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What Are Keeping In Touch Days Whilst On Maternity Leave?

What Are Keeping In Touch Days While On Maternity Leave

Welcome to our comprehensive guide on Keeping in Touch Days (KIT Days). In the ever-evolving landscape of work-life balance, understanding the nuances of KIT Days and their role during maternity leave is crucial for both employers and employees. This blog delves into the significance of KIT Days as a vital work related activity that allows new parents to stay connected with their workplace. We also explore the concept of shared parental leave, offering insight into how parents can work gradually back into their professional roles while maintaining their familial responsibilities. Whether you’re planning your return to work or managing team members on leave, this guide provides essential information to navigate these important aspects of parental leave.

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Highlights And Key Takeaways:

  1. Keeping in Touch Days offer a flexible way for employees on maternity leave or adoption leave to engage with their workplace without formally ending their leave period.
  2. The objective of KIT Days is to facilitate the return to work, with activities potentially including attending team meetings, training courses, and gradually becoming acquainted with workplace developments.
  3. Employees on adoption or maternity leave can attend up to ten Keeping in Touch Days.
  4. KIT SPLIT Days are an extension of this scheme for parents taking Shared Parental Leave (SPL).

Understanding KIT Days

Understanding The Keeping In Touch Day Scheme

Definition and Purpose of KIT Days

Keeping in Touch Days, commonly known as KIT Days, are a distinctive feature of the UK’s maternity and parental leave policies. They offer a flexible way for employees on maternity or adoption leave to engage with their workplace without formally ending their leave period. The primary objective of KIT Days is to facilitate a smoother transition back to work. These days can be used for various work-related activities, such as attending a staff meeting, participating in a training course, or gradually becoming acquainted with new workplace developments. They serve as a bridge, allowing employees to stay connected and informed, easing the often-daunting prospect of a sudden return to work.

Legal Framework Governing KIT Days

Under UK employment law, employees on maternity or adoption leave can work up to ten KIT Days without affecting their statutory maternity pay or leave rights. These days are not mandatory; they are arranged by mutual agreement between the employer and the employee. The legal framework ensures that the use of the up to ten days KIT is a collaborative and flexible process, tailored to meet the individual needs of both the employee and the organisation.

Benefits of KIT Days for Employees

For employees, KIT Days offer numerous benefits. They provide an opportunity to stay updated with workplace changes, maintain professional skills, and continue personal development, often through training courses or professional workshops. These days can also be instrumental in planning a phased return to work, helping employees to gradually readjust to their professional roles. Additionally, KIT Days can alleviate the anxiety associated with returning to work after a prolonged absence, fostering a sense of belonging and continuity.

Advantages for Employers

Employers also stand to gain significantly from KIT Days. These days facilitate better communication and planning regarding an employee’s return to work. By providing opportunities for employees to participate in staff meetings or training sessions during leave, employers can ensure a smoother transition and minimise the disruption often associated with the end of maternity or adoption leave. Furthermore, KIT Days help in retaining skilled staff, reducing the need for recruitment and training of new employees. They are an excellent tool for supporting a diverse and family-friendly workplace, enhancing employee loyalty and satisfaction.

Eligibility And Entitlement

Who is Eligible for KIT Days?

The opportunity to utilise Keeping in Touch (KIT) Days, is available to all employees who are on statutory maternity or adoption leave. This includes part-time workers, full-time employees, and those on fixed-term contracts. The key requirement is that the individual must be in an employment contract with the organisation throughout the maternity leave period. For detailed insights on employment contracts and maternity rights, our blog – The Hiring Blueprint: UK Contract Of Employment Template, offers an extensive guide.

How Many KIT Days are Allowed?

During the maternity leave period, an employee is entitled to a maximum of ten KIT Days. These days are not compulsory and are used at the discretion of both the employee and the employer. It’s important to note that any work done on a particular day counts as one full KIT Day, regardless of the number of hours worked. The utilisation of these days is highly flexible, allowing for a tailor-made approach to suit both the employee’s and the employer’s needs.

