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What Should Be On A Company Careers Page?

What Should Be On Careers Pages

Company career pages are immensely powerful and where every recruitment story should begin and end. Whether candidates visit your careers page directly from a Google Search, or are directed there from job advertising on job boards, social media job advertising, or printed job ads, there is no other place where you can go into such depth, presenting your company culture, employer brand, and job postings.

In this article that takes you through what should be on a company careers page, we explore:

  • What is a career page?
  • Why is a careers page important?
  • Showcasing your employer brand to job seekers
  • How to structure and design careers pages
  • How to list your job opportunities
  • Using images on your careers page
  • Presenting your company benefits and perks
  • The career page recipe
  • Career page FAQs

What Is A Career Page?

What Is A Career Page

A careers page is a hub for listing your job vacancies and a landing page that shows off your employment brand. Whether your careers page is a single page or a micro site, it tells potential candidates who you are, covering subjects such company values, mission, and culture.

Your career page needs to inform job seekers why they should work for your company and determine if they are a fit for the role. It may also be an application portal, encouraging a job seeker to click apply.

Why Is A Careers Page Important?

Why A Careers Page Is Important

The best company career pages deliver huge benefits for employers.

A few of the advantages for companies include:
1. Control your company story

As the first point of contact for candidates interested in working for your company, you have an opportunity to engage them and tell a convincing and persuasive story, presenting the best version of your business.

2. Convert more candidates into employees

Research shows that the cost and time to hire is less, when you have a careers page. Carefully written and well-structured, it can screen candidates, which means more of those that choose to apply for your current job openings are a good fit.

3. Create organic traffic

Leveraging keywords and key phrases used by candidates seeking employment, you can drive organic traffic from search engines.

4. Track website visitors

Web page analytics can tell you a lot about the candidate experience with metrics and demographics such as location, traffic volume, and what visitors do next. You can test different approaches and page structures, honing and refining your careers page.

Ask yourself, is my company careers site easy to find and contains all the relevant information to convert visitors into job applicants?

Read our Small Business Guide For Cost Effective Recruitment.

Showcasing Your Employer Brand To Job Seekers

Showcasing Your Brand To Prospective Candidates

Before we move on to the structure and specific content that needs to be on your careers site, let us explore how you can insert and build your employment brand and infuse it into your messaging.

Five ways to infuse your employment brand on your careers page:

1. Ensure your employment brand aligns with your company brand

The core values of your organisation should come through in all your brand messaging. Avoid presenting conflicting information to candidates by ensuring the company and employment values align.

2. Establish who you are and are not

You don’t have to do and include every idea. Be clear on who you are and aren’t, and with this focus, you will ensure your message does not get lost or diluted.

3. Cover all your bases with various media

We all consume information in different ways and some forms of media a more effective at relaying different messages. For example, videos of employee testimonials can be more convincing than quotes, whereas written text clearly defines your core values.

4. Choose the characteristics that all employees should have

It is true that different jobs require different skills and personal traits and these should appear in your job descriptions. However, it is important to speak to all potential candidates and you can do this by focusing on the characteristics all employees should possess.

View our job description templates.

5. Be what you say

You have to deliver on your promises throughout the hiring process and candidate experience. This includes the application process to onboarding, career opportunities for top talent, and work life balance.

How To Structure And Design Careers Pages

Structuring And Designing Your Own Careers Page

The key considerations when creating a careers page begin by recognising who the careers page is for and what they want to see. Career pages are for your ideal candidates, but how do you discover what they want to see?

Begin with your current employees by talking to your latest hires. These individuals are the closest to your perfect candidate, vetted and chosen by your hiring managers. Ask them what they would have liked to see on your career and jobs page.

Another fantastic source of inspiration will be your direct competitors. View their career pages to discover elements that you can introduce and enhance your careers page strategy.

Careers Page Design

Career Page Design

Web page and UX design best practices apply when creating a careers site. The career page design should flow and be easy for your audience to follow. It should also bring in your visual branding components, used elsewhere on your company website and during branded advertising.

Your career page design should:
  • Be easy to follow
  • Have a visually appealing layout
  • Use your company’s brand images, fonts, and colours
  • Offer an intuitive experience
  • Be customised to the content you present

It would be unrealistic to think that you will hit the nail on the head the first time. You should do your research and use the services of a web developer or designer, and follow this up with testing to discover what does and does not work.

Careers Page Content

Career Page Content

No two of the best career pages look exactly the same, just as no two companies are the same. Let your value proposition, goals, and the image of your ideal candidate guide you when deciding what content to include or exclude.

The best career pages often include elements such as:
  • The company culture and values
  • A company overview
  • Company benefits and perks
  • The company’s history
  • Professional development opportunities
  • Open positions, job titles, and job descriptions
  • The work environment, office life, and work life balance
  • Videos, photos, and virtual office tours
  • Reasons why candidates should join your team

Answering the questions potential employees might ask is an excellent way to ensure you hit the right notes.

Does your career page answer these candidate questions?

1. Who is the company?

2. What does the company do?

3. Is the company a good employer?

4. What are the perks and benefits of joining the team?

5. What do employees really think about the company?

How To List Your Job Opportunities

Careers Page Examples For Listing Job Openings

How you list the positions you are hiring for depends on the quantity of openings you have. If you have a single position available, you might choose to post the details of the job directly on the careers page. If you have many vacancies, you may want to create job categories and list the job titles beneath.

It is then a matter of linking each title to separate pages that contain your job descriptions. You must make it clear how a potential employee should start the application process, and this may different if you use an Applicant Tracking System (ATS).

Read Centralising Recruitment With ATS.

If you use an ATS, you can insert an ‘apply’ button that leads a potential employee into submitting their details. If you do not use an ATS, instruct the reader to submit their CV or resume by email, for example.

Whichever of these examples you choose, include details of attachments you require, such as a portfolio of work.

Using Images On Your Careers Page

Using Images When Hiring On Your Own Site

Including images on your careers page is beneficial, for various reasons. For example, you can break up the written text to make it easier to digest. You should avoid using stock photos, even if your offices are a bit of a mess. Instead, use photos of your team or an event, and show off your identity.

Presenting Your Company Benefits And Perks

Perk and Benefit Ideas For Companies

Hiring employees for your team requires a display of the perks your business can offer. If you don’t have the resources to offer an above average salary or an outstanding pension, think about what else makes your business a great place to work.

For example, you might have fresh fruit delivered to your offices or have an amazing coffee machine. You don’t need the resources of a large corporation to incentive your hiring process.

The Career Page Recipe

How The Best Career Pages Attract Candidates

The career page recipe is all about presenting the information people want to see who are engaged in a job search. Companies can create the best careers pages by telling good stories, leveraging different media forms, adding a personal touch, and informing potential employees about your employment brand.

Career Page And Hiring FAQs

Next we answer your questions on career sites.

How do you create a career page?

Follow the best practices for web design and answer the questions an employee you are hiring might ask. An example would be why would I want to work for you?

Your careers page should relay your values, employment branding, and the character traits of your ideal candidate.

How can I improve my career page?

Your latest hires are superb resources for discovering what they want to see on your careers page. You can also view your competitors’ careers page for ideas, and use a variety of media resources, such as videos.

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