tool for bloggers and copywriters. It can assist with research, collect facts and statistics, and provide an outline and recommend headings for an article idea. Where content already exists on your website, it can also rewrite it for reuse. For example, the description of an item on a product page could be rewritten for inclusion in a blog about a group of products.

ChatGPT can also rewrite content to add personality. For example, you may want to make factual paragraphs sound more fun, exciting, or engaging.

For example, look how ChatGPT transformed the above paragraph when we asked it to make it more fun:

‘ChatGPT is the life of the party when it comes to rewriting content! With its language modelling skills and deep learning know-how, it can turn even the driest of paragraphs into a thrilling, attention-grabbing tale. Want to add a little sparkle to a dull document? Just ask ChatGPT to infuse it with personality!’


An efficient marketer and sales executive can use ChatGPT for sales and marketing work, such as creating marketing emails or sales presentations. It can automate administration work and that will free up time for creative influencer marketing and speaking to customers to build trust and personal relationships. Lacking uniquely human characteristics, ChatGPT will be more of a virtual assistant and unlikely to take any marketer’s job.


ChatGPT Key Points For SEO Professionals

The goal posts, technology, and best practices continually shift in search engine optimisation, so SEO professionals will be early adopters of OpenAI’s tools. When ranking pages, SEO experts can use ChatGPT to conduct keyword research, create reports, and research strategies. However, AI tools are only as good as their training data and even a large language model does not possess the creativity of human workers, have human insights, or respond instantly to current events and news.


Most e-commerce sites have pay-per-click specialists managing their campaigns. These specialists already use automated tools, rules, and algorithms to reach their target audience. ChatGPT may take plenty of the manual work out of campaign management, but it cannot steer the ship or understand customer values and branding in the way human workers can.


HR Professionals And OpenAI

ChatGPT can help HR professionals with many tasks, from researching a role’s duties to creating a candidate outreach email or generating interview questions. Our blog on how is OpenAI’s ChatGPT expected to change recruitment offers excellent examples of how this artificial intelligence can help with HR work.

However, care needs to be taken when using ChatGPT for generating recruitment content. If ten HR professionals were to ask ChatGPT to write a social care job description or technical director job description, they could all receive the exact same copy, which could be non-specific and uninspiring. You may like to read our articles on how good is ChatGPT at writing job descriptions and using OpenAI when writing job adverts to explore how to get better results.


ChatGPT Software

Skilled engineers, programmers, and cybersecurity professionals can use ChatGPT to write computer code, never missing a closing bracket or decimal. While it will not write complex code and applications, as it develops, it will take over more routine programming tasks, such as debugging code and performing quality assessments, which will allow software engineers and computer programmers to focus on building more complex architecture.


ChatGPT can assist financial planning by creating reports and recommendations based on a client’s financial information. Finance professionals could use AI to provide or evaluate customer service, process transactions, or assist with portfolio management and optimisation. However, there are many legal issues, such as sharing customer confidential information and regulations governing providing financial advice, hence, ChatGPT isn’t going to take your job in the near future.

ChatGPT, AI Tools, And The Job Market FAQs

Here we answer your questions on the ChatGPT user interface.


ChatGPT and artificial intelligence will help workers and businesses become more effective and efficient. Just as a generic robot or everyday machines might help unskilled field workers, AI is more likely to assist than replace, especially where human intuition, strategy, and original insight is required.


ChatGPT cannot replace jobs yet, although it will take over more tasks as the technology and proficiency improves.


ChatGPT uses GPT-3 (third-generation Generative Pre-Trained Transformer), internet data, machine learning, and natural language technologies to create responses that resemble natural sounding human language.


ChatGPT is an AI tool, utilising language models and deep learning to generate text that resembles human language in a conversational manner. It can be used for tasks such as generating emails, sourcing statistics, writing content, and answering questions.

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