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Looking For Your Next Job? 5 Things You Need To Know About Recruiters

Working with executive recruiters can help you find that dream job you’ve been looking for, but every job seeker should keep in mind that headhunters work for the hiring companies, not for their candidates. Although every recruiter will work with you to get their candidates compensation that is fair and even generous, their final loyalty is to the company that hired them. This doesn’t mean, however, that recruiters aren’t a great way to learn about jobs you might not find otherwise. Just keep a few things in mind (that not everyone knows about recruiters) that can have an impact on how well you fair with a recruiting firm.

  1. They May Not Get Past Your Cover Letter

Recruiters are inundated with resumes every day; they simply don’t have the time to review all of the CVs. If there is no cover letter giving them a snapshot of your specific skills and job experience they may toss your resume or relegate it to a file for mediocre candidates. Taking the time to write a succinct, informative cover letter tailored to the specific position you’re applying for tells headhunters that you pay attention to details and are motivated. Neglecting to include a cover letter may send up red flags that you are lazy or indifferent, but be to the point!

  1. They Don’t Care About What You Did During School

It’s nice to think that your years in Scouts were instrumental in getting you a great start in your industry, but if you’ve only been out of college for a few years, a passing mention under “executive skills set” or “summary” is all that’s needed. Keep your resume focused on the last 5-10 years and experience that’s relevant to the specific position. If you want to include a complete work history, keep older job info simple – the title and company info may be all that’s needed.

  1. Executive Recruiters Search Other Sites For You

Googling candidates is becoming standard these days, so be sure you don’t have a bunch of tasteless pictures or inflammatory rhetoric posted elsewhere on the Internet. Sure, your social life is your business and you can have your Facebook page set to private, but your best buddy from university may not have any qualms about posting that group pic of you and your sports group chugging beer in your underwear.

Recruiters and companies carry out research online – don’t get caught out!

  1. They Will Be More Inclined To Remember You If You Give Them A Reason To

While executive recruiters have to have a thick skin to stay in the business, appreciation of their efforts will always put you in a memorable light. If you aren’t the right fit for a particular job position, suggesting an associate who would be ideal for the job will earn you a bit of gratitude and will keep your name fresh in their minds.

  1. Too Much Contact Or Too Little Contact Can Sabotage Your Chances

Executive recruiters are busy people and they have to stay in touch with countless candidates at all times. If you call every day after they’ve submitted your resume to a company, you’ll quickly get on their nerves or send a signal that you’re desperate. On the other hand, if you drop out of sight for weeks on end after they’ve gone to bat for you, they will move on to someone who is more available. Time is usually imperative, so be sure they can reach you. Once you’ve been submitted to a hiring organisation, you can safely touch base with your recruiter once a week. This will give them the impression that you’re pro-active and professional rather than desperate or disinterested.

Finally, keep in mind that executive recruiters are, like you, professionals. Give them the same courtesy you would extend toward any co-worker or boss & they’ll do their utmost to land your next job!

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