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I Can’t Find A Job (What Can I Do?)

I Can't Find A Job What Can I Do

In today’s dynamic and often unpredictable job market, the quest for a new job can be both exhilarating and daunting. Whether you’re fresh out of university or contemplating a mid-career shift, the journey can be filled with challenges. Yet, it’s crucial to remember that the way we approach these challenges, with a positive mindset, can make a significant difference. This blog aims to be your guiding beacon, offering practical advice, resources, and strategies to help you effectively find jobs and navigate the ever-evolving employment landscape. So, buckle up and let’s embark on this journey to land your dream job with optimism and determination.

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Highlights And Key Takeaways:

  1. You can improve your odds of finding a job by following market trendsnetworking, and being willing to try anything.
  2. Perfecting your CVcover letter, and interview skills will give you an edge over other job seekers.
  3. Do your job researchdevelop your skills, and earn new qualifications to secure the perfect position.
  4. Good financial management and focusing on your mental health are crucial in surviving a time when you can’t find a job.

Understanding Why You Are Struggling

Why Can I Not Find A New Job

Before we delve into your CV, cover letter, and interview skills, it is vital to consider 4 common reasons you can’t find a job:

1. You Aren’t Following Market Trends:

The UK job market is a dynamic entity, often influenced by both local and global events. Economic shifts, globalisation, technological advancements, and even unforeseen events like the pandemic have all had significant impacts on the availability and nature of jobs. Staying informed about these trends can be crucial. For instance:

  • Industry Shifts: Some sectors, like high street retail, have seen downturns while others, like tech or green energy, have been on the rise. Are you looking in an industry that’s experiencing growth or one that’s contracting?
  • Regional Variations: Job opportunities can vary greatly depending on the region. Some cities may offer better prospects for specific industries than others. Are you looking in the right areas, or might a relocation or a broader search field be beneficial?

2. You Aren’t Networking:

It’s often said that “it’s not what you know, but who you know.” While skills and experience are paramount, having the right connections can open doors to opportunities that might not even be advertised.

  • Expanding your Circle: Attend industry seminars, workshops, and conferences. Engage in online forums and groups related to your field. You’ll not only gain knowledge but also valuable contacts.
  • Leveraging Existing Contacts: Touch base with former colleagues, classmates, and friends. They might know of job openings or can introduce you to influential people within their networks.

3. You Are Not Willing To Try Anything:

Having a specific career path or job in mind is excellent, but during challenging times, flexibility can be an asset.

  • Broadening Horizons: While you might have a particular role in mind, consider adjacent roles or industries where your skills could be transferable. For instance, a salesperson in retail might transition into sales in a tech company.
  • Temporary and Part-time Roles: These can act as stopgaps, providing financial relief and potential networking opportunities. They might even lead to full-time positions or offer a new career direction you hadn’t previously considered. These can also help you decide what job to do, a top tip from our blog – What Job Should I Do?

4. You Are Applying For Jobs You Aren’t Qualified For:

It’s natural to aim high, but consistently applying for roles for which you don’t meet the criteria can lead to repeated rejections.

  • Skill Mismatch: Ensure that you’re applying for positions where you meet at least the essential criteria. If there’s a particular role you’re passionate about but lack the qualifications, consider courses or certifications that could bridge the gap. If you are seeking your first job or have no work history, we recommend reading – How Do I Get My First Job – A UK Guide.
  • Understanding Job Descriptions: Sometimes, job listings might have a wish-list of skills and qualifications. While meeting all of them is ideal, it’s not always necessary. Learn to distinguish between “must-haves” and “nice-to-haves” to better assess your fit for the position.

Recognising these factors can significantly streamline your job hunt, ensuring that your efforts are directed efficiently and effectively.

Perfecting Your CV And Cover Letter

Find A New Role By Updating Your Resume

If Hiring Managers aren’t responding to your job applications, your CV and cover letter might need refining. Here are 2 reasons your CV and cover letter aren’t getting you in front of Hiring Managers:

1. Addressing Career Gaps or Dismissals:

Life happens, and there are numerous reasons one might have gaps in employment or a dismissal.

