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How Do I Know What Job Is Right For Me?

How Do I Know What Job Is Right For Me?

Welcome to our comprehensive guide designed to aid you in your career journey. Whether you’re at a crossroads, unsure of which are the best industries to work in, or simply contemplating a change, it’s not uncommon to seek external resources that can suggest careers tailored to your strengths and passions. In a world with a plethora of roles, responsibilities, industries, and companies, making a decisive choice can often feel overwhelming. Where should you focus your efforts? How should you conduct your research? This blog delves deep into these questions, providing actionable insights and strategies to help you decide on a career that aligns with your aspirations and skills. Dive in and take the first step towards charting your professional journey.

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Highlights And Key Takeaways:

  1. Use a career test, online assessments, and self-reflection to evaluate your strengths and weaknesses.
  2. Research different jobs and industries, considering your practical and personal needs.
  3. You can get a feel for what a chosen career path entails through volunteering, internships, temporary roles, freelancing, and work placements.

Evaluating Your Strengths And Weaknesses

Navigating the job market requires a clear understanding of one’s strengths and weaknesses. By doing so, you position yourself for roles where you can shine and contribute meaningfully. You can evaluate your strengths and weaknessesand make a career assessment through:

  • Career Tests: These are invaluable tools that measure aptitudes, preferences, and personality traits. Popular options include the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator and the Holland Code Career Test. These tests often reveal attributes you might not have recognised on your own.
  • Online Career Assessments: The digital age offers a plethora of online platforms where you can undertake career assessments. These platforms often provide detailed reports, suggesting careers that might align with your natural inclinations.
  • Self-reflection: Beyond a structured career assessment, it’s vital to spend time reflecting on past roles, projects, and experiences. What tasks did you excel at? Which ones felt cumbersome or outside your comfort zone?

By understanding where you naturally excel and where you might struggle, you can steer your career journey in a direction that aligns with your unique capabilities and educational background.

Passions vs. Practicalities

When choosing a career, there’s often a tussle between following personal interests and opting for something more practical or lucrative. When determining if a job is the right career, consider the following:

  • Personal Interests: These are the activities, subjects, or fields that ignite your enthusiasm. They’re often things you are interested in and you’d do even if you weren’t getting paid. For some, turning these passions into a career is a dream come true. For example, a love for photography might lead to a career as a professional photographer.
  • Career Assessment Insights: Sometimes, career tests and assessments don’t just measure skills; they also gauge your interests. They might suggest career options that intertwine with your hobbies or passions, presenting options you hadn’t previously considered.
  • Balancing Act: It’s essential to find a balance between your passions and the realities of the job market. While it’s wonderful to pursue a career born out of pure passion, it’s equally important to consider factors like job availability, work environment, salary potential, and job security.
  • Practical Choices: Certain career paths might not align directly with personal interests but offer stability, growth opportunities, and more money. In such cases, it’s worth considering if there are aspects of these jobs that you can grow to be passionate about, or if there are ways to integrate your interests into these roles.

In conclusion, while it’s tempting to follow one’s heart blindly, a successful career often requires harmonising one’s passions with the practicalities of the job world. If you are seeking to return to work following maternity leave, then practicalities may play an even more important role. We encourage you to read our guide – What Jobs Can I Do After Returning From Maternity Leave?

Researching The Job Market And Deciphering Job Descriptions

Researching The Right Career

Understanding the current job market is pivotal for any career seeker or changer. It provides a glimpse into the industries thriving, the roles in demand, and the skills employers are actively seeking. Most people will be one step closer to choosing the right job when they review the following:

