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10 Jobs We All Want In 2022

People often choose a career path and tend to stick to it for the rest of their lives, leaving them with the question of what it could have been, if they decided differently. This mentality is slowly but certainly shifting, and online recruitment is helping the process. There is no wrong age to change your profession. You could completely shift your accountant lifestyle by deciding to become a DJ for example; there is no shame to follow your dreams and here are the reasons to follow ten of them.

What Would Be Your Dream Job Role?

1. Being A Pilot

Quite a responsible job as a single mistake could make a huge difference. However, also quite an admirable job…you get the luxury of being in a different country when you only left your house a few hours ago. I can imagine there will be mornings where you need to be up before the sun rises and flight hours will be long, but it’s still a thrill and a gift to do. Travelling is probably the most desired thing in the world, and this type of career will help you with just that.

2. Charity Worker

Another thing that leaves people feeling with a purpose is working for a charity. Helping other people is what makes us human; it is what each individual would enjoy. Seeing as a remarkable proportion of our lives is spent at work, knowing that the time you have spent is making a difference to others must be the best comfort. Obviously, you get the added benefit of being relieved from taxes as well, however, keep in mind that there are a lot of challenges in the path.

3. Becoming A Writer

The good part is that you won’t need a dime of investment. You will be able to express all of your creativity on a sheet of paper, and you could do it as long as you are alive. Not to mention the ability to create interest from different perspectives. What a skill to have being able to create moments like these all without leaving your desk!

4. Photographer

There is practically no cap in your development. Yes, you probably won’t have a fixed income, but you will be able to follow your dreams, have a flexible working schedule and be free to travel wherever you want, whenever you want. And most importantly, you will be able to stay true to yourself throughout your whole career. The reason why your clients choose you over anyone else is because they share and see your sense of style and vision, so you will be always staying true to yourself.

5.  Musician

Being a Musician is a hard task; you would completely depend on yourself. But you would also learn universal life skills that you will constantly use. You will meet new people all the time and will most certainly have intelligent but more importantly interesting co-workers. The best one out of them all, you will earn an income while following your dreams and doing what you love.

6. Personal Trainer

The best thing about this job is that you will be training others whilst remaining fit and healthy yourself. Not only that, but you will have a variety of different customers, from whom you could learn a lot while conducting training sessions. You will also adapt to working independately (an impressive skill to have), if you haven’t already had to and the flexibility to work to your own requirements.

7. Racing Car Driver

Imagine the adrenaline boost all the time. That being said, your job will be to balance it while driving a vehicle at a tremendous speed. The money and the fame that come with it are just a bonus.

8. Actor/Actress

You can start doing it whenever you want. Morgan Freeman didn’t start until he was forty and look at him now. This career opens up a lot of windows and opportunities on top of leading an interesting lifestyle. Acting is a great career where you can play another person, live another life, disconnect from reality and live out your fantasies by being someone you aren’t. It’s an opportunity to entertain and inspire those watching by telling the most amazing stories.

9. Journalist

You will never have two days which are similar to each other, we can guarantee you that. Facing a lot of different challenges on a daily basis, this is the best career path for people that want to intellectually develop themselves constantly and meet a wide range of people with diverse backgrounds. What a job!

10. Artist

If you want to follow this path you certainly don’t need reasons for it. Do you? It is most likely your passion and you would do it for free anyway. Your ideas will turn into things, what more could you ask for? It is a combination of hard work and perseverance that will make you an outstanding artist.

Where Do We Come Into This?

Whether it be someones dream role you are recruiting for or not, we can help you in your recruiting process. We have many resources to make your recruiting process as easy as possible. 

Get in touch, to find out more!

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