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What Jobs To Do After Being Made Redundant

What Jobs To Do After Being Made Redundant

Navigating the turbulent waters of being made redundant can be an emotional and financial rollercoaster. Yet amidst the uncertainty, your redundancy pay can serve as a buffer, providing you with financial breathing space and the chance to regroup. It’s perfectly normal to feel a spectrum of emotions during this time, but it’s vital to harness this pivotal moment to reassess your career plan and plot your next move with clarity and confidence.

In this blog, we’re diving deep into practical, actionable strategies designed to transform the challenge of redundancy into a launchpad for your next professional adventure. From re-evaluating your skillset to catching the discerning eye of a Hiring Manager, we’ll explore avenues to not only secure a new job but to embark on a career path that’s fulfilling and aligned with your ambitions and talents.

Redundancy might feel like an end, but with the right approach, it’s a beginning – an opportunity to turn the page and start a rewarding new chapter in your professional narrative. So, let’s embark on this journey together, armed with insight, optimism, and a proactive mindset. Your next career adventure awaits!

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Highlights And Key Takeaways:

  1. Redundancy can open new doors but first take stock of your financial health, familiarising yourself with your entitlements, from notice pay to redundancy pay and claiming benefits.
  2. Align your transferable skills with prospering business sectors, such as technology, healthcare, renewable energy, and digital marketing.
  3. Upskill to gain a competitive edge, find prospective employers on the top job sites, and prepare for you first post-redundancy job interview.

Redundancy – Embracing The Winds Of Change

Being Made Redundant

The moment of redundancy often feels like a gale-force wind, unexpectedly uprooting your professional life. It’s totally unfair, a whirlwind of emotions, and concerns for your mental health are completely justified. However, it’s vital to anchor yourself with resilience and adaptability, essential traits that will transform this life-changing move into a journey of growth.

Firstly, understand that it’s not just an end but a potential beginning. Redundancy can indeed open new doors. This unexpected break allows for reflection on your career path and aspirations, offering a chance to explore entirely new sectors or passions that have previously gone unconsidered.

Now, on the practical side, there are immediate steps to take for financial health. Familiarise yourself with your entitlements; redundancy pay, notice pay, and any final pay owed are key factors in maintaining financial stability during your notice period. Ensure you receive the correct amounts, and remember, these sums can often provide the necessary cushion to strategise your next move without haste.

Furthermore, it’s crucial to recognise the support systems available. Claiming benefits in the UK is not a sign of defeat, but rather a sensible step to keep you afloat. Investigate your eligibility to claim benefits, as various schemes are specifically designed to assist during such transitional phases.

Above all, keep a positive outlook. It may seem challenging amidst the storm, but embracing this change can lead to newfound fulfilment and success. Use this period to invest in yourself, perhaps by upskilling or attending workshops, which can significantly enhance your prospects. Redundancy might feel like an end, but remember, when one door closes, countless others await to be opened. So, harness the winds of change, and let them steer you towards uncharted, exciting territories.

Identifying Your Transferable Skills

Navigating the job market after redundancy can seem daunting, but recognising your transferable skills is a beneficial starting point. This process isn’t just about listing your previous job duties; it’s about accurately identifying the wealth of experience you’ve amassed in your previous role and understanding how these competencies can pivot you into new, rewarding roles.

Begin by reflecting on your technical skills. These aren’t solely about your proficiency with software or specific tools; think about the broader projects you’ve handled, the problems you’ve solved, and the specialised knowledge you’ve applied. These technical skills, once stripped from their job-specific contexts, often reveal themselves to be highly adaptable across industries. Begin by reading our blog – What Skills Are Needed For Different Jobs?

However, don’t stop there. Your personal traits, often undervalued, are a goldmine. Soft skills such as communication, teamwork, and problem-solving are highly prized in virtually every field. Leadership qualities, whether honed in management roles or through steering projects and teams, also transition well across sectors in a challenging job market.

Consider, too, your adaptability and capacity for learning. In a landscape that values innovation and agility, showing that you’re not only capable of change but eager for it, can significantly elevate your appeal to potential employers.