Overview of Employee Rights During Maternity Leave

Throughout the maternity leave period, an employee’s maternity rights are protected. This includes the preservation of their employment contract and all the rights that come with it, except for wages, which are replaced by Statutory Maternity Pay or Maternity Allowance. The use of KIT Days does not impact these rights. An employee’s right to return to the same job with the same terms and conditions post-maternity leave is paramount and protected by law. Additionally, participation in KIT Days does not extend the maternity leave period; it is simply a provision within the existing leave structure.

Guidelines For Employers

KIT Day Guide For Employers

How to Propose KIT Days to Employees

It’s crucial for employers to approach the proposal of Keeping in Touch (KIT) Days with sensitivity and flexibility. The initial step is to provide clear information about KIT Days, explaining their purpose and benefits. Employers should ensure that employees are aware these days are optional and should be proposed as a mutually beneficial opportunity. Communication can be initiated via a formal letter or a meeting, and it should be made clear that this is an open-ended offer without any obligation.

Managing KIT Day Schedules and Expectations

Scheduling KIT Days requires a collaborative approach. Employers should discuss and agree with the employee on the timing and nature of the KIT Days, ensuring they are spread out in a way that suits both parties. For instance, an employee might prefer a half-day session or several full days. Setting clear expectations regarding the work to be undertaken during these days is also essential, whether it’s attending a meeting, participating in training, or engaging in regular work tasks.

Financial Considerations – Payment for KIT Days

When it comes to payment for KIT Days, employers have some discretion. The pay rate, however, must not be less than the national minimum wage. The normal pay or normal rate for the job is often used as a benchmark. Employers may opt for statutory pay for KIT Days, which could be the normal rate of pay or a fixed rate, whichever is higher. It’s important to specify in the employment contract or in the KIT Day agreement whether the pay is part of the contractual pay or an additional benefit. If an employee works less than a full day, the employer paying for a half day or proportional pay should be clarified.

Ensuring Compliance with Employment Law

Employers must ensure that offering and implementing KIT Days comply with UK employment law. This includes not exceeding the ten KIT Days limit during the maternity leave period and not coercing employees into taking these days. The payment for KIT Days should also be handled appropriately, ensuring it aligns with legal requirements for paid leave. Regular consultation with HR professionals or legal advisors is advisable to ensure all practices are above board and in the best interest of both the employer and employee.

Employee Considerations

KIT Day Guide For Employees

Deciding Whether to Take KIT Days

For employees on maternity leave, deciding to work KIT Days is a personal choice and should be based on individual circumstances. Many employers offer KIT Days as a flexible option, but there is no obligation to accept them. Consider factors such as your readiness to engage with work, childcare arrangements, and how KIT Days might benefit your return to work. Remember, the primary aim is to facilitate a smooth transition back to your role while respecting your maternity leave responsibilities.

Negotiating Terms with the Employer

When negotiating KIT Days, clear communication with your employer is key. Discuss and agree upon a reasonable amount of days and the type of work you’ll be undertaking. It’s important to ensure that the terms are mutually beneficial and respectful of your current situation. If you have concerns about the impact of KIT Days on your maternity leave or pay, don’t hesitate to raise these with your employer. For a deeper understanding of work hours and employee rights, refer to our comprehensive guide – UK Employment Hours: A Comprehensive Guide To Work Hours.

Balancing KIT Days with Maternity Leave Responsibilities

Balancing KIT Days with the demands of new parenthood requires thoughtful planning. The aim is to gain the benefits of staying in touch with your workplace without overwhelming yourself. If you choose to work KIT Days, plan them around your and your child’s routine. A flexible approach, such as working half-days or spreading the days over the maternity leave period, can help maintain this balance.

Rights and Protections During KIT Days

It’s vital to understand that your maternity rights and protections are fully maintained during KIT Days. You should be paid for the days you work, and these should not impact your maternity leave entitlements. Ensure that any agreement with your employer is in line with legal requirements and does not infringe on your rights. The conditions of work during KIT Days should be reasonable, and you should not be pressured into working more than the agreed-upon days.