  • Honesty is the Best Policy: If you have a gap, briefly address it in your cover letter. Whether it was due to personal reasons, further education, or even a sabbatical, being transparent can prevent employers from making assumptions. You can read further about how employers view and handle sabbaticals in our guide – How To Handle Your Employee Going On Sabbatical Leave: Sabbatical Leave Template.
  • Focusing on Transferable Skills: If your gap involved activities like freelance work, volunteering, or courses, highlight the transferable skills you acquired during that period.
  • Dismissals: It’s not always necessary to mention a dismissal on your CV. If asked during an interview, be honest but succinct, focusing on what you learned from the experience rather than placing blame.

2. Adapting to the Job Description:

Every job is unique, even within the same field or industry. Tailoring your CV and cover letter to align with the specific job description can make you stand out as a more suitable candidate.

  • Keywords and Phrases: Identify specific words or phrases in the job description and incorporate them into your CV and cover letter. Many companies use automated screening tools, and this technique can help ensure your application passes through.
  • Highlight Relevant Experience: If the job description mentions a particular skill or experience as essential, make sure it’s prominently featured in your CV, ideally towards the top of your relevant experience or skills section.
  • Research Similar Roles: You can identify further skills, experience, phrases, duties, and responsibilities to weave into your CV by reviewing a role’s sample job description from our database.

Interview Stage Preparations: Practice Your Interviewing Skills

Get Feedback On Your Interview Skills

If your job interviews don’t result in job offers, we have 5 simple tips to nail the job interview stage of your job search:

  1. Research the Company: Your knowledge about the company and its industry showcases your interest and dedication. Familiarise yourself with the company’s mission, recent news, and major products or services.
  2. Anticipate Common Questions: While every interview is different, there are staple questions that frequently come up, such as “Tell me about yourself,” “What’s your greatest strength/weakness?” And “Why do you want to work here?” Prepare succinct and relevant answers for these and other common queries.
  3. Practice With Mock Interviews: Practise makes perfect. Engage a friend or family member to conduct a mock interview. Alternatively, consider hiring a career coach or using online platforms that offer mock interview services.
  4. Adapt Your Body Language: Your non-verbal cues often speak louder than words. Maintain good posture, offer a firm handshake, and maintain appropriate eye contact. This exudes confidence and attentiveness.
  5. Prepare Your Own Questions: At the end of most interviews, you’ll have the chance to ask questions. Prepare some insightful queries in advance. This not only shows your interest but also helps you assess if the company is the right fit for you.

Remember, interviews are as much about getting to know the company as they are about the company getting to know you. Approach them with preparation and confidence.

Practical Steps To Take Right Now

How To Gain Experience For Available Jobs

If you can’t find a job, gaining new skills (professional skills and technical skills) and qualifications will help you achieve your job hunting goals.

In a fast-evolving job market, one of the best ways to stay ahead is to continually hone your skills and acquire new ones. 2 ways to increase your skill set include:

  1. Online Platforms: Websites such as Coursera, Udemy, and FutureLearn offer a wide array of courses, ranging from short skills-based tutorials to full-blown university degree programmes. Platforms like LinkedIn Learning also offer courses that are immediately beneficial for the vast majority of job seekers. In some cases, you can earn licenses and certificates in 30 minutes to a couple of hours.
  2. Local Community Courses: Many UK community centres and local colleges offer courses in various skills, from digital literacy to crafts. These can be a cost-effective way to gain hands-on experience.

If you’re looking at a career pivot or moving up in your current field, additional qualifications might be essential. 3 ways to gain qualifications include:

  1. Vocational Qualifications: NVQs, BTECs, and City & Guilds offer practical learning in a range of sectors, allowing you to demonstrate competence in specific job roles.
  2. Further Education: Consider part-time or full-time courses at UK universities or colleges. Many institutions also offer distance learning, allowing you to gain qualifications at your own pace.
  3. Short Courses and Workshops: For those not looking for a long-term commitment, many institutions offer short courses or workshops that provide certificates upon completion, validating your expertise in specific areas.