So, take a moment. List your skills, both technical and personal, and research how they apply to roles you’re interested in. You’ll likely find that you’re better positioned for this next step in your career journey than you first thought. This self-assessment isn’t just about preparing to land your next role; it’s a critical reflection that highlights your unique value proposition, one that will continue to serve you throughout your career.

Promising Sectors In The Current Job Market

Job Hunting

Embarking on a job hunt post-redundancy requires not just enthusiasm but also strategic insight into the sectors ripe with opportunity. As you consider this career change, it’s crucial to weigh up appropriately which industries are thriving and forecasted to have a robust demand for new talent. Begin by reading our guide – Best Industries To Work In, which delves deeper into new career opportunities in the following sectors:

Technology Sector Opportunities

The technology sector continues to surge ahead, with vacancies directly related to various skill sets and experience levels. From app development to cybersecurity, the digital world is expansive. Job titles here can range from Software Developer to Systems Analyst, and the sector is known for its receptivity to talent from diverse professional backgrounds, especially if you’re tech-savvy or willing to upskill.

Healthcare Sector Opportunities

Healthcare, too, remains a stalwart of stability in the job market. The sector extends beyond Doctors and Nurses; roles in healthcare management, pharmaceuticals, research, and mental health support have seen significant growth. This industry values both technical skills and human empathy, meaning there’s likely a role that aligns with your skill set.

Renewable Energy Sector Opportunities

The renewable energy sector is another burgeoning field, driven by heightened awareness of climate change and regulatory focus on sustainability. Opportunities here aren’t limited to Engineers; Project Managers, Community Liaisons, and Marketing Professionals will find the sector ripe with potential.

Digital Marketing Sector Opportunities

Furthermore, digital marketing has emerged as a powerhouse in its own right. As e-commerce and digital content consumption soar, so does the demand for digital marketing professionals. Roles in this sector are varied, including content creation, data analysis, SEO specialisation, and social media management, accessible to individuals with a wide range of backgrounds.

As you ponder your next move, consider these vibrant sectors. Align your transferable skills with the demands of these industries, and you might find the fit not just promising but fulfilling. Remember, the key to unlocking your next role may not necessarily lie in a similar job title but in a parallel sector where your skills are valued and in demand.

Roles To Consider And Their Requirements

Navigating through the aftermath of redundancy involves not just identifying thriving sectors but also understanding specific roles within these industries that align with your skills and experiences. Here, we delve into particular positions that are well-suited for individuals facing a career transition, outlining the typical requirements and how one might qualify or upskill for them.

Technical Project Manager (IT):

Technical Project Managers in IT must demonstrate proficiency in project planning, team leadership, and have a robust understanding of software development life cycles. Upskilling in areas such as risk management and technical communication is often beneficial. For a comprehensive understanding of what this role entails, consider exploring a Technical Project Manager job description to identify the specific skills, qualifications, and duties required.

Medical Transcriptionist:

Medical Transcriptionists are pivotal in the healthcare sector, requiring a keen attention to detail, a strong grasp of medical terminology, and excellent typing skills. Confidentiality and time management are also crucial in this role. To fully grasp the specifics of this position and how to prepare for it, aspiring candidates should refer to a Medical Transcriptionist job advert.

Campaign Manager:

Campaign Managers in the digital marketing realm need a blend of creativity and analytical thinking, proficiency in digital platforms, and strong skills in campaign analysis and budget management. To understand the breadth of skills necessary and how to acquire them, individuals are encouraged to review a Campaign Manager job description.

Social Media Assistant:

A role increasingly vital in the digital space, Social Media Assistants must be adept at content creation, audience engagement, and have a thorough understanding of social media trends and analytics. Enhancing writing skills and staying updated with the fast-paced social media environment are musts. Delve into a Social Media Assistant job spec to learn about the specific qualifications and duties of this role.

For all these roles, upskilling through specific courses, workshops, or certifications is highly recommended. These can be found via various online learning platforms or local educational institutions. Additionally, studying a job description template in detail will provide deeper insights into what employers are seeking, helping candidates to tailor their application and preparation process effectively. We recommend reading our blog – What Jobs Are There? and exploring our library of job description examples.

