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HR Technologies For The Future Part 2

Last month we gave you our first instalment of the human resource technologies that are going to change the way you work.

You are therefore now aware that companies provide a predictive data solution which enables you to engage with those people who are most likely to be looking to change jobs.

You also now know that there is software available which allows you to understand which job aggregators provide the best return on your job advertisements and you are fully briefed on how working with RAI can help you to find candidates across social platforms, just by talking!

Read Job Advertising On Aggregators and Job Advertising On Social Media.

Having had several weeks to digest this and recover from this industry excitement, we now feel that you are probably ready for the next instalment – strap into your seat and brace yourself!

Context Scout

We love Context Scout as it detects when you are on a candidate’s LinkedIn profile page and searches the web for extra information about them. In many cases, this is as basic as email addresses, personal websites and links to social profiles.

It allows you to see information that they don’t include on their LinkedIn profile by providing information that they forgot to include or didn’t deem important.

For technical candidates, this is looking at their GitHub or StackOverflow profiles to find evidence of programming ability. It’s also determining cultural fit by categorizing their interests, based on their tweets or blog. Clever stuff hey!

Read LinkedIn For Recruitment.

By helping you to find candidate contact details, it allows you to work faster and more efficiently. Giving you information on their technical skills enables you to make better assessments, allowing you to target the very best candidates.

You can start using it immediately as there is a free trial, but there are limitations. It only works on LinkedIn and there are no enterprise capabilities.

Are you pondering what skills you need for your vacancy? Read How To Define What People Do In Their Jobs.


This makes a difference when you are looking to engage with candidates as it enables you to know more about people when seeing them online and, if used correctly, will allow you to convert more candidates.

It is simple to use and very effective.

For example, in Gmail you can see a contact’s work information, such as mutual connections and recent tweets.

On LinkedIn profiles, it enables you to see when you have a mutual Facebook friend and you can see recent tweets.

Read How To Advertise A Job On Facebook.

On Facebook profiles, you can see LinkedIn work information, mutual connects and recent tweets.

Arctic Shores

AMAZING to think that this is where we are now, when you consider that computers have only been widely used commercially since the 1980s.

Arctic Shores creates Games-Based Psychometrics; an objective and engaging approach to personality and cognitive assessment.

They combine validated psychometric methodology with machine-learning and mobile game design to provide deeper candidate insights for better hiring decisions.


Recruiting via referrals comes with so many plus points and Boon have taken this opportunity and created software that allows you to build a referral program for your company without the expensive overhead and maintenance costs.

By running an efficient referral programme, you can expect excellent results as recruiting via referrals is one of the most cost-effective recruitment strategies.

By using referrals to recruit you can shorten hiring timelines & increase the odds in closing the right hire. Referrals keep your team engaged by involving them in the team-building process and improving internal mobility.

Boon provide robust integrations & dashboards which help you gain visibility into critical aspects of your referral program, uncover key insights with conversion charts, and progress reports. You can measure ROI across all your recruiting efforts with revenue-tracking capabilities.

Boon enables you to discover hidden talent by identifying passive contacts in your network’s social graph and automatically engages the right employee to refer, creating a consistent and quality talent flow.

If you are looking to build an effective company referral scheme, then you’d be wise to check Boon out.

We recently discussed Introducing An Employee Referral Scheme in this useful article.

Facebook Workplace

Use Facebook in work to promote innovation and collaboration.  Facebook Workplace allows you to connect everyone in your company and turn ideas into action. Through group discussion, a personalised news feed, and voice and video calling, you can work together to get more done.

Workplace is an ad-free space, separate from your personal Facebook account.

Don’t forget, whatever technology you choose to use, Hiring People offers bespoke job board advertising packages across the leading job sites.  It would be great to hear from you.

Click here to read the previous instalment of HR technologies

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