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What Tasks To Include In A Job Description

What Tasks To Include In Job Descriptions

Navigating the intricate art of writing job descriptions? Look no further. Crafting the perfect blend of job titles, defining the job purpose, and detailing specific tasks can feel like threading a needle in a haystack. However, with our comprehensive guide and sample job descriptions, you’ll swiftly transition from uncertain to expert. For the job seeker, a well-drafted description can be the beacon that guides them to their next career opportunity. For employers, it’s the key to streamlining the hiring process and ensuring that every future employee aligns seamlessly with the company’s vision and requirements. Dive into our guide, and you’ll uncover the essentials of creating a compelling, clear, and effective job description that resonates with the very talent you seek to attract.

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Why Are Job Descriptions Important?

Why You Need A Great Job Description

In today’s competitive job market, a clear and precise job description stands as a lighthouse for both employers and job seekers. For employers, a job description summarises and it serves as a roadmap, detailing the exact competencies, skills, and attributes they’re seeking. This clarity streamlines the recruitment process, ensuring that only the most suited individuals apply, thus saving invaluable time and resources. On the other hand, for potential candidates, a well-crafted job description acts as a beacon, highlighting the exact nature of the role, the responsibilities it entails, and the growth opportunities on offer. This transparency ensures that candidates can align their own ambitions and skills with what’s being sought, reducing the chance of future role mismatches and fostering a harmonious workplace environment.

Furthermore, beyond the recruitment phase, a robust job description lays the foundation for performance evaluations, setting clear benchmarks against which employee performance can be measured. This not only provides direction for the employees, aiding their professional growth, but also assists management in making informed decisions regarding promotions, compensations, and training needs. In essence, an effective job description isn’t just a tool for hiring; it’s a pivotal instrument for sustained organisational growth and individual career development.

What Are Job Tasks?

How Job Tasks Attract Qualified Candidates

Job tasks, often nestled within the broader scope of a job description, represent the specific activities an employee is expected to perform in their designated role. Think of them as the daily, weekly, or monthly to-do list that, when combined, encapsulate the very essence of the position. These tasks provide tangible insights into what a typical day might look like for the prospective candidate, offering clarity on the operational requirements of the job. By delineating these tasks, employers create a transparent environment, enabling potential hires to assess whether their skills and interests align with the job’s demands, thus setting the stage for a more productive and harmonious workplace.

Types of Job Tasks

Types Of Tasks For A Job Posting

Job tasks can be broadly categorised into several types, each tailored to the nature of different roles and industries. Operational tasks are the daily duties that form the core of a position, such as data entry for an administrative role or code writing for a software developer. Strategic tasks, often reserved for managerial or executive roles, revolve around planning and decision-making to guide a team or company’s direction. Then there are collaborative tasks that necessitate teamwork, be it brainstorming sessions or project collaborations. Lastly, analytical tasks involve problem-solving, data analysis, or research, often prominent in roles like business analysts or researchers. Understanding these varied types helps in crafting a comprehensive job description and ensures candidates are well-prepared for the challenges ahead.

How To List Job Tasks To Create A Compelling Job Description

Listing Tasks When You Write A Job Description

Crafting an enticing job description isn’t merely about listing tasks; it’s about presenting them in a manner that paints a vivid picture of the role. Begin with prioritising tasks based on their significance to the position. Group similar activities together for clarity and use action verbs to convey a sense of purpose and dynamism. For instance, rather than saying ‘involved in client meetings,’ opt for ‘lead client meetings and provide actionable insights.’ Moreover, balance specificity with brevity; potential candidates should quickly grasp the essence of the role without feeling overwhelmed by minutiae. It’s equally crucial to highlight the impact of these tasks – how do they contribute to larger team goals or the company’s overarching company mission itself? By intertwining the ‘what’ with the ‘why’, you transform a mere list into a compelling narrative that resonates with prospective candidates.

Of course, clarity remains paramount. The aim is to eliminate ambiguity. By providing clear, concise descriptions, you empower candidates to assess their fitment accurately, reducing the chance of misaligned expectations and ensuring both employer and employee embark on a journey of shared visions and mutual growth.

Job Tasks Examples And Analysis

Tasks And Job Description Examples

To ensure we create effective job descriptions that attract qualified candidates, let’s take a look at an example of tasks for digital marketing job titles, analyse them, and suggest areas of improvement.

Job Tasks Example:

  • Liaise with clients to understand their digital marketing needs.
  • Manage social media channels, including content creation and scheduling.
  • Monitor and report on website traffic and online engagement metrics.
  • Coordinate with the design team for promotional materials.

Analysis And Areas Of Improvement:

While the given example does provide a basic understanding of the role, it can be enhanced for better clarity and impact:

  1. Specificity: Instead of ‘liaise with clients,’ it could be ‘Conduct monthly face-to-face meetings with clients to assess and refine digital marketing strategies.’
  2. Actionable Verbs: ‘Manage social media channels’ can be improved to ‘Oversee and curate content for social media channels, ensuring brand consistency and engagement.’
  3. Quantify Where Possible: For tasks like monitoring website traffic, it can be more impactful to mention ‘Analyse monthly website traffic, targeting a 10% growth quarter-on-quarter.’
  4. Collaborative Aspect: Highlighting teamwork can be appealing. ‘Collaborate with the design and content teams to create compelling promotional materials’ adds depth to the role.