Upskilling For A Competitive Edge

Career Change Upskilling

In today’s extremely competitive job market, securing a new job requires more than just personal traits or previous experiences. Our top job hunt tip? Embrace continuous learning and professional development. Upskilling is no longer a mere option; it’s a necessity for those wanting to stand out to a potential future employer.

Whilst training for a specific role, it’s crucial to focus on the thriving sectors identified in your job search. Whether you’re re-training for a complete career change or looking to enhance your current skill set, various resources can help you acquire the new skills needed to gain that competitive edge.

Online courses have become a cornerstone of professional development. Platforms like Coursera, Udemy, and LinkedIn Learning offer a plethora of courses across fields like IT, digital marketing, healthcare, and renewable energy. These courses are often designed and taught by industry professionals, providing practical, up-to-date information and skills.

Workshops and seminars, available both in person and online, are also invaluable. They not only offer concentrated learning but also provide networking opportunities. Keep an eye on industry associations, local universities, and community colleges, which frequently host these events.

Remember, upskilling isn’t just about adding qualifications to your CV. It’s about showing initiative, commitment, and an understanding of the industry’s direction. These qualities are highly attractive to employers and can often weigh just as heavily as the specific skills themselves.

In an era where job markets evolve rapidly, the willingness to adapt through learning is paramount. By embracing upskilling and re-training, you’re not just preparing for your next role; you’re investing in a resilient, adaptable career that can weather the changes the future holds.

Utilising Recruitment Services And Job Platforms

In the quest to secure your next role, overlooking the prowess of recruitment agencies and job platforms could mean missing out on valuable opportunities. These resources are particularly instrumental in bridging the gap between you and your potential employer, especially in a landscape where a myriad of applications flood every particular vacancy.

Start by registering with recruitment agencies that specialise in your field of interest. These agencies don’t just have access to a trove of vacancies; they often provide indispensable career advice tailored to your industry. Meanwhile, explore top job sites like ReedTotaljobs, and Indeed, where you can apply for positions and also set up alerts for specific job roles.

When it comes to your job application, understand that a generic approach won’t suffice. It might be tempting to send a one-size-fits-all CV, but customisation is key. Consider crafting an entirely new CV or producing slightly altered versions of your CV, each tailored to the roles you’re eyeing. Make use of free CV templates available online, ensuring your format is clean and professional, allowing recruiters to instantly identify your career highlights.

Cover letters, too, should be customised. Analyse job descriptions, echoing the language used and specifically addressing the main requirements and how your skills match. Remember, your CV and cover letter are your first impressions; make them count.

Throughout this process, it’s vital to remain positive and proactive. Regularly update your profiles on job platforms, keep your CV refreshed with any new skills or experiences, and continuously engage with the agencies to show your keen interest.

In a competitive job landscape, being strategic about how you present yourself and utilise available resources can make all the difference in landing your next role.

Career Transition Strategies – Turning Redundancy Into Opportunity

Career Transition Strategies

Facing redundancy can be daunting for the unfortunate employees involved. However, with the right strategies and a positive mindset, what seems like an end can become a promising new beginning. Transitioning into a new job after being made redundant, especially if it’s a shift into a different industry or role, might feel overwhelming, but remember, many have navigated this path successfully and you can too.

Firstly, keep a careful and accurate record of your employment history, particularly the circumstances surrounding your redundancy. Unfortunately, employees involved in layoffs aren’t responsible for the economic predicaments affecting their previous employers, but you’ll need to articulate this scenario effectively. Whether it’s your only job for a decade or a full-time job you’ve had for a year, explaining that you were made redundant rather than dismissed for performance issues is key in maintaining a positive image with the hiring organisation.

Before attending your first post-redundancy job interview, do yourself a few favours: research the relevant department of the prospective employer, prepare a few tips or insights that could benefit them – this shows initiative and a genuine interest in contributing.

When the inevitable question about your last job comes up, honesty is the best policy. Frame the discussion with positive statements; emphasise what you learned from the experience, how it’s shaped your professional journey, and what you’re eager to bring to a new job. Avoid speaking negatively about your previous employer or the redundancy process; instead, steer the conversation towards why you believe this new opportunity is the right fit for you and how you’re the most suitable candidate.

