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Why Is Candidate Experience Important?

Advertising on Social Media and other new recruitment methods enable us to generate talent pools of candidates; we have more options than ever before and no excuse not to generate hard to find candidates.

So imagine that you have generated a healthy talent pool of candidates with the aim being to have several candidates to choose from. You intend to interview many people and you don’t want to pin your hopes on recruiting one candidate.

Read Why Should SMEs Build An Employer Brand.

By promoting a strong brand and a clear and consistent message, you will portray a positive image of your company.

Candidates understand about the requirement, but they can embrace the culture and the desire to work with your team and company?

The Interview Process And Job Offer

By making the interview process competitive, candidates won’t want to take the opportunity of working for your company for granted, they won’t be nonchalant when it comes to arranging a 2nd interview or even when accepting an offer. You can discover How To Present A Job Offer in this useful article.

Due to their desire to work for your company and the candidate experience they have received, they’ll be less inclined to ask for more money as they won’t want to miss out on the opportunity of working for your company.

Be Clear On What You Want To Achieve

So an effective recruitment campaign doesn’t mean that we are pandering to candidates. What we are actually doing is creating an environment that is professional and where we are clear in what we want to achieve.

By doing this, not only will you save money by securing candidates on salaries in line with your budget, you will also have more candidates to choose from and the reputation that you have built means that more candidates will want to work for your company, thus helping you to deliver successful direct recruitment campaigns.

Flat Fee Recruitment

Are you looking to engage a direct recruitment campaign? Discover how flat fee recruitment can help you find talent for less.

This post was a continuation of our last post: Candidate experience. Really? Why should we pander to candidates’ needs‘.

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