Financial Aspects

Financial Considerations Of Keeping In Touch Days

Payment Structure for KIT Days

The payment for Keeping in Touch (KIT) Days varies between the NHS and other sectors. In the NHS, KIT Days are typically paid at the employee’s normal rate of pay. For other sectors, the pay rate can differ. Employers are required to pay at least the national minimum wage for the hours worked on KIT Days. It’s important for employees to clarify the pay rate with their employer before agreeing to work KIT Days. This ensures transparency and avoids any misunderstandings regarding compensation.

Impact of KIT Days on Statutory Maternity Pay (SMP)

Working KIT Days does not affect an employee’s entitlement to Statutory Maternity Pay. Employees can receive SMP while taking KIT Days without any reduction in their maternity pay. This allows for a balance between maintaining a connection with the workplace and receiving the necessary financial support during compulsory maternity leave immediately following childbirth.

Additional Financial Support Available During Maternity Leave

Beyond statutory pay, there may be other financial support options available during maternity leave. For some, especially in roles like factory workers or positions where unpaid leave is more common, it’s crucial to explore all available options. This may include benefits such as Child Benefit or Universal Credit. If you are concerned about your financial situation during maternity leave or feel you are being treated unfairly, it is advisable to seek advice from a financial advisor or HR professional. They can provide guidance on your rights and the additional support you may be entitled to.

Maximising The Benefits Of KIT Days

Best Practices for Employers to Support Employees

For employers, supporting employees during KIT Days involves more than just compliance with legal requirements; it’s about fostering a positive work environment. Best practices include:

  • Flexible Work Arrangements: Accommodate flexible work hours or shift patterns for employees returning on KIT Days. This helps them balance work and parental responsibilities more effectively.
  • Ensuring a Suitable Role: Ensure that the employee returns to the same job or a suitable alternative job, especially if the old job is no longer available. Clear communication about any changes is crucial.
  • Offering Varied Work-Related Activities: Arrange a variety of work-related activities. This could range from training sessions to participating in strategic meetings, allowing employees to reintegrate into the workforce in a meaningful way.

Tips for Employees to Make the Most of KIT Days

Employees can maximise the benefits of KIT Days by:

  • Working Gradually: Start with shorter days or less demanding tasks. Gradually increase involvement as you become more comfortable balancing work and personal life.
  • Open Communication: Discuss your needs and preferences with your employer. If your usual hours or role have changed, negotiate adjustments that work for both parties.
  • Using KIT Days for Career Development: Utilise KIT Days for activities that enhance your skills and knowledge, ensuring a smoother transition when you resume your normal hours or take on a new job.

Examples of Effective KIT Day Utilisation

Effective use of KIT Days can look different for various individuals and different employers. Examples include:

  • An employee using KIT Days to attend important meetings or training, staying updated with company developments.
  • A phased return where an employee initially works a few hours per week, gradually increasing to their normal hours, helping them adapt to their old job or a suitable alternative.
  • Utilising KIT Days to transition to a new job within the same organisation, using the time to familiarise with the new role and responsibilities. Familiarisation begins by reviewing the new role’s job description. If a job description does not exist, you can create one using a job description template or by downloading one of our job description examples. There are examples for thousands of job roles, such as our Brand Ambassador job description example and Customer Assistant job description sample.

KIT SPLIT Days – Navigating Shared Parental Leave In Touch


Definition of KIT SPLIT Days in the Context of Shared Parental Leave

KIT SPLIT Days are an extension of the traditional Keeping in Touch (KIT) Days, tailored for Shared Parental Leave (SPL). These days allow both parents to maintain a connection with their workplace while sharing the care of their child. For a comprehensive overview of the Shared Parental Leave policy in the UK, refer to our detailed blog – How To Calculate Maternity, Paternity, And Shared Parental Leave Pay.