By making these tweaks, you not only offer clarity writing effective job descriptions but also underscore the importance and impact of each task, making the role more appealing to potential candidates.

Where Can I Find Job Description Tasks Examples?

Job Description Examples

You can find job description templates and tasks examples for any job title in our library of job descriptions. Examples include our Board Member Job Description and Draughtsman Job Description. You can instantly convert these for job board advertising or use the tasks as inspiration for completing a blank or sample job description template or job advert template. You can read further on using samples in our blog post – Job Description Drafts – What You Need To Know.

Find your job description tasks examples in the following categories:

Components Of A Good Job Description

Components Of A Well Written Job Description

A well-structured, compelling job listing and description serves as a cornerstone for attracting the right talent and setting clear expectations. To ensure your job listing stands out and resonates with the right candidates, consider integrating these key components:

Exact Job Location:

Start with pinpointing the specific location of the position. Will the employee be based in the London office or the Manchester branch? If remote working is an option, mention it. This offers candidates clarity on commute or relocation considerations.

Company Description:

Provide brief company description and a succinct overview of the company. Highlight its inception, mission, key products or services, and any significant achievements. This lays the groundwork for potential candidates to understand the firm’s primary objectives and scale.

Company Culture:

Delve into the softer aspects like company values, team dynamics, and working ethos. Do you have a flat hierarchical structure, or is it more traditional? Maybe there’s a strong emphasis on team-building activities or continued learning. Sharing these insights offers a glimpse into the day-to-day life at the firm.

Job Specification:

Detail the role or job summary’s broader purpose and its significance within the company. This helps candidates gauge the impact and importance of the position. Improve your job summary and job spec when writing a job description by reading our blogs – What To Include In A Job Specification and What To Include In A Job Summary When Writing A Job Description.

Job Responsibilities:

Highlight the key responsibilities associated with the role. This could include overseeing teams, managing projects, or steering specific initiatives.

Job Duties & Tasks:

Get into the nitty-gritty by outlining daily, weekly, or monthly tasks. This offers a tangible snapshot of what the job entails on a routine basis.

Essential Qualifications:

List the mandatory educational and professional qualifications required for the role. This might include degrees, certifications, or specific training.

Must-Have Skills:

Detail the critical skills that are indispensable for the role. These could range from technical proficiencies, such as proficiency in certain software, to hard and soft skills like effective communication or leadership.

Nice-To-Have Skills:

Mention skills that, while not essential, could enhance a candidate’s application. This could include familiarity with certain tools or secondary languages spoken by a successful candidate.

Internal Jargon:

Avoid excessive use of internal terminologies or acronyms that might be unfamiliar to outsiders. If you must include them, ensure they’re clearly explained. Keeping the language clear and universal ensures the job description is accessible to all potential candidates.

Salary & Benefits:

Clearly state the salary range, any performance bonuses, and additional benefits like health insurance, pension schemes, or company perks. Being transparent about compensation can attract candidates who feel the package aligns with their expectations and their previous job experience.

By meticulously crafting each component, you not only provide clarity to potential candidates but also enhance the quality of applications, ensuring a smoother recruitment process.

Job Description Tasks FAQs

Still have a question about adding tasks and job duties to job descriptions? Here we answer Hiring Manager, HR Professional, and employer frequently asked questions:


A job description serves to clearly outline the primary responsibilities, duties, and expectations associated with a specific role within a company. Its tasks encompass detailing the core functions of the position, clarifying the scope of the job, setting clear performance expectations, and providing a benchmark for evaluating the employee’s performance. It also aids in the recruitment process, ensuring candidates have a comprehensive understanding of what’s expected in the role.


The number of tasks a job description should have varies depending on the complexity and nature of the role. Typically, a job description will list between 5 to 15 key responsibilities. However, it’s essential to strike a balance: be comprehensive without overwhelming potential candidates. Each task should be concise, relevant, and provide clarity about the role’s day-to-day functions and longer-term objectives.


In the UK, a standard job description template should encompass several core elements to ensure it’s comprehensive and compliant with local regulations. These include:

-Job Title: Clearly state the position.
-Purpose of the Role: A brief overview of the position, whom the position reports, why the job exists, and its significance within the organisation.
-Key Responsibilities: A list of primary tasks, major responsibilities, and duties.
-Reporting Lines: Information on who the employee will report to and possibly who reports to them.
-Location of Work: Specify where the job is based.
-Terms of Employment: Full-time, part-time, contract, etc.
-Salary Range: Either a specific figure, a range, or a statement like ‘competitive salary based on experience’.
-Qualifications and Skills: Necessary educational qualifications, skills, and experience.
-Working Conditions: Any specific conditions related to the job, such as travel requirements or shift patterns.
-Opportunities for Progression: Potential career paths or training opportunities.

Remember, while creating a job description in the UK, it’s also essential to ensure that the content adheres to equal opportunity and anti-discrimination laws.

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