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Some Of The Reasons Job Adverts Fail

Recruiters and human resource companies today are using job ads to get the right candidates. Despite this being a great way to do so, it can seem ineffective especially when the job ad is not appealing, disorganised, there are not enough details about the job, or it seems awkward and even difficult to read. As a recruiter, you cannot always get everything right, thus it is advisable to work with a company that offers flat fee recruitment services.

Here we take a look at the job ad and job description, essential parts of the hiring process, and the common mistakes and the main reasons they fail to attract potential candidates.

The Job Advert Is Poorly Written

If your job advert is disorganised, lacks lists and is hard to read, your ideal candidate might be ignoring it or not paying much attention and moving on to the next job ad. Your job advert should be well organised and include brief introductions to attract talent to your great opportunity.

The Job Ad Does Not Have Enough Detail

When your job advert and job description lacks information, such as location or requirements needed, such as travel you are losing talent immediately as it is these details people need to know about in order to apply for jobs.

Many job ads fail to acknowledge whether the role involves unsociable hours, such as the weekend, evenings, or being on call etc. It is absolutely essential these requirements are highlighted from the beginning of the job seekers process, as it may scare off a few applicants but this loss is small compared to the time you would be wasting in the interview process because you didn’t highlight these details.

To perfect your interview process and ensure the best talent accepts your job offer, visit our interview hub.

The Job Advert Has The Wrong Job Title

Your job title should reflect what potential applicants are looking for. Many recruiters fail to use a clear job titles, potentially because the job combines various responsibilities.

To avoid a job advert failing from the get-go, it is essential to use a standard job title in the header and include the internal job title in the body of the job description.

The Salary Is Too Low

It has become the norm for companies to advertise their salary as either ‘competitive’ or ‘negotiable’ but many companies don’t actually realise they are hindering their chances of hiring the best candidates. You will receive a higher number of applicants if you make it clear the salary you are offering, as the perfect candidate needs to make sure the role they are applying for supports their financial obligations. Also, stating any additional benefits can be the deciding factor between similar roles.

Awkward Location

The majority of job candidates search for jobs by city, so the best method is to advertise your vacancy with the location clearly visible. If your company is located in a rural location, it could be beneficial to include the next largest area near to you. The most important factor is not to advertise your job role, on a location-sensitive website such as a job-based in Scotland on “Jobs in Kent!”

As a recruiter or a company that is looking for employees, you need to be careful on where you put up your job adverts, if you want to attract more applicants and of a better quality. How they look matters a lot. Putting job adverts in different locations can be expensive, but you can save on this by working with a company that guarantees you that you will not incur substantial fees when recruiting; you get to enjoy fixed cost recruitment services, confirming your spend at the start of the application process.

For more in-depth advice on attracting more candidates, and more importantly your perfect candidate, read our articles; How to advertise a jobShould I advertise my job on more than one site, and How To Write A Job Advert. The top talent is more accessible than you think.

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