The Job Search Process

Where To Find Positions

Whether you wish to search for a temporary job or full time job, explore all the job search options. If you aren’t successful applying for jobs online, then maybe you will be a natural at talking to potential new employers face-to-face at job fairs. Here are 3 ways to find more jobs:

1. Searching for Jobs on Job Boards:

Online job boards are a primary resource for many job seekers. They offer a broad range of vacancies across different sectors and locations.

  • Popular Job Boards: Websites such as IndeedReedTotaljobs, and Monster are some of the most popular online job boards in the UK. Regularly check and set up job alerts to get timely notifications.
  • Specialised Job Boards: For those in specific industries (like IT, arts, academia), niche job boards can be invaluable. Examples include CWJobs for IT professionals and Marketing Week for those in the marketing sector.

2. Job Fairs:

These are excellent places to meet potential employers face-to-face, hand out up to date CVs, and even secure on-the-spot interviews.

  • Preparation: Research companies attending the fair, carry multiple copies of your resume, and practise a short introduction or ‘elevator pitch’ about yourself.
  • Networking: Even if you don’t secure a job immediately, job fairs offer valuable networking opportunities. Collect business cards, and follow up with a thank-you note or LinkedIn connection request after the event.

3. Recruitment Agencies:

Recruitment agencies can act as intermediaries between employers and job seekers, helping to match you with the right role.

  • Specialised Agencies: Some agencies focus on specific sectors, such as finance, healthcare, or tech. Engaging with these can increase your chances of finding a role tailored to your skills.
  • Building a Relationship: Once registered, maintain regular contact with your recruitment consultant. Offer updates on any new skills or experiences, ensuring they have the most current information to aid your job search.

By combining upskilling with a strategic approach to job searching, you can maximise your chances of finding the right role that aligns with your skills, qualifications, and aspirations.

Is Your Dream Job Outside The Traditional Employment Box?

Consider Other Jobs

The modern job landscape is no longer confined to 9-to-5 office roles. As the world evolves, so do the types of jobs available, many of which might not have existed a decade ago:

  • Digital Nomad Opportunities: With just a laptop and a stable internet connection, careers in fields like content writing, digital marketing, and remote IT support can be pursued from anywhere in the world.
  • The Gig Economy: Platforms like Deliveroo, Uber, and Fiverr have paved the way for flexible working hours, allowing you to work on tasks that suit your schedule, free time, and skill set.
  • Creative Ventures: If you have a flair for art, writing, music, or design, platforms like Etsy, Patreon, or Medium can offer avenues to monetise your passion.

While the allure of non-traditional jobs is strong, it’s essential to evaluate the benefits and challenges:

  • Benefits: Flexibility, potential for work-life balance, the excitement of trying something new, and often, the chance to turn a passion into a profession.
  • Challenges: If you work freelance or set up your own business, you may experience potential income instability, lack of traditional job benefits like pensions or health insurance, and the need for strong self-discipline and time management.

Consider A Career Path Change

Find A Job Outside Your Current Career

Sometimes, satisfaction doesn’t stem from a promotion or a pay raise, but from diving into a completely new career.

  • Conduct A Self-Assessment: Identify your passions, strengths, and interests. Tools like the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator or the Holland Code Career Test can provide insights into professions that might align with your personality.
  • Do Your Research: Once you have a new field in mind, dive deep. Understand the industry’s requirements, prospects, and potential challenges. Informational interviews with professionals in the sector can offer invaluable insights.

Switching careers can be daunting, but with the right approach, it’s achievable:

  • Upskilling: Equip yourself with the necessary skills for your new career. This might involve formal education, online courses, or hands-on workshops.
  • Networking: Connect with professionals in the industry. LinkedIn groups, industry seminars, and attending conferences can be excellent starting points.
  • Starting Small: Before making a full leap, consider volunteer work, part-time roles, a temp job, internships, or freelance opportunities in the new field. This not only provides experience but also helps confirm if the change is right for you.

In a world where the notion of a ‘job for life’ is becoming rare, it’s never too late to consider a career change or explore opportunities outside the traditional employment box. It’s all about finding what truly aligns with your aspirations and skills.

