I’m not ready to stop recruiting for Christmas; I need candidates!
My issue is I am calling candidates, I’m leaving loads of messages, I’m writing emails, contacting people via social media but no one seems interested.
It’s understandable, though, we are in full Christmas swing here. The decorations are up; cards are hung on the walls and, we’ve been entertaining but how can I find candidates when they have the same distractions?
I’ve had success calling through my network, gaining referrals but often I get the same response – call me next year!
I’ve blanket emailed candidates with similar skill sets but apart from email bounce backs I am still getting the same response, call me back next year. At least I get to update our database, great, l love admin!
So how can I engage with job seekers – people who are serious about interviewing?
Visit our Interviews hub for employers.
My advice is that if you are fortunate enough to have an up to date database of actively looking job seekers, start there, but if you are looking to create a pool of candidates log onto your job board’s CV database. Candidates are still actively uploading their CVs and wanting to land interviews now!
Read Creating A Talent Pool.
Still, can’t find the right people for your company? Then advertise job vacancies to create interest! Not only will it generate candidates now, it will give you a pipeline for next year’s requirements.
Research suggests that the Christmas period is the busiest time for people looking for jobs. We look around at family and friends, realise a change is needed, re-evaluate goals and plan a different path.
Next, read Where To Post Job Ads.
Any questions? Please email info@hiringpeople.co.uk or call 0330 100 2230.