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What Are Job Requirements?

What Are Job Requirements

Finding job seekers isn’t always a challenge. However, if you want to attract candidates that are ‘qualified’ and can complete the requirements of the role, things can suddenly feel quite the opposite. Filling your workplace with any old job seeker is rarely a recipe for business and team success. On the other hand, finding and hiring prospective employees with the right hard skills, personal traits, education, additional qualifications, knowledge base, and experience from previous roles will help drive or keep your business ahead of its competition. This is why to attract and hire the best potential candidates; it is vital to provide clarity in your job descriptions by adding an accurate job requirements list.

In this article, we are going to help you find ideal candidates by reviewing the following:

  • What are job requirements?
  • Types of job requirements
  • How to list job requirements in a job description
  • Job requirements templates for job posting
  • Job requirements examples

What Are Job Requirements?

Job Requirements For A Job Posting

In their basic form, job requirements refer to the qualifications, skills, and experience that are necessary for an individual to be considered eligible for a specific job position. These requirements are outlined by employers in job postings and job descriptions to establish the criteria against which candidates will be evaluated during the hiring process. Job requirements serve as a way to filter and assess candidates based on their suitability for the role.

Job requirements can encompass a variety of criteria depending on the nature of the job and the organisation’s needs. They often include educational qualifications, such as specific university degree or certification, and may specify a minimum education requirement. Professional experience is another common job requirement, with employers seeking candidates who have a certain number of years of relevant work experience in a particular field or industry.

In addition to education and experience, job requirements may include technical skills, specialised knowledge, or certifications that are essential for performing the job effectively. These could involve proficiency in specific software or programming languages, knowledge of industry regulations, or the ability to operate certain machinery or equipment.

Furthermore, employers may also include desired personal attributes or soft skills in their job requirements. Transferable skills can include communication skills, teamwork abilities, problem-solving capabilities, leadership qualities, or specific personality traits that align with the company culture.

Job requirements are crucial for employers as they allow them to identify and select candidates who possess the necessary qualifications and capabilities to excel in a particular role. By clearly stating the requirements, employers can attract suitable applicants and streamline the hiring process by focusing on candidates who meet the defined criteria.

In summary, job requirements refer to the qualifications, specific skills, and experience that are necessary for job seekers to be considered eligible for a specific job position. These requirements are outlined by employers in job postings and serve as criteria for evaluating candidates. Job requirements include educational qualifications, professional experience, technical skills, and desired personal attributes. They are essential for employers to identify suitable candidates and facilitate an efficient recruitment process.

Types Of Job Requirements

Job Requirements An Employer Expects

A job requirements list can include items that fit into the following categories. While a job description and role may not require something from every category, it is prudent to consider them all when writing job descriptions and job ads for most job listings:

  • Educational requirements
  • Professional licenses, certifications, and accreditations
  • Technical skills
  • Work experience
  • Personality traits and soft skills
  • Physical abilities
  • Language skills

Educational Requirements

Educational requirements refer to the level of education or specific degrees, a high school diploma, or qualifications that are necessary for a job. These requirements ensure that candidates have acquired the foundational knowledge and skills relevant to the position. For example, a job in engineering may require a Graduate Degree in Engineering or a related field to demonstrate the necessary technical expertise.

Professional Licenses, Certifications, And Accreditations

Certain jobs require candidates to possess professional licenses, certifications, or accreditations to legally and professionally perform specific tasks or roles. These credentials validate the individual’s expertise, competence, and adherence to industry standards. Examples include certifications such as Certified Public Accountant (CPA) or licenses for practicing law or medicine.

Technical Skills

Technical skills are specific abilities and knowledge related to a particular field or industry. These skills are often job-specific and can include proficiency in software applications, programming languages, data analysis, or operating machinery. Employers seek candidates with technical skills to ensure they can effectively handle the technical aspects of the job and contribute to the organisation’s objectives.

Work Experience

Work experience refers to the practical knowledge and certain skills gained through previous employment or relevant professional engagements. It demonstrates a candidate’s ability to apply their skills in real-world scenarios, adapt to work environments, and contribute to the business. Employers often specify the minimum number of years of experience required to ensure candidates possess the necessary expertise for the role.

Personality Traits And Soft Skills

Personality traits and soft skills are personal qualities and attributes that contribute to an individual’s ability to work effectively in a team, communicate, problem-solve, and adapt to various situations. Examples of soft skills include effective communication, leadership, teamwork, time management, and critical thinking. Employers consider these skills crucial for success in a role, as they often determine an individual’s ability to collaborate, handle challenges, and fit into the company culture.

Physical Abilities

Physical abilities refer to the physical attributes and capabilities required to perform certain job tasks. They can include physical strength, stamina, dexterity, coordination, or mobility. Some jobs, such as construction or healthcare roles, may have specific physical requirements that candidates must meet to safely and effectively perform their duties.

Language Skills

Language skills pertain to the proficiency in spoken and written languages necessary for effective communication in the job role. These skills are particularly important in international or multicultural work environments or when interacting with clients or customers who speak different languages. Language requirements can range from fluency in specific languages to a basic understanding of communication in a particular language.