Career Research: What Does An XYZ Do?

What Does An X Do

If you think your perfect job may be in another industry, a good place to start is by researching what a person in that business sector or role does. You can view a job description template, with key job responsibilities, duties, tasks, skills, and job qualifications, for hundreds of different positions below:

Utilising Support Systems

Where You Can Find A Significant Amount Of Support

In challenging times, remember you’re not alone. The UK boasts an array of support networks designed to help job seekers:

  • Jobcentre Plus: Not just for benefits, your local Jobcentre can also offer resources, training opportunities, and advice on job hunting.
  • Local Work Clubs: These organisations provide communal spaces for job seekers. They offer peer support, advice, and resources like computers for job applications.
  • Professional Associations: For those in specific fields, joining an association can grant access to exclusive job boards, networking events, and industry-specific advice.

Job seeking can be stressful. Ensure you’re also looking after your mental health and emotional well-being:

  • Counselling and Support Groups: Organisations such as Mind provide resources, advice, and support for those facing emotional distress.
  • Routine and Balance: While job hunting, maintain a routine. Include activities you enjoy and ensure you take breaks, ensuring a balance between professional life/search efforts and self-care.

Financial Survival Tips

Surviving On No Wage Or Minimum Wage

When finances are tight, a structured approach can make all the difference. Here are 4 tips for financial survival while looking for a job:

  1. Prioritise Essential Expenditures: Prioritise necessities such as rent, utilities, and groceries. Identify areas where you can cut back, such as dining out or entertainment.
  2. Use Useful Tools: Apps like Yolt or Money Dashboard can help track expenses, ensuring you stay within your budget.
  3. Apply For Benefits: You might be eligible for benefits such as Jobseeker’s Allowance or Universal Credit. Explore your options and ensure you’re claiming any support you’re entitled to.
  4. Contact Local Charities: Many UK charities offer support in terms of food banks, financial grants, or even advice on managing debts.

Preparing For The Future

An Example Of How To Prepare For The Future As A New Employee

Even when you secure a job, the learning shouldn’t stop. Continual upskilling ensures you remain competitive in an ever-evolving job market. Many employers offer professional development opportunities. Engage in workshops, online courses, or even consider further formal education to become super qualified.

Once you’re back on your feet, forward-thinking is crucial. Aim to build a savings buffer equivalent to 3-6 months of living expenses. This can be invaluable during any future unexpected challenges. Also, consider meeting with a financial advisor to discuss long-term financial planning, including pensions, ISAs, or other investment opportunities.

By tapping into available support systems, managing your finances wisely, and preparing for the future, you can navigate the challenges of job-seeking with resilience and optimism. Remember, every hard time faced today is a stepping stone for a brighter tomorrow.

Job Searching FAQs

If you are a job seeker on a job hunt or can’t find a new job, we answer your frequently asked questions:


Firstly, stay positive and proactive. It’s essential to maintain a routine, continue networking, and consider seeking advice from career counsellors or attending job fairs. You can also consider upskilling, attending workshops, or taking online courses related to your field. Volunteering is another option, as it can enhance your CV and expand your network. 


There can be multiple reasons. It could be a mismatch between your skills and the current market demand, the overall economic situation, or perhaps your CV and cover letter need refining. Also, make sure you’re not limiting yourself to certain roles or industries. Sometimes, it might also be a matter of improving interview techniques or networking more effectively. 


Prioritise your spending to essentials. Contact local councils or social services to explore available benefits or support. Consider temporary work or part-time roles to get by, even if they are outside of your field. Reach out to friends or family for support, both emotionally and possibly financially. You may also want to seek advice from financial counsellors to help navigate the situation. 


Consider freelancing or offering your skills online on platforms like Upwork, Freelancer, or Fiverr. Think about starting a small business, tutoring, or offering consultancy services in your area of expertise. Task-based platforms, like TaskRabbit in some countries, allow you to offer services ranging from manual labour to administrative tasks. You can also look into gig economy jobs such as delivery services, or sell unwanted items online. Always ensure any method you choose is legitimate and safe. 

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