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Advertising Jobs On Google – The Benefits Of Being On There

Google for Jobs is a powerful job advertising tool that allows job seekers to find and apply for jobs in a matter of seconds, all from the Google Search Bar. It has similar functionality to job aggregators such as Indeed, Monster, and Glassdoor, which gather data and vacancies from various sources to display on a single page.

Read Job Advertising On Aggregators.

Are My Job Pages Google For Jobs Ready?

To get your website’s job pages ready for Google for Jobs, you should focus on optimising the background elements that Google reads. Your check should focus on four areas:

  1. Have you implemented schema on your job postings? Schema is a markup code that allows you to tag important information for Google to read.
  2. Are your job ads correctly tagged? Tags need to be clear, and keyword optimised.
  3. Do you have all your job ads on one page? Having all your jobs on one page may cause them to be ignored by Google.
  4. Have you stated the location for each job? Jobs without a location are unlikely to appear in Google for Jobs search results.

Benefits Of Google For Jobs For Recruiters

Recruiters will benefit from Google for Jobs because:

  • Google prioritises job ads that offer the most value to job seekers. If your job ads are high quality and have greater information depth, your ad will be promoted. Consider whether your job ad answers all the questions candidates might ask about the position.
  • Google will tackle the issue of duplicate jobs. Unhelpful agency tactics such as recreating adverts for the same role but with alternative wording will be filtered away. With Google’s AI, there will be few situations where candidates become disheartened because they have applied for the same job they didn’t win through different platforms.
  • Google prioritises the job posting’s originator. If you have posted the job on your website and all schemas are in place and high quality, Google will show your page, with third parties taking a secondary priority.
  • Google’s algorithms will show the most relevant jobs to candidates. This will drive brand exposure for niche agencies and recruiters.

Google for Jobs will allow recruiters to receive more applications from suitable candidates. Google leverages AI to learn about each candidate and promote your job if they match what AI has learned.

Get Your Job Vacancies Ready For Google For Jobs

If you are interested in job advertising, head to our job advertising page to view our packages and leave it all to us. We will get your job vacancies ready for Google for Jobs standards to ensure you hire the very best candidates.

If you are interested in discovering where your job advert can appear, read our blog post on How To Advertise A Job.

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