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Job Descriptions Explained In Fewer Than 140 Characters

Job Descriptions Explained In Fewer Than 140 Characters

What is a job description, you ask? It’s essentially a roadmap for a specific role within a company. It outlines the duties, responsibilities, and requirements of the job, giving both the employer and employee a clear understanding of what is expected.

Not only does a job description help job seekers determine if they are qualified for a position, but it also aids in attracting suitable candidates and setting clear expectations for performance. Plus, having a clearly defined job description can prevent misunderstandings and conflicts by outlining the specific tasks and responsibilities of the role.

If you are writing a job description for the first time, it can feel like a challenging task. Before you begin, read our answers to what is a job description and our job description meaning, both presented in 140 characters or less:

What Is A Job Description in 140 Characters Or Less?

A job description is a document that outlines the duties, responsibilities, and requirements of a specific role within an organisation.

Job Description Meaning In Fewer Than 140 Characters

A job description is a written statement that outlines a specific job’s tasks, responsibilities, and requirements.

You can take an in-depth look at how to write a job description and post job ads, in these insightful articles. We review hot topics, such as adding your company culture and personality, useful phrases, where to place job adverts, and what should be included.

Should Job Descriptions Be Concise?

Advice On Job Description Length

After reading our short definitions of job descriptions, the question of should job descriptions be concise immediately comes to mind.

When crafting a job description, it’s essential to strike a balance between providing enough detail to convey the duties and responsibilities of the role accurately and keeping it concise and easy to understand. So, should job descriptions be brief? The short answer is yes.

There are several reasons why concise job descriptions are essential. For one, they are more likely to be read and understood. In today’s fast-paced world, people’s attention spans are shorter than ever, and long, rambling job descriptions are likely to be skimmed or ignored entirely. Employers should keep job descriptions concise – you can ensure that the key points are conveyed and that potential candidates fully understand what the job entails.

Job seekers often have to sift through many job postings to find ones that match their skills and experience. In addition to being more likely to be read, concise job descriptions are more effective at attracting suitable candidates. By providing a clear and brief overview of the duties and requirements of the role, you can help attract candidates who are well-suited for the job and weed out those who are not.

Another benefit of concise job descriptions is that they help set clear expectations for job performance. By outlining the specific tasks and responsibilities of the role, you can help ensure that employees understand their duties and can be held accountable for meeting the job requirements.

Of course, it’s essential to strike a balance between concision and detail. A job description that is too brief may not provide enough information to accurately convey the role, brand, and team, while one that is too long may be overwhelming and challenging to understand. By including the essential duties, responsibilities, and requirements of the role and avoiding unnecessary details or jargon, you can create a concise and compelling job description that accurately reflects the needs of the position and the organisation.

In conclusion, concise job descriptions are important for attracting the right candidates, setting clear expectations for job performance, and ensuring that the key points of the role are being conveyed. By striking a balance between concision and detail, you can create a job description that accurately reflects the needs of the position and the company.

How Has Social Media Changed Job Descriptions And Length?

Writing Short Job Descriptions

Social media has had a significant impact on job descriptions in recent years. Here are a few ways in which social media has affected job descriptions:

  1. Social media has made it easier for companies to reach a wider audience when advertising job openings. Job postings can be shared on platforms such as LinkedIn, Twitter, and Facebook, allowing companies to reach a global audience of job seekers.
  2. Social media has also made it easier for job seekers to find and apply for jobs. Many companies now have career pages on social media, where they mention job openings, and candidates can submit their resumes and application materials.
  3. Using social media in the hiring process has created “social media job descriptions.” These job descriptions often include specific requirements for candidates to have a strong online presence, such as a well-maintained LinkedIn profile or a certain number of followers on Twitter.
  4. The rise of mobile devices has made it more important for job descriptions to be easy to read and understand quickly. With the increasing use of smartphones and tablets to search for and apply for jobs, job descriptions must be concise and easy to read on a small screen with limited space.
  5. Social media has also changed how companies communicate with job candidates and employees. Many companies now use social media to provide updates, answer questions, and communicate with their workforce. As a result, job descriptions may include requirements for using social media in communication, research, and collaboration.

Overall, social media has significantly impacted how companies advertise job openings, communicate with candidates and employees, and craft job descriptions. It has made it easier for companies to reach a wider audience and for job seekers to find and apply for jobs. It has also led to the creation of new types of job descriptions that reflect the increasing use of social media in the workplace. We recommend reading job advertising on social media for further advice and interesting ideas for this advertising space.

How To Write Brief Job Descriptions

Are you tired of sifting through long, rambling job descriptions that take forever to get to the point? If you want to attract top talent and set clear expectations for job performance, it’s important to craft concise and compelling job descriptions. Here are a few tips for writing brief job descriptions:

  1. Start with a clear and concise overview of the role. This should include the job title, the position’s primary responsibilities, and any requirements or qualifications necessary for the job.
  2. Use bullet points to break down the duties and responsibilities of the role. This will make the job description easier to read and understand.
  3. Avoid or limit jargon or industry-specific terms that may not be familiar to all job seekers. Instead, use clear and concise language that anyone can easily understand.
  4. Include only the essential duties and responsibilities of the role. Don’t include unnecessary details or tasks that may not be relevant to the position.
  5. Use action verbs to describe the duties and responsibilities of the role. These words will make the job description more engaging and easier to read.

By following these tips, you can craft brief and compelling job descriptions that accurately convey the duties and requirements of the role and help encourage suitable candidates to fill out your job application.

Recruitment Resources For Business Owners And Hiring Managers

If you are a business owner or hiring manager, access to valuable resources will be invaluable when recruiting top talent. To help your creative job description writing endeavours, we recommend beginning with a job description template from our job description library. These examples include relevant job responsibilities, duties, soft skills, and qualifications for all manner of roles. For example, we have a land surveyor job description and a communications officer job description on our website ready for you to download and personalise with what makes you unique.

Job Description Creation FAQs

Here we answer your questions on creating job descriptions and job ads.


Why are job descriptions so important, you might wonder? Well, they serve many purposes for both the employer and the employee. For example, job descriptions are often used to attract and recruit the most qualified candidates for a position. They provide a clear overview of the duties and requirements of the job, helping job seekers determine if they are a good fit for the role.

Additionally, job descriptions help establish clear expectations for job performance by outlining specific duties and responsibilities. This can prevent misunderstandings and conflicts by ensuring that both the employer and employee clearly understand what is expected.

Job descriptions can also be used as a benchmark for evaluating an employee’s job performance. By comparing an employee’s duties and responsibilities to those outlined in the job description, an employer can assess whether the employee is meeting the expectations of the role.

Furthermore, job descriptions are often used to determine an employee’s salary and benefits. By outlining the duties and requirements of the job, an employer can choose an appropriate level of compensation for the role.
So, to sum it up, job descriptions serve various purposes, including attracting and recruiting top talent, setting clear expectations for job performance, evaluating job performance, determining salary and benefits, and complying with legal requirements.

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