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HR Products That You’ll Love Using

Are you ready to learn about human resource technologies that are going to change the way you work & how your team performs?

Are you ready to talk to an RAI to help you search and find candidates across the internet?

Are you ready to use software to predict whether certain candidates are likely to change jobs?

Would you like to know from which channels your candidates are coming, thus helping you to allocate your recruitment advertising budget more effectively?

If so, then this first installment of our HR technology products will really make a difference.

Human Predictions:

Most recruiting efforts spent on LinkedIn or other social networks send cold messages to people you are trying to recruit; and with that comes the challenging fact that the majority of people you are contacting won’t even be considering new opportunities.

Human Predictions operates in the machine learning space and helps you focus your efforts on engaging with people who actually would consider changing jobs.

By using public data, Human Predications predicts which people are most likely to switch jobs right now. They use social media data, work history and overall company information to make predications of people who are up for a move!

If you are an SME looking at How To Hire, read this article to learn about advertising on job sites in the UK and finding the best candidates.

We knew we would get to this stage but it has happened much more quickly than we had expected. It’s a great tool that will help convert candidates more quickly; but as a user, be careful that you aren’t missing out on the passive candidates who might still be the best person for the job.

Human Predications was acquired by Salesforce in 2016.


This is a fantastic product for employers who are thinking about using forms of PPC advertising for recruitment across job search engines such as Simplyhired, Glassdoor, and Indeed.

Onrecruit meets the demand for better recruitment advertising results as it enables employers to know where their candidates are coming from and which channel their ‘hires’ are being sourced without paying for traffic.

It helps you manage recruitment search engines by providing insight on which search engines don’t convert candidates for all types of positions and by doing so saves time and money. This enables you to allocate your budget having a clear picture of what ROI you can expect.


RAI – what can I say about this. For someone who has tendonitis in their forearm from the amount of clicking whilst scrolling through LinkedIn and from using my smartphone, this is a dream product!

RAI is comparable to Apple’s SIRI and you begin simply by starting a conversation; give RAI details about the requirement you are working on and RAI provides information about the number of candidates available. You can review the candidates and refine your search to find even better-suited candidates.

Once you have found the person you are looking for, RAI will help you contact your ideal candidate/s by interfacing with your email flow.

RAI can find candidates across all locations in any language.


Hiretual acts like a “Recruiting Assistant” and obtains additional information on candidates to help you decide whether a person is suitable for your requirement. It is effective on social media sites including LinkedIn and GitHub.

Hiretual shows you more information on candidates than you can find on LinkedIn and is really helpful if you want help running effective Boolean searches which enable you to search more effectively; I know I struggle with this.

Furthermore, it provides contact information, enables you to rank candidates and gives you an insight into their suitability.

It is in its early stages and is, to a certain level, free to use. We use it and can confirm that it is an excellent product for any recruiter searching online.

Hello Talent

It could be that we have saved the best until last – we love this product. Hello Talent was the winner of the 2015 iTalent competition and helps to solve some serious challenges, enabling you to work better and more efficiently.

You use Hello Talent when searching profiles across social media:  you review profiles and create custom tags to note specific skills and experiences that stand out. Then you use these tags as ‘bookmarks’, highlighting anyone who has got a similar tag.

Hello Talent makes recruitment a team sport – your team collectively benefit from each person’s individual endeavours.  With each user tagging and recording information, it means that you have less work to do next time you come to recruit for similar candidates.

Whilst the service is free to a certain level, the premium version allows you to create multiple talent pools plus you have unlimited sharing, one-click sourcing, candidate messaging and use of their social finder.

Looking to collaborate on recruitment within your company? Read about Centralising Recruitment With ATS (Applicant Tracking Software).

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