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5 Reasons Why You Should Use An Online Recruiter

Hiring can be a tedious job, many HR heads will tell you that. Skimming through hundreds of CV’s for a single vacancy, calling people for interviews and then finding out the candidate has no idea about the job can be a harrowing experience! Making the recruitment process easier are online recruitment firms. Online recruitment in the UK has become easier with many companies offering cost-effective online recruitment. So why would you choose the internet over traditional means to hire the perfect candidate for a job? Look below to find out.

  1. It’s Low Cost!

Isn’t that a great reason? Contrary to popular belief, online recruitment is inexpensive and will actually cost you less than working with a contingency agency, the cost is fixed, companies work to SLA’s and charge a much smaller fee.

Read Fixed Fee Vs Contingency Recruitment.

  1. Placing Adverts Online

When you consider the people you will be paying for designing the recruitment advert and the money you will be paying a few newspapers for printing your ad, you will understand that online flat fee recruitment is so much cheaper. Also, consider the amount of time that will be saved in HR for pre-selection of candidates. The HR can devote himself to more important tasks.

Low-cost online recruitment does not only save you money, it will also open the door to a wider range of candidates. A print ad in a newspaper will only reach a certain number of people who reside in the area where the newspaper is published. In contrast, an online advertisement will make you visible to hundreds of candidates from all over the country. You can choose the best talent available from the whole country for a particular position.

Read 17 Ways To Reduce Recruitment Costs.

  1. Better Speed

The great thing about online recruitment in the UK is the speed. When you post a job online, candidates will start responding within a few minutes. In case a company has to recruit people urgently because of staff shortage or extra work, using the power of the internet is the best way. It is possible to call candidates for interviews within hours of a job being posted.

  1. Automation Of The Selection Process

Companies can tailor the pre-selection process to filter out unsuitable candidates for a particular vacancy. With an Applicant Tracking System, they can pose questions to the candidate, score and profile them to choose who can be called for an interview. Psychometric tests and CV scans can also be done online! The result is that the company gets only the very best candidates from which to choose from. A consistent recruitment approach can be maintained.

Read Centralising Recruitment With ATS.

  1. Interacting With Candidates Online

The great thing about online interaction is that it is easy, fast and direct. Interaction with the candidate online, before calling them for an interview is a great way of knowing whether they will be suitable for a particular position. In fact, if you find that a person is good though not suitable for the particular position, you can save their CV for another job in the future.

Low-cost online recruitment in the UK is the best way to hire talent in the job market.

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