Here is a breakdown of everything you need to know about the SPLIT KIT Day scheme:

  • Criteria for Eligibility for Both Parents: Both parents are eligible for KIT SPLIT Days if they are participating in the SPL scheme. This involves meeting specific eligibility criteria for SPL, which includes having a shared responsibility for the child and meeting the work and earnings criteria.
  • Differences Between Standard KIT Days and KIT SPLIT Days: While standard KIT Days are applicable only during maternity or adoption leave, KIT SPLIT Days are exclusive to SPL. Unlike the 10-day limit for KIT Days, KIT SPLIT Days offer up to 20 days per parent. These days are in addition to the 10 KIT Days available during maternity or adoption leave.
  • Planning and Scheduling KIT SPLIT Days: Effective planning of KIT SPLIT Days requires coordination between both parents and their respective employers. It’s essential to schedule these days in a way that maximises the benefits for both the family and the workplace. Parents should consider their child’s care arrangements and their own professional development needs when planning these days.
  • Communication Strategies Between Employees and Employers: Clear communication is vital in arranging KIT SPLIT Days. Employees should discuss their plans and expectations openly with their employers, ensuring a mutual understanding of how these days will be used. Employers should provide support and flexibility, acknowledging the unique nature of SPL.
  • Advantages of KIT SPLIT Days: For employees, KIT SPLIT Days offer the chance to maintain career progression and stay connected with the workplace. For employers, these days enhance employee engagement and contribute to a diverse and inclusive work culture, as they support both parents in balancing work and family responsibilities.
  • Understanding Payment for KIT SPLIT Days: Payment for KIT SPLIT Days is similar to that for standard KIT Days, with the rate usually agreed upon between the employer and the employee. These payments should comply with minimum wage regulations and be reflected in the employee’s contract.
  • Impact on Shared Parental Pay (ShPP): Engaging in KIT SPLIT Days does not affect the entitlement to Shared Parental Pay. Parents can still receive ShPP while benefiting from KIT SPLIT Days, offering financial stability during this period.
  • Legal Entitlements and Employment Rights Protection: Participation in KIT SPLIT Days is protected under employment law. This includes the right to return to the same or a similar job and protection against unfair treatment or unfair dismissal due to taking SPL or KIT SPLIT Days.
  • Tips for Effective Use of KIT SPLIT Days: To maximise the benefits, parents should use KIT SPLIT Days for activities that aid their professional development, such as training or strategic planning meetings. Balancing these days to ensure ongoing skill retention and career development is crucial for a seamless return to full-time work.


Now, let’s answer any remaining questions you may have regarding KIT days and reasonable contact:


Keeping in Touch Days, commonly abbreviated as KIT days, are a provision for employees on maternity, adoption, or additional paternity leave. These days allow employees to work for up to 10 days during their leave period without affecting their maternity pay or leave rights. The primary intent of KIT days is to facilitate a smoother transition back to work, enabling employees to stay updated with workplace developments or engage in training. 


Reasonable contact during maternity leave refers to the necessary and mutually agreeable communication between an employer and an employee who is on maternity leave. This can include updates about significant workplace changes, upcoming training opportunities, or discussions about the employee’s return to work. The key here is that the contact should be reasonable and non-intrusive, respecting the primary purpose of the leave, which is to care for a newborn or newly adopted child. 


In the NHS, employees are indeed compensated for Keeping in Touch Days. The pay for these days is typically agreed upon by the employee and employer before the leave starts. It’s essential to note that while NHS follows the standard statutory guidelines, there may be specific NHS policies in place, so it’s advisable to consult the relevant HR department or maternity policy documentation for precise details. 


While on maternity leave, employees in the UK are entitled to various benefits. These include Statutory Maternity Pay (SMP) or Maternity Allowance, if they don’t qualify for SMP. Additionally, one might be eligible for other benefits like Child Benefit and Universal Credit, depending on individual circumstances such as income and savings. It’s always recommended to conduct a thorough benefits check, possibly using online tools or consulting with a financial advisor, to understand what you’re entitled to during this period. 

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