How To List Job Requirements In A Job Description

How To List Job Requirements To Find Candidates

Listing job requirements in a job description is an essential aspect and crucial part of attracting qualified candidates and ensuring a successful hiring process. Here are a few guidelines on how to effectively list job requirements in a job description:

  1. Be Clear and Specific: Clearly state the required qualifications, soft skill needs, and experience for the position. Use concise language and specific terms to describe the requirements, ensuring that candidates understand the expectations.
  2. Prioritise Essential Requirements: Start by highlighting the most critical job requirements that are non-negotiable for those making a job search and completing a job application. These could include minimum educational qualifications, certifications, or specific technical skills. By placing these requirements at the beginning of the list, candidates can quickly determine if they meet the basic eligibility criteria.
  3. Differentiate Between “Required” and “Preferred”: Differentiate between must-have requirements and preferred qualifications. This helps candidates understand which qualifications are essential for the role and which ones are desirable but not mandatory. Clearly communicate whether certain requirements are flexible or open to negotiation.
  4. Use Bulleted Lists: Present job requirements in a bulleted list format to enhance readability and make them easily scannable for candidates. This allows job seekers to quickly assess their compatibility with the role and determine if they should proceed with the application.
  5. Avoid Discriminatory Language: Ensure that the job requirements are free from any discriminatory language or bias. Focus on the qualifications and skills necessary for successful job performance rather than personal characteristics unrelated to the role.
  6. Provide Context: Give a brief explanation of why each requirement is important for the position. This helps candidates understand the rationale behind each qualification and allows them to better evaluate their suitability.
  7. Be Realistic: Set realistic requirements that align with the responsibilities and level of the role. Avoid listing an excessive number of requirements that may deter qualified candidates from applying. Strike a balance between essential qualifications and those that can be developed or learned on the job.

By following these guidelines, employers can effectively list job requirements in a job description, providing candidates with a clear understanding of the qualifications and skills necessary for success in the role. This ensures that the hiring process attracts suitable applicants and increases the chances of finding the ideal candidate.

Job Requirements Templates For Job Posting

Hiring Managers and business owners can access our recruitment resources to create a compelling and full job description. You can download a job description template examplejob advert template example, or complete job description with job requirements section, from our library of job descriptions.

Our JD library includes hundreds of sample job descriptions, such as a Fence Installer Job Description and Academic Coach Job Description. For further guidance and insights into writing a job requirements list to attract the qualified job seekers with the right candidate persona, read what to include in a job specification.

Furthermore, you can find the minimum requirements and examples of job descriptions for any role in the following categories:

Job Requirements Examples

Examples Of Job Requirements

If you are a Hiring Manager or employer seeking inspiration and examples of job requirements that will deter unqualified candidates while encouraging your qualified candidates to send you a cover letter and CV or apply for your job listing, check out the following:

Job Title: Marketing Coordinator

Job Requirements:

  1. Bachelor’s Degree in Marketing, Business Administration, or a related field.
  2. Proven work experience as a Marketing Coordinator or in a similar role for at least 2 years.
  3. Proficiency in digital marketing strategies and platforms, including social media, email marketing, and content management systems.
  4. Strong written and verbal communication skills with the ability to create engaging content.
  5. Demonstrated knowledge of market research and analysis techniques.
  6. Experience in coordinating and executing marketing campaigns.
  7. Proficiency in using marketing software and tools, such as Google Analytics, CRM systems, and marketing automation platforms.
  8. Excellent organisational and project management skills, with the ability to handle multiple tasks and meet deadlines.
  9. Strong attention to detail and ability to analyse data to track and report on campaign performance.
  10. Ability to work collaboratively in a team environment and effectively communicate with internal and external stakeholders.
  11. Creative thinking and problem-solving abilities to develop innovative marketing strategies.
  12. Knowledge of SEO best practices and familiarity with keyword research tools.
  13. Familiarity with graphic design software and basic understanding of design principles is a plus.

Please note that the above job requirements are provided as an example and can vary depending on the specific job role, industry, and organisation.

Job Requirements FAQs

Here we answer your questions on what are job requirements and how to write job requirements. If you are a candidate researching job requirements and getting hired, we recommend reading our blog – I Can’t Find A Job (What Can I Do?)


A requirement for a job refers to a specific qualification (education requirements), skill, or attribute that is necessary for an individual to perform the duties and responsibilities of a particular position. Job requirements are typically outlined in job descriptions and serve as criteria for evaluating the suitability of candidates during the recruitment process. These requirements can include educational qualifications, certifications, relevant work experience, technical skills, language proficiency, interpersonal skills, and any other specific qualifications deemed necessary for successful job performance.


An example of a job requirement can vary depending on the nature of the job and the organisation. Here’s an illustration:

Job Requirement: Bachelor’s Degree in Computer Science or related field

Explanation: In this example, the job requirement specifies that candidates for a particular position should possess a Bachelor’s Degree in Computer Science or a related field. This educational requirement indicates that the role requires a foundational knowledge of computer science principles and theories. It serves as a benchmark to assess candidates’ educational background and ensures that individuals with the necessary technical expertise are considered for the position.


Job requirements and responsibilities go hand in hand. While job requirements refer to the qualifications and skills needed for a specific role, job responsibilities encompass the tasks, duties, and obligations associated with that position. Job requirements outline the qualifications, experience, and competencies a candidate should possess, while job responsibilities delineate the specific activities and expectations of the job.
For example, a job requirement for a Marketing Manager role could be a Bachelor’s Degree in Marketing or a related field, along with five years of experience in marketing. The job responsibilities for this position might include developing marketing strategies, managing advertising campaigns, conducting market research, overseeing social media presence, and analysing campaign performance. In this case, the job requirements define the qualifications needed to be considered for the role, while the job responsibilities outline the specific tasks and duties the Marketing Manager will be responsible for in their day-to-day work.
In summary, job requirements refer to the qualifications and skills necessary for a job, while job responsibilities encompass the specific tasks and duties associated with that position. Both elements are crucial for defining the expectations and evaluating the performance of employees within an organisation.

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