  • Snapshot of the UK’s Leading Industries: Start with an overview of sectors that have traditionally been robust in the UK, such as finance, healthcare, and technology. Research how these sectors have evolved over the years and the kinds of roles they are offering currently.
  • Emerging Fields and Sectors: Stay informed about burgeoning industries. In recent years, fields like renewable energy, artificial intelligence, and digital health have seen a surge. Identify such growth sectors and understand the types of jobs they’re generating.
  • Online Platforms for Insights: Websites like LinkedInGlassdoorCheck-A-Salary, and Indeed are treasure troves of information. Not only do they list job openings, but they also offer insights into company cultures, salary expectations, and reviews from current or past employees.
  • Economic and Employment Reports: Government websites, industry associations, and research firms often publish reports detailing employment trends, growth sectors, and future predictions. These can be invaluable in gaining a comprehensive understanding of the job landscape.
  • Local and Regional Variances: The job market isn’t uniform across the UK. For instance, while London might be a hub for finance and tech jobs, other regions may offer opportunities in manufacturing, agriculture, or tourism. Research regional job trends to understand where the best opportunities for your field of interest might be.
  • Skill Gaps in the Market: Employers often lament about ‘skill gaps’ – areas where they struggle to find qualified candidates. By identifying these gaps, you can tailor your education or training to fill these niches, making yourself a more attractive candidate.
  • Engage in Informational Interviews: If there are specific roles or industries you’re curious about, consider reaching out to professionals in those fields for informational interviews. These informal chats can provide firsthand insights that you won’t find in reports or online platforms.

The success of conducting effective research into a particular job to see if it is a good fit, can lie within the job description. Deciphering actual job descriptions or job description templates and job advert templates, will give your more knowledge about different career paths and job titles, helping you judge a match for your technical skills, career goals, training, and personality. Start you research below with job descriptions and job specs for hundreds of job titles in different industries:

In essence, actively researching the job market not only helps you identify where the opportunities lie but also assists in tailoring your personal development to meet the demands of employers. Armed with this knowledge, you’re better positioned to navigate your career journey effectively. For further guidance on research techniques, read – Career Research: How To Research Career Paths.

Learning From Work Experiences

Real-world experience often offers insights that no amount of classroom learning or online research can provide. By immersing yourself in actual work settings, you get a tangible feel for what a career entails. You could explore a first job or career change through:

  • Internships: Internships allow you to experience a job or industry firsthand. They can either affirm your interest in a particular field or steer you away from it, based on real-world exposure.
  • Work Placements: Similar to internships, work placements, especially those that are part of academic courses, offer a glimpse into the day-to-day realities of a job role. They often come with the added bonus of mentorship and structured learning.
  • Volunteering: Volunteering can be a way to both give back and learn about potential career paths. Many non-profit roles offer experiences that mirror those in the corporate world, and the skills and insights gained can be transferable.
  • Temporary Roles and Freelancing: Taking on short-term roles or freelancing in your field of interest can provide a flexible approach to career exploration. You gain practical experience without the long-term commitment.
  • Reflecting on Past Roles: Think about past job experiences, even those that weren’t in your desired field. What did you enjoy? What did you dislike? These insights can be instrumental in guiding your future career decisions and finding somewhere you enjoy working.

If you are making your first job search after leaving school, college, or university, you can take advantage of further guidance and tips. We recommend reading – How Do I Get My First Job? – A UK Guide.

Seeking Professional Guidance

If you are still asking, “what job should I do?”, it might be time to tap into the expertise of those who’ve dedicated their careers to helping others find theirs. You can gain professional guidance on what might be your perfect career path through:

  • A Career Development Expert: These professionals usually have a background in Human Resources or psychology and are trained to guide individuals through the process of career exploration. They can offer tools, exercises, and counselling to help pinpoint your career aspirations.
  • A Career Coach: A career coach often works more closely with individuals, providing one-on-one sessions that delve deep into career ideas, personal strengths, weaknesses, goals, and career trajectories. They’re excellent for both career changers and those just starting their journey.
  • Mentorship: Finding a mentor, especially one in a field you’re interested in, can provide invaluable guidance. A mentor can share their personal experiences, offer advice, and even introduce you to their professional network.
  • Workshops and Seminars: Many organisations and institutions offer low-cost career workshops. These can range from CV writing to in-depth industry insights. Attending these can equip you with the knowledge and skills to make informed decisions.
  • Online Platforms and Forums: Websites like LinkedIn have numerous groups and forums dedicated to career advice. Engaging in these communities can offer guidance from peers and professionals alike.

Reaching out for professional guidance can make the often-overwhelming process of career selection more structured and informed. Remember, it’s okay to seek help when charting the course of your professional journey.

Building A Professional Network

Building A Professional Network

In the modern job market, who you know can be just as important as what you know. Building a professional network isn’t simply about collecting contacts; it’s about forging meaningful, mutually beneficial relationships with those in your industry and related fields.