Don’t forget to discuss your remuneration expectations clearly and respectfully with Hiring Managers. If you’ve done your research and know your worth, this part of the conversation should be straightforward. After the interview, don’t hesitate to chase up with a thank-you email that reiterates your interest in the role and explains nicely how you see yourself contributing to their goals.

Lastly, keep the discussion upbeat. To maintain a positive discussion, show enthusiasm for the future and convey a readiness to embark on a new chapter. Employers appreciate candidates who display resilience and positivity in the face of adversity. After all, it’s not just about the skills you bring, but the attitude, too.

Here are thirteen successful career transition strategies, helping you navigate the path from redundancy or a desire for change to new employment opportunities:

  1. Self-Assessment: Take time to understand your strengths, weaknesses, interests, and values. Reflect on what you enjoyed or didn’t in your previous jobs to guide your next move.
  2. Skills Inventory: List all your skills, both hard and soft, and consider how they might be transferable to a new industry or role.
  3. Market Research: Investigate industries and roles that are currently in demand. Look into sectors that are showing growth or resilience, as these might offer more opportunities.
  4. Networking: Utilise LinkedIn and other professional networks to connect with individuals in your desired field. Attend industry meetups, webinars, or forums to expand your network.
  5. Upskilling: Identify any skill gaps you may have for your desired role and seek out training or courses to bridge them. Continuous learning shows potential employers your commitment to self-improvement.
  6. CV and Cover Letter Customisation: Tailor your CV and cover letter for each application, highlighting relevant skills and experiences that match the job description.
  7. Interview Preparation: Practice common interview questions and scenarios, especially tackling the topic of your career transition or redundancy positively and confidently.
  8. Setting Realistic Goals: Define clear, achievable goals for your job search and career transition. Be patient yet persistent.
  9. Seeking Professional Advice: Consider career counselling or coaching services for expert advice tailored to your situation.
  10. Staying Positive: A career transition is a challenging phase; maintaining a positive outlook and taking care of your mental health are crucial throughout this process.
  11. Financial Planning: Assess your financial situation and plan accordingly to ensure you can sustain yourself during this period of change. This might include setting a budget, cutting unnecessary expenses, or possibly finding temporary work.
  12. Flexibility: Be open to roles that you might not have considered previously, including part-time positions, internships, or freelance opportunities, as they can be stepping stones to full-time roles. You could also check out remote working opportunities – we recommend reading our guide What Jobs Can I Do Working From Home?
  13. Feedback Collection: After interviews, whether successful or not, ask for feedback to understand your areas of strength and those needing improvement.

Post Redundancy Job Search FAQs

Next, we tackle any further questions you may have on job hunting for a new job after being made redundant:


First, breathe. Redundancy isn’t a reflection of your worth. Ensure your redundancy package is fair and understand your rights; consulting a legal advisor might be prudent. Revise your budget to maintain financial stability. Then, reflect on your career goals, upgrade your skills if necessary through online courses or workshops, and network relentlessly. Remember, it’s okay to seek emotional support during this transition. 


Absolutely, redundancy isn’t the end of your professional journey, but a pivot. Employers recognise that redundancy can result from strategic shifts in companies, not personal performance. Highlight your strengths and adaptability, staying open to roles across industries. Consider temporary or contract work as stepping stones towards long-term opportunities. 


Swift employment post-redundancy involves a strategic approach: update your CV with recent skills and accomplishments, optimise your LinkedIn profile and engage with industry groups, register with recruitment agencies for suitable roles, and apply directly to companies. Tailor each application and practise for interviews. Maintain a routine and treat job hunting as a full-time role. 


Not in the slightest. It’s how you frame it. Avoid the term ‘redundant’ on your CV. Instead, focus on your achievements during your tenure and explain the gap positively in your cover letter or interview, reflecting on what you’ve gained during the period. Employers appreciate honesty and resilience in the face of professional setbacks. Remember, it’s a common experience, especially in volatile economic climates. 

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