You can starting local by attending local events, workshops, seminars, and conferences. The UK hosts numerous industry-specific events throughout the year, providing ample opportunities for in-person networking. Joining local professional associations or clubs can also facilitate regular interactions with industry peers.

In the digital age, networking isn’t confined to face-to-face interactions. Platforms like LinkedIn allow you to connect with professionals from around the world. By engaging in relevant groups, sharing insightful content, and actively participating in discussions, you can foster relationships and even get noticed by potential employers or mentors.

However, effective networking isn’t a one-way street. Offering help, sharing opportunities, or simply providing feedback can go a long way in strengthening your professional connections. Remember, a strong network is built on trust and mutual respect. By actively helping others, you not only enhance your reputation but also cement lasting relationships that could prove beneficial in the long run.

Considering Further Education Or Retraining

In an ever-evolving job market, the need for upskilling or even completely retraining is becoming increasingly prevalent. As industries evolve and technology advances, the skills and qualifications required can shift dramatically. Before diving into further education, it’s crucial to identify if and where you’re lacking in skills or qualifications. You can then determine the most suitable form of training:

  • Further Education: The UK boasts a rich landscape of tertiary education institutions offering undergraduate, postgraduate, and vocational courses. Depending on your career aspirations, it might be beneficial to pursue a degree or certification in a relevant field.
  • Vocational Training: Not all roles require academic degrees. Many industries value practical skills, which can be acquired through vocational training programmes, apprenticeships, or specialised workshops.
  • Online Courses: The digital age has democratised education. Platforms like Coursera, Udemy, and Khan Academy provide courses on a plethora of subjects, allowing you to upskill at your own pace and often at a fraction of traditional education costs.

Embracing education or retraining can not only open doors to new career opportunities but also enhance your expertise and value in your current field. To find out more about the top skills for role or industry, read our guide – What Skills Are Needed For Different Jobs?

Future-Proofing Your Career

In a world characterised by rapid technological advancements and shifting industry trends, staying relevant is paramount. Future-proofing your career means ensuring that your skills and knowledge remain in demand, irrespective of external changes. The average person should:

  • Stay Updated: Regularly consume industry news, research, and developments. Staying informed about changes and advancements in your field will enable you to adapt and evolve.
  • Continuous Learning: The learning shouldn’t stop once you’ve landed a job or achieved a certain role. Engage in lifelong learning, whether through formal education, online courses, workshops, or simply reading widely.
  • Adaptability: Being open to change and willing to adapt is key. This might mean learning a new software tool, adapting to a different role, or even changing industries altogether.
  • Soft Skills: While technical skills are vital, soft skills like critical thinking, communication, and emotional intelligence are often timeless. Cultivate these, as they’re transferable across industries and roles.
  • Networking: Keep your professional network active and vibrant. Engage with peers, mentors, and industry leaders. As mentioned in our blog, ‘I Can’t Find A Job (What Can I Do?)’, sometimes opportunities arise from the most unexpected conversations or connections.

By taking a proactive approach and viewing your career as a dynamic journey rather than a static destination, you’ll be better positioned to navigate the inevitable changes and challenges the future holds.

Career Path FAQs

If you are still feeling confused about your career, then let’s delve into any remaining questions you may have on potential careers:


Identifying the perfect job involves introspection and external exploration. Begin by evaluating your interests, strengths, and values. Think about activities that energise and motivate you. Take aptitude tests and seek career counselling. Network with professionals in fields you’re curious about. Remember, your ideal job should align with your personal values and long-term goals, and it’s perfectly fine to iterate as you learn more about yourself. 


First, don’t panic. Many are in the same boat. Start with self-assessment: identify your passions, strengths, and preferred working environment. Consider undertaking work experience or internships in different sectors to gauge your fit. Attend career fairs, speak to mentors, and utilise career services at educational institutions. It’s a journey of discovery, and sometimes, trying out various roles is the best way to find where you truly belong. 


The best time to take a career test is when you’re at a crossroads in your professional journey or feel uncertain about your career direction. This could be during your final years at school when considering further education or potential career paths. It’s also beneficial if you’re contemplating a career change or feel unfulfilled in your current role. Periodic reassessment, even if you’re settled in a job, can provide fresh insights, as our interests and skills evolve over time. In essence, any time you seek clarity regarding your career options, a career test can be a valuable tool. 

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